Looking for information on dark entities

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Looking for information on dark entities

Post by Neha_rose »

Hi everyone,
I used to know a guy who was in about his 60's- he was a family friend- and after being hospitalized for a heart attack he came out swearing he could see angels and demons. The angels were really big and kind of scary looking but he felt safe, and a story he told was seeing a girl with demons in her doorway but an angel right next to her, guarding her. At the time I was 10 years old and wasn't sure what to think of these stories, but he really believed them. Maybe 2 years ago I met a young woman a little older than me and when discussing beliefs she told me she didn't really believe in anything but she was confused because ever since she was a kid she could see demons. She's had terrible, scary experiences with them, and describes them as tormentors who appeared in her room and the vibe I got from her when she spoke about them was so empty and hopeless. She said they've always been there and thinks they always will be. If I remember right she knew one of their names and showed me a picture of what he looked like. It creeped me out and felt very real. She didn't believe in tarot or anything else spiritual or metaphysical- thought it was all bunk. But she had no doubt about demons.

These are the most prevalent reasons in my mind right now that make me believe incredibly low vibration entities exist. Not just trickster spirits or really troubled souls, but something dark and malevolent. I'm planning to learn about demons but so far all I've learned is they are guardians of earth and are the oldest energies on this planet, and they were demonized by the church. I'm not really talking about helpful old energies- I'm talking about blatantly terrible energies who get thrills from scaring and hurting people. Dark and very low.

Do you know anything about other cultures or belief systems who reference dark entities that may be referred to as 'demons'? What are these spirits? How do you protect yourself from them? I understand most Pagans don't believe in Hell or in demons, but I believe there are levels of the astral realm and afterlife and some are incredibly low- on par with 'hell' in terms of the vibration of energies that hang out there. Do you think demonic energies like the ones these 2 people talked about exist? I believe in ghosts and work with gods and goddesses and know they've protected me from experiencing anything like that young woman has dealt with.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by SpiritTalker »

Usually the people who see the type of entities you described are the one's called by the X'n churches as exorcists. It's not a pleasant task nor entertaining. Why not expand your research to the Catholic Church website since demons are part of their belief system? You won't find it here, per EUTM forum rules &'regs #13. The only true demons I've seen are the deep state globalist elitists.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by Neha_rose »

Thank you for your reply! I didn't know it was against the rules but I read through the rules and regulations page this morning and now have a better understanding of why it is. I genuinely just want to learn, not to make it part of my practice so much as guarding against it as part of my practice. I'm a believer in preparation and having a full understanding of the worlds we're working with. I've looked into Catholic churches and honestly I just get the kind of gross feeling I always get from churches- having an agenda being pushed on me and the information is always so biased. I was not aware of rule #13 and will not post any further on this topic or those topics mentioned there, but if anyone knows about this subject I'd be grateful for a response/PM.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by SpiritTalker »

I was suggesting browsing the Vatican's website re: exorcism if you want to know how to protect against Ds. The instructions are there. Of course you have to shovel through the bias to get down to Brass. That's life. Anyhow, moot point. You could safely search "demonology" browsing Amazon book titles and read the reviews. It provides a vocabulary you can expand on in web searches to suit your interest. I know there are you tube channels as well. Just a 2-minute search turned up lots. Also I popped over to the Trad Witch Community discussion board and did a topic search on the subject and found several discussions. I didn't bother to read 'em, just sayin' that they are available. You might have to be a member to access all the levels, so dunno if a visitor can see them.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by Neha_rose »

This is really helpful, thank you for these suggestions! Blessed day! :)
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by SnowCat »

You can also read "The San Luis Valley, " here on the forum.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by barker »

Demons are the servants of fame, you get:

Satan demons: might
Devils: power
Ghouls: reason
Ghosts: truth

When all the demons are finished with a person that person will have been proven "reasonable"... But a person has to have fame, not just an ego problem, to deserve that sort of bidding. It has happened to me, back in the day. Something to do with salvation being real. Your parents don't actually have you identified as properly as you might, in the end. Anyway.
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Re: Looking for information on dark entities

Post by Neha_rose »

Hi SnowCat,
I read your thread and was taken aback at how serious the situation was. I'm so sorry about your friend. I was wondering- are there any steps you follow now for protection that you can share with me? I mainly do protection through visualization but that takes so much energy and being chronically ill I don't have much to begin with. I haven't tried salt at doors and windows because we have ants and sometimes mice and I don't want to attract them. If a similarly dangerous entity came into one of your friend's lives now, how would you get rid of it?

Last night was another night sleeping with my light on. That happens now and then. About 6 years ago I had some scary experiences- though nothing like what happened to your friend- in my house and I cleansed and thought I got it out, but sometimes it feels like something is trying to get in again, or like maybe it never really left. Most of the time I sleep peacefully knowing my goddesses and gods are protecting me but sometimes my soul feels something metaphorically scratching at the door and I get spooked.

What can I do to protect myself?
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