Obsessing over a person.

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Obsessing over a person.

Post by Wombat »

This is just something I was thinking about lately and I was wondering how you all felt about it.

In almost every group, there are people who others feel they should look up to and who represent that group well. Sometimes it gets to the point where people begin to see that person as a necessary part of that group and that being part of that group means devoting a lot of time to obsessing over that person.

It bothers me. It's true that there are people who do a good job being a public, visible part of a community, but there is a time when it becomes way too much, and that is when I disagree with it.

Some times it is worse than others, and since I'm new to wicca and I'm still doing a lot of learning, I can't name anything specific I've seen, although I've seen a few things in passing that alerted me to it being a part of wicca just as it's a part of anything else. But I do think that within any group it has more of a potential to be harmful than good, considering everyone is human and one person cannot ever represent an entire group of people without harming someone.

Personally, I can never imagine focusing so much energy and time into worshipping a single human being no matter how well known or how powerful they are. I can't see anyone gaining anything positive out of a relationship like that.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

There's a term for this: It's called Cult of Personality. It's a common problem and not unique to Wicca or the pagan community. Every group has it's role models and whatnot... it's a part of human nature, I think.

Don't get the idea that I don't agree with you... people tend to iconify a person and forget that they are a human being... and that can get very scary and unfortunate. In our unbridled enthusiasm we can loose sight of our own conscience and judgment.

However, since these role models are currency for the larger culture, it's also a vehicle for getting the news out that witchcraft isn't some strange evil thing that lurks in dark corners of depravity, but a life affirming path that can lead to a better life. By having our people go out there and be who they are, people who've never heard of witchcraft, Wicca or various Reconstructionist paths have a face to put to that path, rather than badly chosen scenes from The Craft. It's really a double-edged sword.
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Post by ThePaganMafia »

Ya, I have the problem with people worshipping me all the time...
Ok, not really. :twisted:
But I understand what you are saying. Everyone needs someone to look up to. Even leaders need someone to look up to.
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