Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

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Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by Kovyx »

So I'm a kinda high strung person with my anxiety disorder and such, but it's still unusual for my heart rate to be going so wild like this. Normally meditation is good for that, but even it hasn't been helping recently. Nothing has been stressing me anymore than just daily stuff, though I do tune my clear quartz necklace to give me energy everyday, and I wear it near all the time. However I've had this crystal for about a month now and I cleanse and charge it regularly, and this problem has only been around for about a week.

I do still intend to take medicine if that will help, but if anyone here has any ideas, it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm too young for a heart attack. XD

All I have for supplies are mint leaves, some earl grey tea, some dried sage bundles, a hematite ring, a cultured pearl, a couple clear quartz, and some sea salt. Oh, also some colored candles, though I've never done any magick with candles before. Though, I'd be willing to buy some more things if I need them.
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Re: anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Maybe music. The beat, the rhythm of the song, if it's alert, it can make your heart slow down.
In my case, when I'm extremely stressed, my heart beats so hard, that I can hear it and also features that others can hear it too. It worked miracles many time; maybe it can help you too.
Still, don't underestimate the medication. Better take it now than regret it later. ;-)
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Re: anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by moonraingirl »

First, visit a doctor. Heart problems shouldn't be taken lightly.

Deep and slow breathing should help a lot. By breathing sloooowly the part of your nervous system that is connected to relaxation is activated and it should decrease the stress reaction. (sympatic/parasympatic part of nervous system, there are much better experts on this forum than me to explain this)

I find that melissa (lemon balm) tea helps me a lot during stressful situations. There's also a herb called Leonurus in Latin (sorry I don't know English name) that is good for heart problems.
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Re: anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by smogie_michele »

moonraingirl wrote:First, visit a doctor. Heart problems shouldn't be taken lightly.
Yes, love. Please see a doctor if you are having heart issues! I'm on antidepressants for being manic depressive and for having an anxiety disorder, so I assumed that my high heart rate was a side affect of the anxiety and would settle down after the medication set in. Turns out, high blood pressure runs in my family big time- I had high blood pressure and needed to be medicated for that as well.

Until you can see a professional, I like to practice slow, controlled breaths while holding a blue lace agate or amethyst- Both of these are great for calming the nerves.
Also, fresh sage is an amazing diuretic and can be helpful in aiding in many heart related issues. Try muddling it into the bottom of your water glass and add a squeeze of a lemon wedge. Super tasty and healthy! For all of those who may read this... please if you are pregnant or nursing, please speak with a doctor before ingesting sage :)
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by corvidus »

Kovyx wrote:Nothing has been stressing me anymore than just daily stuff, though I do tune my clear quartz necklace to give me energy everyday, and I wear it near all the time.
My experience with quartz has been unusual. I have always heard it was a good energizer, and last summer I wore it with that intent. Turns out it made me dizzy and for awhile I couldn't focus.

It might be a good idea to stop wearing the quartz, and switch to something more grounding and stable. On the magic side of things. Otherwise, I also agree a visit to a doctor or competent practitioner is advisable.

Good luck!
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by Ethereal Moon Rose »

Please go and see your Dr first and foremost. I too have heartrate problems ever since becoming pregnant with my son 6 years ago. After many tests it was put down to anxiety. My HR is still above average but nothing like it was. Anyway.

Theres this breathing technique called 4-7-8. You inhale through your nose to a mental count of 4. Hold for 7 seconds. And exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat upto 4 times. It's meant to put your body into relaxation mode and lower your HR. I do this before bed if im feeling extra jittery.

Also, theres this song called Weightless by Marconi Union and its supposedly the most relaxing song in the world. It might be worth a try listening to it! :)
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by Firebird »

I had pvst which is a kind of tachycardia. When I was a young teen I could control it with breath. When I got in my fourties, that valsalva method didn't work any more, and I went to the hospital 6 different times for adenosine cardioversion, scary proceedure that stops your heart for a quick second. The times inbetween it went normal on it's own, one time while I was in the parking lot of the hospital, and another time while driving to the hospital, and once at the beach the lifguard was going to call an amblulance, but it went normal before he called, thank goodness. And a dozen or more other times it just went normal on it's own however, I would be exhausted after these events. I finally had a radio abliation that cured it, though it seems a little freaky that they had to burn (permanently ) several electrical pathways on my heart. Trippy proccedure, I was semi consious the whole time.

Thing the dr.s didn't seem to connect is that this issue happened with the onset of womanhood, and again as my body prepared to go into permanet chilbearing hybernation. I had not trouble at all from about age 17 to age 45.

Stress is a factor, if you are under stress this could cause rapid heart rates, but I concur with others, get a cardio exam.
It took nearly 5 years for them to narrow down what was happening to me and get my surgery. I also had no insurance or money so the system moved much slower for me.

Hawthorn berry is a good cardio support, but don't take chances with magic, go to the doctor.
Best wishes to you.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by Kovyx »

Have i really not updated you on all of this?? Oh lord i am really sorry.

Ok so just as a general update, cuz I'm a bit too tired to respond to everyone individually right now, uhh... Well, i did go to the doctor. He just said it was anxiety, and he seemed to know a good bit about psychology so, i trust him. My heart still hurts now and then, even now, but i think that's because of my bad eating habits. I always forget for an entire day, and then proceed to stuff myself with unhealthy things. ewe right now i'm super hungry, but too tired to get up and eat cuz it's 4am here

ANYWAY THANK YOU EVERYONE, please don't worry about me! I'll read through and try to respond to everyone's advice, and i do totally need something to fix this friggen eating habit.
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by cherrypie »

I know this is not a new post, but I really want to emphasize the need to get your thyroid and hormones checked!

I developed a goiter in my teens, then later in my twenties had anxiety issues, again during and after my pregnancies, and nobody ever had the idea to check my thyroid or hormones. If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have had that many miserable years halfsm . In addition to this displaced vertebrae and or a leaky gut can cause exactly these symptoms...and many creepy more. It doesn#t always have to be a heart issue but the heart can be affected by these causes!
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by MsMollimizz »

Smelling rose oil, maybe some strong rose water ???
Cardamum (sp?) (orange blossom), and a cup of
chamomile tea will relax you
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by grapybabie »

I know I'm a little late, but I have something that could help with anxiety! I have it really bad myself, and instead of jumping to prescriptions with possibly harmful side effects, I took ashwaghanda, an herb. Consult your doctor first, the herb itself is completely safe and can be found at places like whole food/health food stores, but it affects everyone differently! It did amazing things for me and so many people I know, it calms you down completely and makes you really centered and focused. A very good option!

I hope you feel better! <3

Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by suikazura »

Aconitum napellus homeopathic remedy is helping me to actually work on and decrease persistent anxiety held in my body. Recommended from my healer. 200ch, 2x a day 12 hours apart. No mint while on homeopathics, even toothpaste. Must be taken with no taste from food or anything else in the mouth, not having eaten recently even better.
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Re: Anything to calm a persistently high heart rate?

Post by cherrypie »

also check out the book(s) by Dr. Kelly Brogan!!
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