Help with a love spell

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Help with a love spell

Post by daulton1 »

I kinda sorta have a question about a love spell I just cast. It's a love spell I found right here on . The spell is called Simple love spell. What I did was I took some lined paper. On the paper I wrote down all the qualities that I would like to have in my ideal partner. After I wrote everything down on the paper instead of using perfume I used my axe body to spritz the paper. Then I held a few flower petals in my hand envisioning myself with my partner. After I was done with the envisioning I put the flower pedals in the envelope and sealed it.

Instead of lipstick I used chapstick and kissed the envelope and put the envelope in a safe place. I almost ruined the spell. What I did was I started to fold the paper to put in the envelope, then I realized I forgot to spritz the paper with the body spray lol. So I unfolded the paper spritz it then folded it back up and put it in the envelope. I started to seal the envelope then I noticed I forgot to put the rose pedals in the envelope. So I opened up the envelope, put the rose pedals in sealed it, kissed it them put it in a safe place. From almost ruining the spell I followed all the instructions. I had a lot of help with this and thanks to all who helped me put. I understand that it won't work overnight and it will take some time and that's ok with me otherwise I wouldn't bother.

I came to this site looking for an easy love spell and the simple love spell was perfect enough for me. Now the only question I have is to make the spell more effective should I keep wearing the same body spray I used to spritz the paper?
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by Firebird »

No, usually with a spell you do it, and then let it go... ie; don't look back. Trust that you did it right. :fairy:
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by daulton1 »

Thanks man this was the very first love spell I ever cast. It was so easy and took very little time. It's been three days since I cast the spell since I did it Friday night. I hope to meet my true love wish me luck.
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by Firebird »

Best wishes daulton,
Keep in mind the universe works in its own time. Spells work best when you truly release any expected outcome.
Like, ...have you ever lost something only to find it once you have given up on finding it?
By the's that section you were looking for,
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by Deerstep »

One's own variety of magic is deeply personal and highly unique from practitioner to practitioner, almost like a fingerprint. Even if you have two witches casting the exact same spell with the exact same tools and ingredients and time, you'll likely get two very different results.

Go with what feels best for you. As long as your intent held steady, your focus was unbroken, and universe willing to bend to it, your spell should work.

Note, I said 'should'. Not 'will certainly' not 'without a shadow of a doubt', but 'should'. Keep in mind, even a spell cast perfectly won't work all the time. And even then, magic does no good if you do no legwork in return. For example, you can cast an amazing weight loss spell, and it won't do you a lick of good if you don't stop shoveling junk food and start going to the gym.

Trust yourself, and take the opportunities your spell opens for you!

ETA: It doesn't look like you were attempting to influence a person in particular with your spell, so it shouldn't incur any negative karma. Just be aware of the law of uninteneded consequences; be careful what you wish for, because you might regret it. Just approach any situation with a positive mindset. Remember kindness and patience first. That kind of attitude will attract the right kind of person.
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by daulton1 »

Thanks again I saw another spell on It's the silver ring charm. Is it ok for the ring to be a cheap three or five dollar ring from Walmart as long as it's a silver ring? As long as the milk/white wine is in a glass does the size of the glass matter and since this spell has to be done on a full moon does it matter what side of the house the moon is on as long as the spell is cast during the full moon?
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by daulton1 »

Just curious after the ring is dug up would it be wise to wear it in a bar especially if it's a college bar cause with the ring wouldn't all the ladies eyes be focused on you not that I wouldn't mind.
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by Shekinah »

I would be careful employing magick to influence others. Love is a many faceted thing and you may attract more then you wish for. I would allow love to find it's own course as not to influence indenture-ment on anyone. Freedom must rule when two lives entangle. The origin of the wedding band is from the Egyptian slave ring. :-)
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Re: Help with a love spell

Post by Firebird »

I feel as long as you aren't using such a spell to enslave/entrap a particular person it's ok.
This is your will not someone elses.
This action is more like turning your love light on,
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