Bad feeling from first sight?

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Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Tutmosis »

Have you ever had an instance where you met someone for the first time and got a bad feeling about them? Were you right? What happened?
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Re: Have you ever?

Post by RyukaAscendant »

tutmosis wrote:Have you ever had an instance where you met someone for the first time and got a bad feeling about them? Were you right? What happened?
If I do I avoid that person usually prevents anything from happening.
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Re: Have you ever?

Post by smogie_michele »

I've had this happen a few times- one instance pretty recently with a coworker of mine. I truly believe this woman is evil and I refuse to leave the residents until she is out of the house... I've been speaking with upper management about her.
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Re: Have you ever?

Post by Shekinah »

As we fine tune our psychic skills we become very attentive to the human bio-field and our intuitive abilities peak allowing us to sense the aura, character and intentions of other around us. A double edge sword to be sure, helpful in our security and safety but discordant in that we feel the overwhelming chaos, anger and frustrations of much of humanity.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by SpiritTalker »

I've experienced variations ranging from instant "oh crap, it's you" past/ future recognition (for lack of a better understanding), to discovering I was sitting alone in the break room with a murderer (later convicted of multiple deaths).

In the first example, the person had the same reaction to me, yet somehow we've become best friends going on 40 years. The feeling was not that the person was bad, just that we had a lot of history, and had something to finish.

In the second example I saw the person's aura as though it were oozing with green slime. The vibe about the person was creepy, although she looked clean cut and ordinary. I've mentioned this elsewhere on the forum.

The first time I recall the dreadful feeling was when I was 12, walking to school one morning when a creepy guy, ordinary as can be and in paint smeared jeans, walked past. He even grinned at me. I felt only horror of him and ran. My dad was a cop. So I learned from dad in weeks following, that the guy I saw was a house painter working in the area, and he was convicted of murdering a little girl...about an hour before I passed by. It still creeps me out 50 years later.

Another time my friend, my sister & I were just being seated in a restaurant when I'd felt an aura shove me from behind & looked over my shoulder. Just a guy in biker road leathers, not unsavory but giving off a vibe of hatred. My spirit guide said to leave. So to the annoyance of my friend and sister, I hustled us out of the building. As we were driving away from town 10 minutes later, we passed the restaurant and saw police and medical vehicles in front (and my friend and sister stopped cussing at me). According to the news, there was a biker shooting.

There have been a couple other times ive felt the creepy vibe flowing off people and have no idea what it was all about. When I get the feeling, I don't hang around to see what's going to happen. I skeedaddle.

So Tutmosis, what's your story?
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Kassandra »

tutmosis wrote:Have you ever had an instance where you met someone for the first time and got a bad feeling about them? Were you right? What happened?
Happens quite frequently with me (and often vice versa: I might get an instantaneous good, almost "healing" feeling about a person, too).

What I will usually "see" in the "bad feeling" person's auric field are what I might describe as big, writhing energy worms, for lack of a better description. I'll get just a sickening feeling in my stomach. Happened recently at work with a very difficult client that I was able to pass onto another department, luckily (my co-worker and I are both very empathic with finely-tuned spidey senses; we tend to tag team and be quickly rid of nonsense, lol).

At risk of sounding immodest, in answer to your "Were you right" question, on this I have been right whenever I've sensed it. Now, I must say, I have been plenty duped on seemingly good-at-first-sight folks, lol. But whenever I instantly get a bad feeling on someone, it is safe for me to say that I have been 100% correct about it. My first impressions are usually the correct impression, but then I have talked myself out of it, trying to be "logical." I have found that to be a mistake, generally-speaking.

Lesson I've learned from these instances? ~Always trust your instincts!~ ...but at the same time, do not be afraid to question yourself as to any prejudices and preconceptions you might be harboring about an individual or group unawares. Never be afraid to explore the ignorant, narrow-minded side of yourself tucked away in your shadow somewhere (we all have this, I believe, because we can't possibly know everything about everybody, though we might like to believe we do, lol) as it may be limiting to you, and yet potentially illiminating to help you grow in self-knowledge.

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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by moonraingirl »

This happened to me many times. I sense people's energies, often even online without actually seeing them.
As I meet many customers daily, I also sense their general temperament. Like I'm not able to say exact characteristics but it's more like general knowing if the person is safe to deal with and whether I would like to interact with them in the long term.
There's one person who I just can't stand. I get chills when I see him. He's always polite and there never was a conflict between us. But I simply know that person is evil. And not only that, I know he had hurt someone terribly in the past, maybe injuring them physically. It's creepy when he comes. Fortunately, it's not very often.

Several times I had a very strong feeling of anger and irritation when a person appeared. I tried to rationalise and convince myself it's not appropriate. But each and every time this happened the person either actually deceived me for money or tried to do so.
So I 100% agree with Kassandra - always trust your instincts!

There was one more personal and sadder experience which happened 2 years ago. Me and my friend since childhood met this girl who appeared nice but I couldn't stand her from the beginning. I was sick of her because I sensed this person is evil and manipulative and gossipy under her happy mask. However my friend had absolutely no empathic abilities and is very outgoing and active by nature so as you can imagine, these two became great friends. In combination with other factors, this person's intrigues and manipulation led to the final argument with my friend that resulted in end of a 15 years long friendship. We haven't spoken for 2 years. It took me a year and a half to stop OCD about this and cope with it.
I know that our friendship wasn't ideal and I had my share in the problems. But I believe if there wasn't this third person whose evil I sensed in the very beginning we might have stayed in touch.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by planewalker »

ALWAYS go with your instincts. It may also be a sub-conscious response. Like muscle memory for doing some task. You may be picking up on many different things and you can practice them. Mannerism, from small changes in facial expression to changes in, or carriage of, posture, to pheromones, to voice inflection, to verbal patterns.

There are sometimes "entities" that can "latch" onto a person and you may be sensing that. Some are at the mental level of animals and are feeding on something from the person. Sometimes they push the person to act so they can feed on the energy that is caused.

The worst of these type of creature are semi- or fully-sapient. They can move between individuals. Luckily they are extremely rare. I have seen 2 of this last type, and 10 to 12 of the animal type. This could be what is showing up as Kassandra's "writhing worms."
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Tutmosis »

I have a few experiences. The one that sticks out the most was when I thought I was a psychic vampire. Or rather wanted to be one. I came across a man whose face was wrinkly and set like stone. A few hours later, while I was high I saw the same guy again and I just felt like he was a demon incarnate. I thought he had followed me because I thought it was weird I saw him in two different areas that same day.

Next is a person that works in the place I live. My instincts tell me I shouldn't get to know him because he's just full of negative energy. I don't feel he's evil just very negative, and he is. I've ignored that instinct to befriend him because he's very funny, but I think I should take my emotions about that seriously and reduce my contact with him.

Oh yeah and when I was on the bus this woman sat next to me and I felt like she was very dark and malicious.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Tutmosis »

I'm just now coming into my empathic abilities, so I expect this to happen more often in the future.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by planewalker »

All the more reason to trust your instincts. Instincts are not only the physical things your mind registers nor the empathic talent. They are your brains executive functions becoming more practiced at combining the two. Both of them are also becoming more proficient. We are a combination of all our past experience. We, of course, gain more every day. Not to tell you how to handle your life but in most cases (some few ritual exceptions) being high clouds your perception and abilities.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by TwilightDancer »

I listen to it. First impressions are important. Especially when it comes to the energy someone is projecting.

If I'm getting bad vibes I stay away from that person.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Xiao Rong »

I stopped suppressing my intuition a few years ago, and developing an intuition about people who are dangerous or are lying is one of the best things that's happened to me. When the alarm bells and red flags are going off in my head, I don't ignore them anymore. I've occasionally made myself unpopular for telling a group that someone is bad news (I've done this for my coven), but I've found that my bullcrap detection meter is much stronger than most people's, and that's a great thing. Having my intuition honed toward detecting lying and danger is very practical and useful in almost all settings.

Fortunately, this is also a totally practical intuition that can be learned. I'd strongly recommend books like The Gift of Fear, by Gavin De Becker. Learning about energy vampires and certain personality disorders (e.g. sociopathy and narcissism) is also extremely helpful. You set strong boundaries for yourself, like giving yourself permission to leave the situation if you get a bad feeling about a person (even if that comes across as rude), or not giving people too many chances.

I think the biggest barrier for a lot of people is just accepting and internalizing the fact that bad and evil people exist, and there's nothing you can do to fix them or change them -- all you can do is protect yourself. I know I've gotten a lot of resistance from people who think I'm too harsh, cynical, or unforgiving, but if it saves me from toxic or dangerous situations in the long run, I'll take it.
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Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Newbiewitch94 »

I've experienced this for quite a while
When I was a teenager I used to ignore it and it led to me being in some bad situations. Now I honor these feelings and let's say I'm on a date for example as I've recently become a empath I plan to try to see if I can sense the persons intentions before hand so that if I get a bad feeling I can just walk away

Re: Bad feeling from first sight?

Post by Magickat »

I have this a lot. I used to think it was just me and ignored my instinct. Now I take note. It is strange as I meet people and some I have an instant dislike too. Others it's as though I can see through them. I follow my instinct even if others say they are nice I don't take notice I avoid them.
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