Simple money spells & symbols

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Simple money spells & symbols

Post by SapphireRoad »

I browsed ... spells.htm

and a question comes to mind. As often green color is used for money spells.
Is green really a color related to essence of money? Of course you associate with it in USA thus you empower it through subconscious but I don't feel green to be fitting in my case.

Don't know how to do it better.
Money has fluidity of water because stagnation on big accounts hurts everybody while flow of exchange means prosperity.
It might be represented by Sun as it is energy manifest rendered visible.
It'd be earth related due to solidity of results and patience it demands.

Thus the colours would be water - ? sun - gold , earth - brown
I don't know how to make this right. Here I'd say green loves nature while economy these days demands industry in spite of nature thus green gets cut by pragmatic nature of money and would be standing on opposite side.
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by SpiritTalker »

Hmm, I always have associated green with the earth element for growing things, and prosperity with the earth element so it seemed like a match. Gold & silver relate to cold cash. A spell for multiplying and increase like the old one of turning silver coins over in the palm of your receiving-hand under a full moon, then lighting a moon-white gratitude candle.
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

There is no essence of money. There is no essence of wealth. What you are looking for are symbols, connections.

You are right, in the US green is often used in money spells. But if you want to make your own money grow (as opposed to get money from another source) you do better with an actual coin of your currency, or even a bill.

Getting money from another source, use symbolism which makes most sense to you.
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by BlackMirror »

Think of things that grow like seeds, dirt, herbs that attract money. Symbols that mean money or prosperity/ fertility can work. I use Fehu and Laguz when doing money spells for wealth and flow. Gold, silver, copper all were used as money they all work.
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by SapphireRoad »

ST I missed my chance to buy a pure silver coin now, your post made me happy though.
NeverMoonAWerewolf wrote: But if you want to make your own money grow (as opposed to get money from another source)
Hi I'm not sure if I understand the concept of growing my own money. Interest rate for savings got ridiculous last few decades.

BM thanks for runes suggestion. You seem to be good with runes, what is your style?
Finance sector by feng-shuej is of wood element of spring and sprouting comes to mind so I keep plants there for a long time already 100% agreed with you.
I thought copper was more Venusian and love related, but it's true it used to be a glorious metal. Concerning copper suggestion now that euro cents are copper, those of tiniest value, would it still be a good idea?
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by NeverMoonAWerewolf »

Increasing money you are already getting, or have. Like getting a raise, investments and such.
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Re: Simple money spells & symbols

Post by barker »

Gold and silver are spiritual frequencies for money. Green meters the normal range. It depends how fascinated you are with your universe - pick a frequency that suits you alone. My violet ray is shocked - I am actually a fun pet owner! I feel this energy going into her (my cat) food when I serve it.
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