Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

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Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by HazelWolffe »

As we all know [or in case you didn't know,] there is a Full Moon tonight, let alone a Super Moon.

I was just curious as to everyone's plans; if you were performing a ritual or any spells, and if so, what those rituals or spells involve?

Tonight is a big night for me. Tonight I'm communicating with the divine to let them know I'm listening. I know someone is giving me signs, but I'm not 100% sure who it is. I'll be keeping my ritual fairly vague, appealing just to the potential Deities watching me. I have a mixture of incense made that should help call them.
Does anyone else have other ideas on how to thin the veil for communication?

I still wanna hear everyone else's plans!
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by Bychan Wulf »

I'm planning to dedicate myself to the Earth and it's Goddess tonight. I thought I should dof this special thing for me in a special night (a full moon night)
The ritual will be simple: casting a circle,candles,Incent and my parentproof-sort of altar. I'm not sure yet what to say exactly but I think I'll just let the right words come.
I also share your problem about connecting with a Deity,I'd like to connect to her. She gave me signs,but I still have no idea how to make the connection myself.
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by SpiritTalker »

Wow, a communing and a dedication. Exciting, isnt it? The simpler you keep things the less distracted you'll be by straying thoughts.

There isn't really anything particular that you have to do besides extend an honest invitation from your core. Deity comes to you, not the other way 'round. She gets Her point across. Be sure to write down your experience, even if don't think you had any. And don't be over eager to share it. Let it set and nurture within before speaking about it. Write down any questions. Observe. Notice things. Make notes over a couple of days. Don't try to interpret, it gets in the way of the conscious stream. Just be still. Blessings.

My out door, full moon rites at this time of year need to be brief. Although it's by no means fridgid outside at midnight, even bundled up, I get cold. (Getting older ain't for sissies.) Just the same, I make an effort to stand in the light of the moon and just soak it in. I have a few things to address. Then go indoors, light the candles and finish. Pretty low key and most of the rituals are done in my head...(like think it, feel it, say it, let it go)... which is one benefit of getting older. :wink2:
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by SnowCat »

I drove off into the moon set this morning. Like most mornings. I have to say it was quite spectacular. I'm making a devil's food rum cake tonight, for the potluck at work tomorrow.

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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by Deerstep »

What I usually do. I did an overnight campout in the mountains. I built a mini-altar with what I found on the hike there, made an offering, lit a candle and meditated (The wind kept blowing it out. I'll have to remember to bring a wind barrier for the candle next time.) on current events. I came back feeling loads better, it was a huge lift on my heart. :flyingwitch:

It's starting to get too cold for the gear I have now, I may have to get a better sleeping bag liner for the next esbat to keep warm.

Bychan Wulf wrote:I'm planning to dedicate myself to the Earth and it's Goddess tonight. I thought I should dof this special thing for me in a special night (a full moon night)
The ritual will be simple: casting a circle,candles,Incent and my parentproof-sort of altar. I'm not sure yet what to say exactly but I think I'll just let the right words come.
I also share your problem about connecting with a Deity,I'd like to connect to her. She gave me signs,but I still have no idea how to make the connection myself.
Try going outside right after you finish. Pick up the first thing on the ground that really, really strikes your interest. Something special, if slightly out of place. For me, it was a symmetrical pointed rock and a beautiful snail shell. I use them to this day in my portable altar as my God and Goddess symbols.
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by Firebird »

Deerstep wrote:I did an overnight campout in the mountains.

yeah! I love it ! Where is it that you live? Maybe we can join you!? (Sorta don't have to reveal your location) To me this is the perfect scenario for worship yet I rarely find the time money or energy to camp anymore, I go about 2wice a year anymore, but do try to hike out to a particular hill for Moon and Sabbats when I can. Some folks I know went out last night...but my energy was tapped I went to bed at 9:30, my group had done our celebration on Sunday night.
Kuddos to you!
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by smogie_michele »

We didn't do anything big. Cody and I made a giant batch of chicken and dumpling soup and ate it outside on our patio so we could be under the moon. We had the Christmas lights on and were bundled under a bunch of blankets. To me, it was absolutely perfect.
I've been feeling a real disconnect in my spiritual life due to financial and family stress, but sitting under the moon was very rejuvenating.
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Re: Plans for this Esbat? [11/14/2016]

Post by Deerstep »

firebirdflys wrote: yeah! I love it ! To me this is the perfect scenario for worship yet I rarely find the time, money, or energy to camp anymore, I go about 2wice a year anymore, but do try to hike out to a particular hill for Moon and Sabbats when I can.
Bb, Firebird
Weelll, if you're in Southern California, it'd likely be warm enough for you to set up an air mattress and a tent most of the year. Or, alternatively, you could check most hardware stores for any sheets of foam rubber they may have lying around. A few layers of that (or just one, ymmv) works surprisingly well, and they're pretty cheap.

Depending on your preferred level of comfort, camping can be pretty darn cheap or on the deluxe side. YMMV.

Mostly, the only issue is time. If you have a full-time job, it can be difficult to schedule it on anything but weekends. But if you work part-time, you can leave right off work, get to the campsite before dusk, set your site, pack up at dawn and make it back in time for breakfast.
"You're mad, bonkers, completely off your head. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are." ~Lewis Carroll
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