Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

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Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
This is the place where all RECIPES are brewed in our Monthly activity log. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=30006
[EDIT 9-28-21] and now in our new and revised edition!! Bubbling Cauldron Revisited! viewtopic.php?f=4&t=39396

We hope everyone finds the spells helpful in some way!


By accessing and/or using EUTM's Bubbling Cauldron Spell Repository, you approve and accept the following terms and conditions:

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Source: Tumblr


March 2015 -- Motivation through Elements
April 2015 -- Cauldron of Fruitfulness
June 2015 -- Protection and Empowerment Sachet
July 2015 -- Once in a Buck Moon Spell
August 2015 -- Meal for the Psyche
September 2015 -- Weigh Thyself

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Motivation

Date Started: March 1, 2015

Date Completed: March 18, 2015

Contributors: Babybear, cataluna49, firebirdflys, Aesennyll Sakura Blossom and Seraphin

If you have any questions please do ask!


Lacking that happy knack of doing what you really want to do? Or maybe your career, school or personal life is stuck in a furrow that's deeper than a jet's tire mark on a muddy runway? If you say yes then try casting this spell and let the elements of the ancient world, namely Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit motivate you and provide inspiration. This spell will aid you to grow and receive the magickal support and high-power confidence essential to overcome any obstacles and achieve what you want.

You will need:

For the Spell Candles (Fire Element)
One orange candle
One indigo candle
One red candle
One yellow candle

For the Spell Jar (Earth Element)
Favourite jewelry (Wedding/Engagement band, if feasible)
Glass jar

For the Concoction (Water Element)
2 cups of purified water

For the Fragrance (Air Element)
Essential Oils (Cedar, Pine, Peppermint)/Perfume of your choice

Other Materials/Tools
Small drawstring bag
Mixing bowl
Boline/ Dagger/ Knife
Cauldron/ Pot/ Kettle
Burner *

Best performed: On a Sunday at sunrise. Preferably when moon is waxing.

Before anything else, clear you area, set up your altar and cast a circle. Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

Invoke the four elements in a quicker way than usual by sitting before your altar and reciting:

Fire, Earth, Water and Air
Spirit of the elements be with me

Fire Element - Sense of Sight - Astral Plane
As you light each candles, visualize 'confidence, inspiration, motivation and self-esteem' flooding towards you -- see each colour lending you its strength, covering you in a force field of pure and positive energy. Recall your most powerful motivational and inspirational experience and allow that memory to fill your heart and mind. Visualize a fountain of motivation coming from your solar plexus chakra.

Keep the candles lit until you finished the spell, now seeing in its flame how you will accomplish everything you want to accomplish. Envision a motivational event and clearly visualize that it is already happening in the astral world and will gradually permeate here in the physical world.

When all the candles have burnt down, collect the residual wax and put them inside the small drawstring bag. Leave it in a place where you will able to see it often.

Earth Element - Sense of Touch - Physical Plane
Put the herbs and the aventurine into a bowl. Stir them thoroughly with your hands while focusing on 'being inspired and motivated' and all the positive energy and thoughts you can muster. Imagine the power running into the herbs and the stone, activating them for the purpose of boosting your determination to win.

After mixing the herbs, put the quartz in the jar and then add the mixture. While you are placing them, imagine that the energy from the herbs and stones are now various colours of the rainbow and they combine into a rainbow of pure energy.

Visualize the rainbow filling up all the spaces on the jar and that its gaining power; power to inspire and give you courage, to help you gain what you have been lacking motivation wise. Put the jewelry inside the jar and let it stay there overnight. Imagine the jar filling to the top with the rainbow, all the colours mixing together and the jewelry glowing from the energy.

As you wear it, visualize the strands of glowing light issued from the jewelry wound their way around your hand and arms like a shining wire, interlinking with each other, slowly traveling up your shoulders and moving to the rest of your body, making a fine, glowing thread, binding thickly around you. Feel yourself wrapped and surrounded by the magick of motivation. Feel its warmth permeates your body to the very soul. Wear the jewelry always to keep you motivated.

Water Element - Sense of Taste - Emotional Plane
Chop the herbs finely and place them in your cauldron/pot/kettle along with the purified water. Over a medium-low setting, heat gradually until the water is hot but not boiling, then cover the cauldron/pot, reduce the heat and strain the liquid from the herbs.

Pour some in your cup. Before drinking, move your hand in a clockwise direction three times over the cup of the tea. Swirl the tea in the cup and then drink. Sip the tea mindfully, feel the power of the herbs run inside you, tasting them while envisioning the positive emotions flowing within you.

Slowly as the liquid touched your throat, feel the exhilarating sense of infinite motivation stole through you; feel as though you can do anything positively easily.

Air Element - Sense of Smell - Mental Plane
Spray the perfume or dab the oil above your head, in your wrists and sides of your neck. Do not rub the fragrance when you spray. The fragrance should be left to dry on its own when you spray or dab it, so you must not disrupt how it's supposed to smell.

Take several deep breaths through your nose and hold your breath for a count of seven before breathing out through your mouth. When you breathe in, imagine your lungs filling up with cool fresh unpolluted air coming from the fragrance you sprayed. As you breathe out, see your frustrations, disappointments, anger, pain, negative thoughts and any other barriers in your breath leave you.

Keep a little bottle of the fragrance in your handbag to make it easier to spray when you need some motivation.

Spirit Element - Sense of Hearing - Spiritual Plane

After you have done working through the elements, recite the following verse loudly:

With sunlight the spell is grown
By night its presence known
On this waxing moon,
Fill me with this boon.
Even when the moon's wane,
May motivation be gained.

Thank the spirits, the divine/spiritual forces, the herbs, stones and all that are involved in the spell-casting. Express your love and gratitude for the assistance and manifestation.

Close your circle as you normally do.

* If you don't have a burner, prepare the concoction before performing the spell.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Fruitfulness

Date Started: April 1, 2015

Date Completed: April 13, 2015

Contributors: Babybear, cataluna49, Falcon_Heart27, firebirdflys, ness, Seraphin and YanaKhan

If you have any questions please do ask!


This spell is more than just about 'fruitfulness'. In its inimitable way, this spell encourages you to think outside the box and push your consciousness to the limit. This is a good spell for "creativity and productivity", "growth in knowledge", "increase in wealth" and "procreation and fertility" -- all the wellsprings from which so much of our lives (both in our mundane and spiritual lives) comes from, in one SPELL! This magick is weaved by hollowing out an earth cauldron in our garden soil from which our intentions and faith will be planted and all our hard work, dedication and willingness to bear fruits will be rooted from!

You will need:

For the Charged Fuel-Source
A half and a quarter-filled bottle of clarified butter
Olive oil
Bay leaf
Cucumber seeds
Black cohosh

For the Egg Candle
2 medium-sized chicken egg shells
Charged fuel-source
Orange ink
Floating wicks

For the Earth Cauldron
Egg whites
Twig from any tree or shrub
Fruit seeds (apples, pomegranates, grapes, figs and pears)*
Egg candles

For the Servitor *
Rabbit statue
A parchment (paper)
Ink and a quill (pen)

Other Materials/Tools
Egg cutter/Butter knife
Small bowls
Egg tray
Acrylic paint brush

Best performed: On a Monday evening. Preferably when the Moon is full.

Before anything else, clear you area, set up your altar, cast a circle and invite the Creativity or Fertility Goddess (such as Hera, Lakshmi, etc)* to come and sit in your circle to assist you and listen to you. Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

In the bottle of clarified butter, add three drops of olive oil and equal parts of herbs and mix them by rubbing the bottle between the palms of your hands until you feel it is charged with your intention.

Using a sharp egg cutter or butter knife, carefully cut the top off of two medium size chicken eggs. Remove the content, separate egg whites from yolks and then take the egg shells and paint the rune symbol Fehu and Kenaz at the sides, using orange ink while visualizing the eggshells being empowered with 'growth and fruitfulness'. Then placing them in an egg tray, pour the charged clarified butter evenly into the shells.

Now, put the floating wicks and light each one of them with a match. Meditate quietly on the purpose of the spell. When you feel the time is right, using the trowel, dig a hole big and deep enough to actually plant your seeds. This serves as your 'Earth Cauldron' which represents the womb and the feminine energies. Place the egg candles that are still lit in the middle of the earth cauldron (the hole). As each one goes in, focus on its flame and think again about your thoughts, emotions and actions and how they could be changed and/or improved to make your life more fruitful and productive.

While the egg candles are burning, fill your bowl equal amount of herbs, oils, egg whites and dirt. Mix them thoroughly until they start to look like a dough. As you do so, visualize that you are charging them with fertile energy.

Once the egg candles have burned down, put the twig symbolizing the phallus and masculine energies inside the earth cauldron and say:

In this ground lives the alchemy of this union,
Let abundance and fruitfulness blossom,
Make them thrive in the womb of this cauldron,
Till the magickal child of creativity is born.

Sprinkle the fruit seeds into the egg shells symbolizing the fruit of the union, then take a gentle hold of the dirt dough, put it into the ground on the top of the eggshells, and cover them with more earth. As the earth cauldron is filled, visualize the 'growth, fruitfulness and fertility' you are drawing being planted, as the seeds germinate and start to shoot, so your desire and intention take root and blossom in your life.

After that, take the ink and quill (pen) and the parchment and create a sigil for the rabbit (which will serve as a servitor). Paste it on the bottom of the statue and bring it directly in front of your mouth (as if to 'blow' a kiss) -- between your mouth and the statue say:

By the breath of life, awaken unto being.

Now breath into the statue and visualize it embodies power and action: qualities officially projected onto a creation that lives, just as these same qualities lived in your psyche as a creator. This is a creation which is now given life by your intention.

Place the rabbit statue near the covered pit as a marker to where your seed is planted and also as a guardian spirit and bringer of fruitfulness and fertility.

Thank the Goddess, the energies, the herbs, stones and all that are involved with what you've just done. Express your love and gratitude for the assistance and co-manifestation.

Close your circle as you normally do.

* The choices are the potential fruits of the Garden of Eden.
* The spirit food for the rabbit servitor is eggs and the charged-fuel source. Make sure you feed it every full moon to keep it alive.
* If you're going to you use this as a Fertility Spell, and you have to petition a few Deities to help then think very hard about what you are willing to offer in return. Remember that sacrifices and offerings should be given if a life-changing or life-enhancing petition is made. Discipline and deep consideration must be provided too.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Protection and Empowerment

Date Started: June 9, 2015

Date Completed: June 29, 2015

Contributors: Babybear, firebirdflys, Heartsong, Lylnnesea and YanaKhan

If you have any questions please do ask!


Ideally this spell demands coals from a Litha bonfire which is believed to have great protection properties. If you don't have Litha coals, make a small wooden boat and consecrate it with some flowers, take it to your fireplace and throw it onto the embers, smouldering it. When the boat and flowers have burned away, gather the ashes. This is based on ancient Egyptian lore that ashes from burnt boats covered in flowers banish or drive away negativity. If you find yourself got caught up with spiraling unhealthy and unwanted thoughts and feelings, this sachet will protect you from their bad and harmful vibrations and will empower you instead with positivity and growth.

You will need:

For the Circle
A blue candle with a sun carved into it
5 onyx stones
Frankincense (essential oil or incense)

For the Sachet
Red, gold or orange sachet
Litha ashes (bonfire ashes/boat ashes)
Tiger eye
Orange peel
Sun symbol

Other Materials/Tools

Best performed: In the sunlight/daytime.

Before anything else, clear you area, consecrate all items you will be working with by purifying them with sage and set up your altar. Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

Cast a circle around your work station. In this instant, use the onyx stones to draw the circle instead of a wand and place them in the order you would invoke a pentagram. Depending on if you have incense or essential oil, if you have the latter, pick up each stones, anoint them with a mix of honey and Frankincense essential oil and put them back at their respective places, but if you are using the incense, light it with the sage and run the stones anointed with honey through the smoke. After the last stone is placed, light the blue candle and place it in the center.

Now, take a moment to visualize what you wish to accomplish with this spell and think of all that will come about. Thank the Sun for his help on this wonderful Litha month. Focus on the flame of your candle and the sun carved in it. Think of the blue color releasing of the negativity and calming yourself and the sun as the energy and power you need in order to move past the negativity. Think of how you want to get rid of the negativity in your life and how your life will be better. Meditate on this until you are empowered with positivity and growth.

Now that you are empowered its time for the sachet. Recite this chant three times:

Fire of sun,
Herbs of earth,
Protect us now
From negativity's growth.

Each recitations have different visualization. The first time, place the onyx, tiger eye, and ashes into the sachet while visualizing the negativity as a weed planted in the ground trying to grow. The second, place the oak, honey and chamomile into the sachet while visualizing the sun gaining in intensity making it impossible for the weed of negativity to grow. And the last time, add the orange peel and sun symbol as the very last thing, this symbolizes that the sun has reached its full potential and that negativity has died before it could even grow, protecting you.

Take a moment and meditate on the feeling of peace and empowerment that the sun is giving you. Now you may close your circle as you would normally do.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Focus and Clarity

Date Started: July 19, 2015

Date Completed: July 28, 2015

Contributors: Azure Lily, Babybear, dualhands, firebirdflys and Seraphin

If you have any questions please do ask!


Owing to the rarity of a blue moon, the phrase "once in a blue moon" is used to cite the rareness or uncommonness of an event. And because we are expecting a 'Blue Moon' to light up the night sky this coming Friday, this is your opportunity to have a rare spell cast for ultimate focus and clarity designed to complete any tasks. And also, since the moon of July is known too to Native Americans as the "Buck Moon" as male deer shed their antlers and grow new ones during this month, we call this spell, "Once in a Buck Moon Spell". The talisman for this spell demands an antler tip. But if there is no antler tip available, a cedar or pine wood will suffice.

You will need:

For the Spell Candles
One blue candle
One orange candle
One green candle
One astrologically compatible coloured candle

For the Talisman *
Antler tip (substitution/alternative: cedar or pine wood)
A wide-mouth glass vial with cork
A piece of white or blue colored parchment (blue paper)
Blue or black ink and a quill (blue or black ballpoint pen)
Blue glitters
Gold ribbon/cord
Blue cypress oil
Moon water *
Ochre paint

Other Materials/Tools
Mixing bottle
Acrylic paint brush

Best Performed: On Blue Moon at midnight. Preferably when it's Buck Moon.

Before anything else, clear you area, set up your altar and cast a circle. Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

Add three drops of blue cypress oil to the moon water and charge by rolling the mixing bottle between the palms of your hands and visualizing the liquid being empowered with clarity, focus, concentration and fulfillment.

Then position the blue candle on the altar, the orange one to its back, the green one to its right and the personal one to the left. Light the blue candle and meditate for a few minutes on some rare, exceptional, unusual and unique projects or endeavors you want to focus on before painting (using the ochre paint) the antler tip or the woods with the rune symbol for productivity or the Chinese "Empower Me" sigil or both (depends on you), and anointing it with the charged suspension of blue cypress oil and water, drawing it towards you.

After that, grab your ink, quill (pen) and blue colored parchment and cut it into one full circle shape. Think again of the rare projects and your goals. Then make a list of all these positive things you would want to focus on, to concentrate on and to fulfill. Anything, even those you think that are impossible to achieve. Think of the 'once in a blue moon', things. Make them measurable, break them down into bite size pieces, aim as high as you can and write them down in the Theban script. Remember an unwritten goal is only a wish.

Now, roll the paper and tie it with the gold ribbon or cord. Take the anointed antler tip/woods, the stone, the parchment and your vial under the Blue Full moon. Hold the objects and say a prayer to the Moon. Courteously ask her to listen to your voice. Give her permission on this special night to grant you clarity of perception and understanding and make incredible and life changing amount of satisfaction to your life. Then place the objects inside the vial and sprinkle it with blue glitters and sparkles while reciting:

I call upon the moon tonight,
As I bathe in pale blue light.
Oh great blue moon, I call upon you,
Bless this talisman which I made under you.

Visualize the talisman being charged and empowered, giving you ability to focus on what matter most in your life and see, use and maintain the energy and passion required to reach a little further, to work a little longer and to push a little harder to overcome barriers and obstacles.

Now, light the personal candle. Cork the vial and drip wax from the personal candle to seal and put the talisman in front of the personal candle and as you focus on the flame, say:

Candle and flame, clear my sight.

As you recite the phrase, focus on your third eye chakra, the invisible eye that looks and concentrate more favorably on the positive side of things. It is this eye that determines what shall be occurred and what shall not. Not based on other people's thinking and external circumstances but on your clear belief and desire.

If you see dark clouds during your visualization, obscuring the positive white light of your inner self, take time to form in your mind's eye a crystal shell around you. Begin visualizing a ring of crystal rising around you, from your feet upwards, getting higher and higher. When the crystal ring reaches your crown chakra (fontanel), form any shape in which you feel comfortable to be enclosed.

And then after that, focus on the light energy of the Blue Moon flowing into you above. The light goes down your body, cleansing you like a crystal being cleansed by the moonbeam. Feel the light flows down, brightly shining and overcoming all the dark clouds and mists which represent confusion, indistinctness and ambiguity.

Now light the green candle and focusing on the flame, say:

New horizons as they stretch out for me,
May my attention be always in positivity.

See yourself in a position of authority for a minute or two before lighting the orange candle and saying:

Fill my mind with focus and new ability,
As I will them, let them be.

Thank the Moon, spirits, the divine/spiritual forces, stones and all that are involved in the spell-casting. Express your love and gratitude for the assistance and manifestation.

Close your circle as you normally do.

* Blue Moon is a rare event, that it only occurs every two and a half years or so. That being said, witches and magickal folks believe that the occurrence of a blue moon is an extremely magickal phenomenon, in which the moon's energy is at its most beneficial and powerful.
* Talismans and amulets need to feed to be alive. So as food for the talisman, make sure you have the potion (suspension of moon water and blue cypress oil) to anoint it every Full Moon.
* If you don't have available moon water then stand a bottle of water on a windowsill, or even better outside, where it can absorb the full moon's energy for a couple of hours: Say 6 P.M. to 12 Midnight. Please do NOT use tap water.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Intuition

Date Started: August 5, 2015

Date Completed: September 1, 2015

Contributors: Azure Lily, Babybear, firebirdflys, mrsdavid1975, Sakura Blossom, Seraphin, silversong and YanaKhan

If you have any questions please do ask!


This sacred ceremony is carried out at night while having your dinner in your home. It is a ritual to draw down the presence of the Goddess Psyche (Greek Goddess of insight and clairvoyance) into your home for a magickal supper. This ritual will give you a subconscious sense of satisfaction as you receive a steam of clear, brilliant and unexpected blessing of inspiration, foreknowledge and understanding from the higher worlds.

You will need:

For the Altar Table Set-Up
A plate of chicken meal
2 large indigo candles
2 dinner plates
2 goblets or cups
Saucers/ small bowls

For Table Decorations (optional)
Arnica Flowers
Pine cones

For the Gem Elixir
A pitcher of lemonade
Blue chalcedony
3 fluorite grids (optional)

For the Herbs and Spices
Crushed almonds
Crushed hazelnuts

Other Materials/Tools:
Fireproof dish

Best performed: On a Monday evening around 10 P.M. Preferably when the Moon is in Virgo and/or full or waxing.

Before anything else, clear you area, cast a circle and write the two incantations (provided below) in a parchment. Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

Find the recipe here that tells you how to make Almond, Hazlenut, and Sage Crusted Chicken and Honey Peach Lemonade and set to work.

After the cooking and preparation, cover your dinner table with a fine white tablecloth and set it with your best china and silver in honor of the Goddess. Optionally, you could decorate the table with anise, primrose, arnica flowers, eyebright, sunflower and pine cones. In this ritual, the dinner table is your altar before the Deities and the spirits. Then set the table with at least two indigo candles and the meal in the center. Place the candles in close proximity to where you will eat the meal. The candles should be sufficiently large so that the flame will burn for the duration of the meal ritual.

Before you light the candles, take several deep breaths through your nose, and hold them for a count of seven before breathing out through your mouth. As you inhale and exhale, visualize the Goddess Psyche coming to eat supper with you. See Her partaking in the ritual while you recite:

Psyche, Goddess of mind and soul. Thou, be gracious unto me and cause thy presence to dwell among us this night.

When you feel ready, light the candles at exactly 10 P.M., close your eyes and extend your hands over the flames of the candles, draw them inwards seven times in circular motion, visualizing your third eye absorbing the energy of the candles, letting their fire enhance your intuitive abilities. And then slowly, open the eyes again and gaze at the candle flames.

Now, before you sit down to eat the supper, take the crystals in your hand and clasping it tightly, say:

Gems I know I need your power.
Grant that it around me shower.

These words (or words of similar sentiment) spoken, carefully place the quartz, amethyst, and blue chalcedony in the pitcher.* Optionally, put one fluorite grid at each point of an imaginary triangle large enough for the pitcher of elixir to put within. Wait for at least four minutes before pouring each cup or goblet (one for you and one for the Goddess) some elixir from the pitcher. Leave the stones in the bottom of the pitcher. Pick up the cup and lift while burning the paper on which you had this incantation written (if you wish to recite, you may do so):

Drink of enlightenment, elixir of insight
Fill now my vessel with the might of foresight
Before me, behind me
To my right, to my left
Above me and below me
Within and without
The mysteries unfold before my eyes.

Then drop it into the fireproof dish and take one sip of elixir and as the liquid touched your throat, visualize a spot of golden yellow light above you (like the colour of the liquid you just drank). Watch it get bigger and bigger before it floats down and your third eye chakra (center of your forehead) is enveloped in its warm glow.

After that, lightly draw the knife across a chicken meat making a slight hollow to indicate the place for cutting and then burn the paper on which you had this incantation written (again, if you wish to recite, you may do so):

Lend me wings, to better see
How all these things apply to me.
Now to find a clearer view
So that inside, I'll know what's true.
Sometimes it takes the sight of a bird,
Sometimes it takes an inside turn,
Sometimes, I'll need some help from you,
Sometimes, I'll find I already knew.

Now sit at the table to finally eat the supper. Sprinkle more crushed almonds and hazelnuts, sage and thyme in your plate. Then eat mindfully. As you chew the chicken meat, visualize yourself rise high into the air so as to gain a bird's eye view of the situation, condition, person etc. which you are currently examining, discerning, etc. so as to observe what is really happening in the particular situation or observe the person's general character. Remember that whatever you see here comes from your intuition (your inner eye).

After eating, recite a personal blessing or prayer like this one:

Oh Lady, let my eyes be open and see the way towards the truth. Keep Thou far from me all manner of anxiety and prejudice and grant that insight and understanding ever abide in me. For with Thee is the source of knowing; in Thy light do we see the light.

Acknowledge the presence of the Goddess Psyche. Express gratitude to Her and to all that are involved in the ritual for the assistance and manifestation. Meditate for a few moments. Wait for a flash of inspiration or a sudden knowledge with surprising authority.

Close your circle as you normally do.

* You may prepare the elixir ahead of time and use water infused with the said crystals (amethyst, blue chalcedony, quartz) to make the lemonade.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Silversong »

//track. My only question is why we're not allowed to alter or tweak spells... I'm liable to do so purely because half the time I simply cannot get hold of ingredients on any sort of reasonable time schedule, and also because I frequently change spells slightly so that they fit me personally better. I've always been of the belief that every Witch does things differently, and the same basic spell can be done a hundred different ways by a hundred different Witches, in a hundred different situations. So I'm kind of curious why that rule's in place.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

We understand your situation. We require specific ingredients and procedures here so we can share the same results and share the same experience. Once you start changing ingredients you start shifting the spell and it's not the same spell anymore. However, if for some reason you just can't really get the same ingredients and you have no other choice but to substitute then please state the ingredients, procedure, meditation, etc. you decided to use and your reasons behind them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Seraphin »

Theme: Discernment

Date Started: September 3, 2015

Date Completed: September 18, 2015

Contributors: Becks, Jade Rose, mrsdavid1975, Seraphin and silversong

If you have any questions please do ask!


This spell draws its inspiration from the ancient Egyptian Weighing of the Heart ceremony in which the person's heart is weighed against the principle of truth and justice, known as Ma'at, represented by a feather. This whole ritual requires you to weigh your Self -- being aware of what you show or hide to other people, mastering your thoughts and emotion, and above all, as the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi exhorts us to do, "know thyself". Once achieved, it will make your discerning ability detached, impartial, sensible and feels clear, true and very powerful as once you have trained your Self to fully weigh and analyze yourself you will be ready to do the same to others.

You will need:

For the Water (Ego-Self) Purification
A goblet or chalice of water
Alum powder

For the Spice/Gem Box and Bag
One teaspoon of caraway
One teaspoon of rosemary
One teaspoon of sage
One teaspoon of thyme
One half teaspoon of clover
One half teaspoon of cinnamon bark
One half teaspoon of bay leaves
One half teaspoon of myrtle leaves
Honeysuckle oil
Iron pyrite
Peacock ore
Drawstring bag

For the Weighing of Soul/Heart Ritual

Balance scale*
Raptor's feather
The goblet or chalice of purified water
Sword/ Athame
Bowl of fruits

Other Material/Tools
Candle (personal choice)
Spoon and teaspoon

Best performed: On a Tuesday night. Preferably when the moon is in Libra and/or waxing.

Before anything else, clear you area, set up your altar, cast a circle and invite the Truth and Justice Deities (Ma'at, Thoth, Ganesha, Minerva, Odin, etc)* . Once you have done all of these then it's time to get started.

Envision all of the thoughts and emotions which are blocking your inner eyes to have a reliable perceptive insights. Focus on the darkness, murkiness and filthiness that surround them. This is your materialist orientation, egoism and your reactive consciousness that doesn't initiate new things and refuse to take a wider view and just become entrenched in conditioning and habit. Imagine all of these facades, screens and veils pulsating within you in the form of a dark gray light, barely visible, but clouding and obscuring your sight.

Imagine the gray light moving downwards from your third eye chakra towards your arms, feeling all of the facades and clouds traveling down your arms and eventually to your hands. Imagine the gray light streaming from your hands and into the dirt in your hands, saturating and infusing it completely. Feel the veil lift slightly as murkiness and filth are captured in the dirt.

Next, put a small amount of dirt into the goblet or chalice of water. The dirty water symbolizes your ego-consciousness (Yesod). Visualize your materialism and egoism swimming around in and pervading the liquid. Take a spoonful of alum powder and drop it into the water. Add a little bit of salt too to purify it and using your athame or your wand, stir the water clockwise, about 10 seconds to dissolve the alum and salt and in about three minutes stir again while saying:

Water and alum, take this obscurity of mine
Here, bound and shut in this confine
And thus dissolve and wash away
Facades and filth without delay

See the water becoming clearer and clearer. As you do, visualize all the facades and clouds in your third eye dissolving and finally unveiling your eyes. You have now moved away from ego ("yesod"). Feel the light of your third eye chakra glowing as brightly as it can glow. The gray light is removed.

As you turned the dirty water into a clear purified liquid, the water now represents your real Self ("tiferet"), the unique person who lives inside your personality.

Now, put the herbs in the box and drizzle ten drops of honeysuckle oil into it. Lift the box and inhale its pleasing smell, giving you a supernatural endowment to perceive personally the greater good and avoid pain and destruction. Thank the Mother Earth for the lovely aroma which reminds you of the sweetness, spice and diversity of life and the continual blend of the physical reality (the gems and the spices) and mental reality (the scent).

Light the candle and standing facing the altar with arms raised above your head, say:

Truth in matters hard to see,
In clouded times, find clarity,
Undisturbed by hasty thoughts,
Honest, fair decisions wrought.

Pour half the mixture into the drawstring bag along with the crystals, visualizing that you are receiving the provision of discernment, "the ability to distinguish the identities of Selfs". Cover the box containing the other half in a place where you will be able to enjoy the fragrance. Keep the bag with you at all times and sleep with it under your pillow.

Having just sharpened your discerning ability with the help of the spices and gems, look at yourself as if from outside. Ask questions to your self; anything you want to know, you want to understand and you want to discern about youself ('knowing thyself'). Wait your Self to answer you and hold the comment about yourself. It is sometimes helpful to talk yourself by name (this cannot be attained easily and thus requires conscious awareness and repetition). This is a powerful way to work on inner dicomforts and fears as well as inner pleasures and happinness.

After making reasoned observation of yourself, take the raptor's feather which symbolizes the 'truth' and your scale which represents 'justice'. Place the scale on your altar in a vertical position and put the feather on the surface of the balance scale that is closer to you. Then take the chalice of purified water while processing your reflections or self-observations in your mind. Using a dropper, drizzle a drop of water into the other scale surface and say:

[Goddess/God/etc.]*, I pray to Thee
That in this task, You might help me:
Making judgements that are right,
Bring the truth into the light.
Help me discern what is true,
That I might know what to do.

As you do this, visualize yourself weighing all data and assessing the situation. A dual process might also exist in which you listen both to your Deities' counsel and carefully hears your own intuition. Feel the vibrancy of being truly wide awake and aware of your Self.

Keeping this phrase in mind, "We can only discern others what we have discerned in ourselves", if you want to discern something from a person to make a sound judgement and wise decision, then put yourself in the person's shoes and be that person in a particular scenario, observe yourself for a minute, step out and watch yourself and determine and understand why 'you' as this person act that way or feel that way. Since you are in the shoes of the person, go ahead and read the condition of his mind and emotions, see through the outer appearance and determine his intentions, feelings, motives and character. After making observation, repeat or perform the Weighing of Self ritual.

Now in order to avoid inaccurate inspirations and misguided directives, you have to make sure you are balanced in certain aspects. Get your sword or athame which symbolizes judgement, discernment, discipline, strength and discrimination. Position it on the left side of the altar, near the scale surface which contains the drop of purified water. Look at the sword, what emotions does it bring out?

Then take the bowl of fruits which symbolizes unconditional love, mercy, kindness and compassion. Place it on the right side of the altar, take a look at it, what emotions do you feel? Which of two objects pulls you the most emotionally?

Extend your hands toward the sword and the fruits, palms facing them. Close your eyes and focus strongly on your heart chakra and repeat to yourself "balance, balance".

Together, judgement ("gevurah") and mercy ("hesed") balance and control your emotions and decisions, either consciously and unconsciously. Without mercy, your discernment can be easily tempted by pride, criticism and presumption. True discernment always operate with love and mercy. Working in tandem, they depict the discerning qualities of a human being – integrity and the capacity for true love and courage. And together with your True Self, they form your Soul.

Smile and take a good look of yourself in a mirror. What do you see? If it is clear image of you, you are balanced. If it is a fierce image you see, you may be overbalanced toward too much judgement; if its an innocent angelic image, you may be overfocused toward mercy. Repeat the process of balancing of judgement and mercy until you see a clearer image of you.

Once you have finished doing the ceremony, it is important to visualize an approaching insight about the underlying nature of a difficult situation or personal problem. You should have an enhanced ability to understand not only of the problem at hand, but also of your Self or other Self's heart and mind. There are times, discernment and wisdom will not come right away but will come from other people’s mouth that, when heard, has immediate relevance and potency. Arrive at a Truth-guided conclusion and feel the strength to take evasive action if change is required.

If you feel you are done, close the magick making in your usual way.

* For improvised balance scales take a look at this link. There's a bunch of ways to make this.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Firebird »

Theme: communications

date started: July 22 2021 viewtopic.php?p=297349#p297349

date completed: Aug 23 2021

Participants: NeverMoonAWherewolf, FirebirdFlys, Raven Claw
Chief Cheerleader: Seraphin_npocampo

(in regards to this forum EUTM)

Working is in TWO parts: This first section is what you need and the second section is the work/spell/ritual.

Redirecting negative energy:
items needed-
*candle (white votive or tea light is fine)
*Basil, fresh or dried
*Frankincense and Myrrh

Communication and constructive information flow:
items needed-
purified water
blue lace agate
rose, rosemary, chamomile (if you can't get all three choose one, with rose having the highest vibration)
your computer
Make stone elixir: because we are short on time, the stone elixir will be infused as a tea. Place stone and herbs into cup and pour water that has boiled but is now only tepid (don't want to crack the stone) after it has cooled its ready.

cast circle
(as you are accustomed) or call on helpers that you work with, and prep your space as you wish. Lite the incense.

Redirecting negative energy:
part 1.
ACTION; etch EUTM on candle, place in holder and place holder, hold in hands and charge with your intention then place on top of mirror. Begin the chant, after you have raised some energy, light the candle. Continue chanting and begin to sprinkle the basil widdershins (counterclockwise) around the candle as you chant encircle the candle 3 times and save a pinch to throw to the north. (put the candle on mirror somewhere it can burn out)
Chant: "If Negative energy should come this way, bounce off the mirror go far and away"

Now there is somewhat of a vacant space!, always fill the void with a positive replacement... we'll fill with Communication.

Communication and constructive information flow:
part 2.
ACTION; As you gaze upon your screen with EUTM dialed up on it, Take up your cup and charge with your intention between your two hands then lightly dab the elixir First upon your forehead (third eye) then at the 4 corners of your laptop or screen in a deosil (clockwise) manner repeating the chant three times.
Chant: Communication sure and true, wise words exchanged in all we do...May the forum abound with wit all around...Where community prospers for me and you!
*offer remaining elixir to your favorite outdoor plant, keep stone near computer for three days if possible.

Close circle as you are accustomed

I feel this could be done on any Wednesday, but this Wednesday (8-25-21) being the optimum.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Firebird »

Theme: Balance

date started: Aug. 29 2021 viewtopic.php?p=297556#p297556

date completed: Sep. 27 2021

Participants: FirebirdFlys, NeveMoonAWherewolf
Chief Cheerleader: coming to cheer us on once again from halfway around the world... Seraphin_npocampo


Preform this ritual when you desire a more stable ground in your life, to bring the swings of life to the centerline, and to view both sides of situations more clearly.
This is a ritual designed to utilize the the time of balance within the season of the Autumnal Equinox. It can be used at other times of the years specifically Vernal Equinox, but also any day of the week when the hours are in the tweeney times, that being dawn or dusk. Additionally one can use the 1st and 3rd quarter moon to enhance their "between the moons" energy.
This spell was originally stirred up to occur within 48 hours of the last quarter moon in Sept, which is the 28th or 29th (2021) depending where you are, ideally at dawn or dusk. BUT, this can also be preformed any time of the year at dawn or dusk on any 1st or last quarter moon. Utilizing the between times.

Items Needed:
*lemon balm (lemon peel will sub)
*Lavender buds (for purple color)
*orange peel (for orange color)
*Candle scent diffuser to simmer the above herbs in.
*several grey rocks various sizes.
*grey clothing/or scarf/or cape/or altar cloth.
*Pencil and paper crayons or colored pencils/a hard surface to draw on.
*tarot card "Justice" /or drawing of scales /or drawing of an eternity symbol on it's side.
*purple and orange flowers if you have some.

Prepare your space:
Put on the grey clothing.
Play the Depeche Mode song "Get the Balance Right" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfiISFiozg8 , while arranging the grey stones on the ground near the altar. Stack two, three and four one on top of the other. Make as many stacks as you have rocks for.
Set up your altar as you normally would adding these items;
The candle scent diffuser with lemon balm, lavender and orange peel. Lit and begin simmering.
The Justice card or other drawings of scales or eternity symbol.
place flowers on altar if you have them.

Cast circle:
as you would normally, requesting help form the energy of Libra and any other deities within your field of work.
Now work on the drawing, your Empowering Mandala of Balance, using a word that represents an area you need balance in, OR if you need overall balance in your life use your own name. Fold the paper in half and open it back up. Write the word on the folded line, then close the paper back up and rub the areas the pencil was drawn until it begins to transfer to the other side. Open the paper up and re-enforce the mirrored image with your pencil until both sides are even mirrored images of each other, use the colors to further decorate your image.
Place the image facing you on the altar.
Draw or imagine a strait line from one end of your circle towards the altar where the picture is. OR of you are in a confined space take up the Tree yoga pose: viewtopic.php?p=297701#p297701
Now recite the chant three times;
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Be responsible, respectable
Stable but gullible
Concerned and caring
Help the helpless
But always remain
Ultimately selfish
Get the balance right
Get the balance right
Then walk the line or strike the pose and focus on the paper with your Mirrored Balance word. After a few moments or when you arrive at the altar pick up the picture fold it in half down the original fold then fold one third over from the right then one third from the left (covering the right fold) Hold it to your heart for a moment then place the paper under the tarot card or other image of balance and direct you wand or blade at the image and say, "as is my will. so mote it be"
It is done.

Release your circle as you are accustomed:
Keep the folded mirrored word under the balance image until the next 1st or 3rd quarter moon depending where you started (basically 2 weeks) Then put it on your refrigerator or any other place you might see it often.

(you could also stack the stones after you have cast the circle as an exercise in balance within the sacred space)

(Sources: quote and song are the property of Depeche Mode and are only for personal use within this ritual and not authorized for sale by anyone at EUTM)
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Spell Repository

Post by Firebird »

Theme: connecting to ancestors beyond

Date started: Sept, 28 2021 viewtopic.php?p=297747#p297747

Date completed: Oct, 22 2021

Your brew stirrers:


This ancestor connection spell was stirred up Special with the energy of October-Hallows time/season to be used as a supplement to your Samhain Ritual moon-full or dark but is designed in such a way that it can be used anytime of the year that you wish to connect with an ancestors/ loved ones known or unknown that have stepped beyond this mortal veil.
Preform in the Evening.

Things you will need:
* Reading cloth- black or orange
* Stone- Clear quartz
* Tarot deck -(RavenClaw had good success with the Alchemy 1977 England tarot https://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/a ... 7-england/) but any tarot deck will do.
* 2 Candles - Black and/or Red, any combo, red-black/ black-black/ red -red.
* Magical tea- (we'll make beforehand, (to open the psychic senses))
* Herbs for Tea- Any combination of these: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, galangal, cloves, lemongrass, jasmine, rosemary, lavender,
BUT with 1/2tsp. Mugwort as a main ingredient (the bitterness of death); add 1tbs. honey (to stay connected to the sweetness of life.)
* Pomegranate and an apple- w/knife to cut it (the fruit of death/the fruit of re-birth)
* Plate for food offering- (we will be using some pomegranate kernels and apple but you can also offer some of your dinner meal)
* Drink offering- (just added to the food offering plate) use a beverage that was a particular ancestors favorite if wishing to connect with one ancestor, otherwise water/wine/ale are typical.
* Animal ancestor offering plate-, with kibble or other animal favorites
* printed copy of ancestor Evocation/Thanks (quoted below in two parts)
* Incense- Rosemary (as it is excellent for memories) with Frankincense (which helps for psychic connections) and a pinch of Mugwort (excellent for psychic work)

The spell
Set Up area with candles and cards between them, crystal and teacup nearby, brew the tea, light the incense.
When you are back in working space, Cast circle if you wish. Use any other tools you are accustomed to.
Now standing before the altar with the cards and candles...
* Take several deep breaths (9 are good)
* Take up the crystal and request the strength and clarity of the stone to be present with you through this ceremony.
* Light the red/and or black candles 2,
* Add incense to burner
* Cut pomegranate and whisper some bardic words, such as (the fruit of death reveals the blood of life) Take a few kernels and spread them on the offering plate.
* Cut the apple as demonstrated viewtopic.php?p=297808#p297808 and say something bardic, like (the apple if re-birth reveals the pentagram of life) Place it on the offering plate in such a way that pentagram is visible.
* Pour some tea and sip thoughtfully, reflecting upon those who have gone before. Spend some time with this, give the brew a chance to work in your head, enjoy the night and the candle light, add some more incense. When you have felt the shift,
* Eat three pomegranate seeds (opening the realm of the underworld/otherworld for you)
* Speak the evocation:
All of you who are so dear
We call you to the circle near,
Ancestors who watch over me now,
Your words in my ear attest to your vow,
Of wisdom and knowledge from your realm to mine
With a moment of love and contact Devine
* Shuffle your cards and do reading layout of your choice, as you read see if you can discern the ancestor you may be connecting with, This might be obvious from the cards that come up in the attitudes of someone you know who would say that. It may not be familiar, sit with the cards and the energy of the evening, meditating for a time to see if anyone/anything comes up and take note of who you contact, record your reading if you think you should, which is a wise practice if reading is done on Samhain, as these tend to be a message for the year.
**An alternative is a one card reading for connection message from the ancestors at other times of the year.
When you are done,
Say the words of thanks:
Thank you Ancestors on this night,
For entering into our magic sight.
And and parting thinning veils here,
Then releasing all dread and fear,
Of connecting to sacred realms beyond,
And strengthening now our love and bond.
* Take a bite of the apple, say something bardic like, through the fruit of re-birth I am back in this world or All that dies shall be reborn, etc..
* Partake in the sharing of drink and fruit with the land (you can take some of the fruit to eat if you like, but always leave a portion)
* Extinguish candles
* Close space as you are accustomed
* Leave offering plates out overnight or take offerings to leave on the earth somewhere.

So Mote It Be
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
― Jim Morrison
“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
― RWEmerson
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