Some of my paranormal experiences

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Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by CoNiGMa »

Before I got into Wicca, I experienced a lot of paranormal activity. Several of the things were creepy and scary. The most notable events happened in a house I used to live in that was across from a graveyard. There were no high energy power lines nearby or anything to cause EM disturbance, but me, my wife, and son all experienced things in that house.

One incident that happened was to my wife while I was working. She had called me in a frightened state and advised me that one of my child's toys were going off by itself. It was a little toy piano that my son had. I told her at the time that it was probably just the batteries dying or a malfunction and thought nothing of it. She stated that she took the batteries out and stuck it in the top of the closet.

The very next day, me, my wife, and son (my wife was pregnant with my daughter at the time) were in my room playing a board game and we all heard one of my son's other toys go off in his room next door all by itself. The thing about this toy was that it had a water wheel with a crank. When you cranked the handle, the wheel would spin and make the sound of running water. The faster you would crank it, the faster the running water sound got. Well, we all stopped for a moment and I went to investigate the sound. It played until I got to the doorway of my son's room and stopped once I came around the corner. I got my phone out and started to record the toy in case it started making noise again. It didn't. So, I shrugged it off, but left the video on my phone.

I later went back and watched the video and noticed graphical glitches in the video that didn't show when I was recording. I thought that to be odd.

Later that same day, we were all playing in my son's room and the toy went off again by itself while we were in there! We all stopped what we were doing and looked over to it. As we started talking about the toy, the sound got faster as if the crank was being spun faster. The thing is that the crank itself wasn't moving. I became a believer in that point about the paranormal world. We ended up taking the batteries out and selling both those toys at a yard sale.

After this incident, we all started noticing things in the house that we hadn't paid any attention to before. Lights would get turned on in rooms with nobody in them even though we know we usually turn off the lights when we leave a room. In the mornings, the cabinet doors in the kitchen would all be open even though they were closed when we went to bed.

Another time in the house when me and my wife were both reading a book and my son was asleep, we both heard a man and a woman speaking softly in the room beside us. We asked each other at the same time if the other heard that.

I heard the bathroom sink get turned on a couple times when I was the only one there. When I went to investigate, it was off.

My son came running to us one time terrified out of his mind. When we asked him what was wrong, he claimed he had seen something like "Paula" which was the name of a black lab we used to have. So, he saw a black dog in the house and it was enough to terrify him. Me and my wife figured it was some sort of shadow figure.

Speaking of shadow figures, me and my wife would occasionally see shadow people out the corner of our eyes that would be gone when we would turn to look. My wife woke me up a couple times at night claiming she had seen the reflection on our room TV of a shadow person at the end of the hallway coming towards our room. I myself noticed a shadow figure in the TV reflection once for a brief moment. When I looked back at the reflection, it was gone. Another time, I saw a white light on the wall at the end of the hall that was reflecting in the TV. When I went to investigate the light, I could see it with the naked eye. As I got closer, it disappeared. I looked around to see if maybe it was sunlight coming in from somewhere and couldn't find a source near that spot.

One of the other more notable moments of paranormal activity in that house was when my son, wife, and I were all sitting down on the bed in our room. My son started making silly faces. So, I got my phone out to record him. While recording there was nothing out of the ordinary going on and we were all relatively still on the bed. When I reviewed the video later, I seen that there were a bunch of white orbs floating around. I thought they might have just been dust particles for a moment until I realized we weren't really moving and some of the orbs would be going one way past the screen and then suddenly dart in the opposite direction mid-screen. The sheer number of orbs on the video was crazy! There were probably about 20 or so as if there was some kind of ghost party going on in our room.

This was all in one house. I've had other experiences elsewhere. With my urban exploration adventures (like in old asylums), I've encountered odd noises like shattering glass and people talking and whispering to me and light bursts coming from walls, etc... but I've grown accustomed to them and even talk to the spirits that may be there.
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Wow! That's a lot! Did you sell the house and go as far as possible? (That's the first reasonable idea that comes to my mind right now :shock: )
I understand that both you and your wife got used,as much as possible with the PE,but how does your kid deal with it...for him it has to be terrifying(trust me,I've been in that position but not at such an extent)
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by CoNiGMa »

Oh, my son is definitely scarred from that house. Since those incidents, he is afraid of the dark and doesn't want to go into another room by himself even if the light is on. He will hold his pee and get his sister to go to the bathroom so that he can go. He's currently in counseling and seeing a psychiatrist. He has stated he's seen a "black ball with red eyes" in his room at night and said he saw a "black scary man" in the living room. When we asked what the "black man" was wearing, he said he didn't know but that it was all black.
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I don't want to kill your hope,but after my experience,I still can't sleep without a nightlight or go by myself in the living room or in the attic at my grandparent's house.

Your son will probably become more sensitive to different types of energy or to the spirits themselves after what happened,so I guess you will have to find a way to explain this to him at some point,when therapy starts showing good results.
Best wishes for you son!
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by CoNiGMa »

Well, he has progressed some from before. He has had a couple times of regression though. We've tried explaining it to him the best we can, but that only seemed to frighten him more. He and his sister have 3 night lights in their room. One is a Himalayan salt lamp, one is a Lightning McQueen car, and the other is one of those little wall socket night lights. He won't go to sleep without those or his sister being in the room. He screams and sounds terrified. At night while he's trying to get to sleep, every little noise he hears, he asks, "What was that noise?" even though he knows most of the time that the noises are the same thing from any other night (dishwasher, toilet, etc...) or he will repeat "Goodnight, I love you!" over and over for reassurance that we are still there and not asleep while he's awake. That house was a rental property. We ended up moving out because of the PE and because we found a lot of black mold that the landlord refused to fix.
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by SpiritTalker »

These of some interesting experiences. Do you feel you've learned anything beneficial from the experiences? Ever report the location to a local psychical research association to see if it had a history?

You could possibly teach your kids basic protection - only don't use that word, of course. Like maybe imagining a bright light in their bellies that grows and grows to make a pretty circle all around them. And everything bounces off the outside of the circle.
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Re: Some of my paranormal experiences

Post by CoNiGMa »

Well, since we moved recently and I've been into Wicca, he hasn't had anymore sightings. I did put up some protection spells in the house and cleansed the space with sage smudging and burning dragon's blood incense.
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