Some crystal skull info...

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Some crystal skull info...

Post by MsMollimizz »

One of my books says that when a skull is carved out
stone it amplifies the energy that skull puts out.
I whole heartedly believe that !

Crystal or stone cut into the shape of a human cranium.

All other stone aside from quartz has varying degrees of the same powers, plus individual specialized energies based on the type of stone. It's all about what you are attracted and drawn to:
Quartz crystal has the ability to receive information, store it, transmit and regulate it. Quartz does interesting things when an electrical charge is applied. It has been proven in science that a human can focus thought-forms at a crystal, and it registers this energy just as human brainwave activity operates. This means: when you are focusing intent at your stone or crystal, IT GETS IT and holds that vibrational pattern!
Quartz naturally records all activity going on around it...yes, it's like a scribe, whether you believe it or not. Don't let your logical thinking mind complicate things. You already know that computer storage & many other technology uses QUARTZ CRYSTAL to store information. You might think rocks are "dumb" but they are living and sentient beings that have a consciousness!
All that humans need to know is how simple and easy it is to COMMUNICATE with your stones, because they are perfectly suited as co-creators and want to work with you!
A crystal skull attracts some interesting energies because it is cut to the shape of a human skull. Yes, it still stores, transmits and receives info, but in this shape can interact with you on more of a personal/spiritual level...dare I say, it obtains its own consciousness in this shape? Well, many people will attest it certainly SEEMS that way (and I agree)!

1. The Consciousness in Crystal Skulls

We know that crystals absorb and transmit energy, and those who are sensitive can feel the energy pulsing in certain crystals when they hold them. Healers have known for centuries that crystals have energetic healing properties that can affect people physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In this sense, crystals are imbued with life force, and can affect the life force energy of those around them.

Crystal skulls are crystals with consiousness that actually record and absorb energy and information, respond to energy and information, and communicate by transmitting energy and information. Many crystal carvers have indicated that as soon as they carve the eyes in a crystal skull, that crystal skull becomes a conscious being! The phenomenon of crystal skulls is truly extraordinary, as people all over the world are naturally called to give their crystal skull a name - why? The majority of people are not drawn to give names to other carvings of horses, or dogs, or women, or carvings in other forms. Why do people everywhere (even those who are not at all aware of this phenomenon) feel that they want to name their crystal skull? It is because a crystal skull is a conscious being that wants to be addressed by name. As soon as you give something a name, it ceases being an object and becomes familiar - it becomes part of your family of friends and allies.

Crystal skulls are indeed friends and allies that have come to serve us by being conduits for healing, transformation and divine guidance, allowing us to receive guidance, energy and communication from the Universe. Crystal skulls are awakened beings that assist humanity in our own awakening. We have received countless stories of people who have had extraordinary experiences with the crystal skulls - skeptics would say that this is because they create these experiences with their mind, but this does not explain some of the virtually miraculous phenomena that people report with their pets and animals, and with children too young to have preconceived ideas or expectations, and even the relief of pain that some previous skeptics have reported. One touching story came from a mother whose child was so severely autistic that she could never be touched - she told us that when the crystal skulls arrived, her daughter ran to her and gave her the first long warm hug ever... An army chaplain uses the crystal skulls to help soldiers with healing PTSD; a neurologist works with the crystal skulls to help patients with traumatic brain injuries; people have shared extraordinary stories with us of profound healings and transformations with the crystal skulls, even in life and death situations.

Crystal skulls have a consciousness and energy all their own, and each one is completely different. Each crystal skull - from the smallest to the largest - has its own energy, its own consciousness, its own unique "personality". They are very sensitive to words and energies, and can become darker or cloudy, or even cracked or broken, when in the presence of negativity. When they are "happy" and surrounded by energies of love and joy, they shine and sparkle with light, and can develop rainbows that were not there before. Crystal skulls love to be of service, they love to assist and support people and animals, and they love to be given a task or assignment. Like a pet, they love to give and receive unconditional love, and they can be "hurt" or wounded by judgment and rejection. Although this may sound odd to some people, you can actually see and experience this for yourself - try spending some time giving and receiving only unconditional love, joy and appreciation with your crystal skull, and observe how it shines - this is most obvious with quartz crystal skulls, which can actually develop rainbows and glow with light, but it can also be evident with crystal skulls in other stones... you can actually get a sense of your crystal skull smiling!

Allow your crystal skull to bring you love and joy, and in so doing, you will raise your frequency and vibration to higher levels of love and joy, which can transcend and transform lower frequency energies of negativity and suffering. Program your crystal skulls by asking them to support your healing, protection, or whatever may be your desire that will also fulfill your crystal skull’s purpose. Work with your crystal skulls as your friends and allies, allowing them do the work they came to do, then they will be happy and serve you well, co-creating with you. Let the consciousness that comes through your crystal skull - no matter how big or how small it is - help to awaken and raise your own consciousness. The key is to trust whatever you sense, feel, hear or experience, and let love and joy be your guide when you are with your crystal skulls. Many people who work with crystal skulls awaken and enhance their psychic gifts, and some even begin to channel and receive profound information from higher realms of consciousness...

3. Allowing for Transformation

2015 is a powerful year for manifestation - all that you have been focusing your time and energy on in the past 2 years will now take root and bear fruit! In 2012, we opened the gateway to new paradigms and new possibilties, and since that time, we have been adjusting to the shift in energies as the world has been changing around us, while we ourselves have undergone change within. Now is the time for the culmination of that transformation, emerging from the crysallis state so we can fly like a butterfly, pollinating all that we choose to create in our lives at this time and for the future. As we attain higher and higher frequencies, time speeds up and manifestation is occuring faster than ever before, so we must be clearly focused in our thoughts, vibrations and intentions, and very clear about our choices for the times to come.

Crystal skulls are powerful tools that can: support clear and focused intentions; raise your consciousness and vibration to reach higher frequencies; increase your power of manifestation and attraction; and facilitate transformation on all levels. Nuummite crystal skulls, particularly the ultra-rare Red Flash Nuummite Crystal Skulls, can facilitate and accelerate transformation, like rocket fuel! Nuummite is one of the most powerful stones for transformation on Earth, while also being one of the most beautiful stones with dramatic flash caused by volcanic activity billions of years ago. Nuummite is a catalyst for growth, evolution and change - however, sadly, we are told that genuine Nuummite crystal skulls will no longer be available from the one source that produces them, and our supply is rapidly dwindling, especially in the smaller and larger sizes...

Another powerful tool to assist you with manifestation and transformation is an Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum, which allows the crystal skulls to communicate directly with you in a way that you can clearly see and feel, allowing you to receive clear and direct guidance from the Universe. A pendulum is a divination tool that has been used for centuries to locate water, gold, oil, lost items, and to answer any question in seconds - you will truly be amazed by this phenomenal yet simple device for accessing guidance and receiving answers to all your questions (easy illustrated instructions will have you receiving answers immediately!).
Allow for 2015 to bring positive transformation to realize your dreams and fulfill your potential, especially with the helpful guidance of an Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum.


.....on acquiring your own skull, a modern cut piece......
- So those attracted to the skulls then receive as within their acquired model, a portion of the whole, and THE SKULL BECOMES BY AGREEMENT, A TEACHER OF GREATER TRUTH AND OFFERS GLIMPSES INTO THE PERFECTION HOLOGRAM

- That is why some are now being called to acquire the newly cut skulls, for indeed they open the pattern, they become teachers. They become allies and protectors for each of you on the path of Mastery, and THEY MANIFEST AT THE TIME YOU AWAKEN TO THAT CALL.
So you see, they have important work to do with those that feel an attraction or fascination with skulls (mine started out with loving the skull and crossbone symbol, trying to be a bad@ss back in the day... look what it has evolved into LOL). If you ever had a dream about a talking skull, if you LOVE dia de los muertos, love skulls in general, feel attracted to or have a new desire to learn more, have a tattoo of a skull or draw them... chances are you really had a past life working with them!

Now understand that the Crystal Skulls to those of us who are keepers of them regard them as very sacred objects for personal spiritual work, they help us with transformation. I have 8 of them I use for healing work.
Please realize that your skull wants to work with you and part of the process is getting it around other skulls. They talk to each other. They exchange information. They network. And whatever YOU need personally or spiritually can be brought into it for this work with you. Pretty neato huh!
Whichever skull you purchase from me will have the perfect blend of info ready for you to work with (just choose by what you are attracted to, nothing else needed). They know this stuff better than we do. As I write this description, THEY already know who is going to purchase them and has been preparing for you, plus can attract more of what you need spiritually as you spend time with it.
Since skulls exchange energy and info, there are endless possibilities of what types of information is contained.
The Earth is loaded with crystal. Quartz crystal is one of the most abundant of all minerals and appears in every grain of sand, in quartzite and granite, and is found in nearly every type of rock. Quartz crystal has the ability to generate a fixed frequency and convert vibration into an electrical signal and that is exactly what our five senses do.
The human body is a crystalline receiver transmitter and decoder of information. The five senses decode information from vibrational wave-states and transmit it to the brain as electrical signals. The brain is made up of crystalline cells which decodes the information into an apparently three-dimensional world that appears to be outside of us, but only exists in that form inside of our brains.
3. Working with Crystal Skulls on Earth
Crystal skulls are emerging at this time to help raise the consciousness of humanity. They are spreading around the world to assist and support the Earth itself as this planet is undergoing its own evolution and transformation. Crystal skulls can help raise the energetic vibration and frequency around them, and can raise the vibration of the Earth.
The Earth is crystalline in nature, as is the human body. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth, making up 12% of the Earth’s crust. Crystals conduct electromagnetic energy, and this energy can energize and restore balance to the human body as well as to the planet itself. Your mind and your conscious intent can activate the crystal skulls and direct their energy with precision for healing and manifesting your will and intention.
Crystal skulls serve several purposes around the world. They anchor a higher vibration to allow a new level of consciousness to raise the vibration of humanity. Crystal skulls are connected to each other and form a crystalline grid much like a cosmic internet – they communicate with each other and share energy and information. Crystals are like computers that store information, and are also receivers and transmitters of energy and information.
Crystal skulls can help humanity to raise their consciousness, and to receive higher guidance and awareness. They amplify and heighten our intuitive abilities to gain greater insights and understanding. The crystal skull grid not only connects crystal skulls to one another, it also creates an energy field that surrounds the planet and helps to keep the Earth’s energy intact as it undergoes massive change and evolution. Crystal skulls are assisting the planet to raise its vibration and to become more light.
Crystal skulls can also serve to relieve pressure in the Earth, much like an acupuncture needle, removing energy blockages and allowing the flow of balance and wellbeing to be restored. Crystal skulls can bring peace to all people, places and things that surround them. This is why people are guided to work with as many crystal skulls as possible.
You can serve the Earth and assist the planet with your crystal skull
That's enough for now...I get this e-mag once a month.
Gentle Light
He finally smiled when I bought him a girlfriend ! Weird ?
He finally smiled when I bought him a girlfriend ! Weird ?
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Re: Some crystal skull info...

Post by Seraphin »

Wonderful information Ms.Mollimiz!

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Some crystal skull info...

Post by MsMollimizz »

Thanks !
I get a skull newsletter each month...
But I was looking for a particular paragraph,
maybe I'll find it ?
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Re: Some crystal skull info...

Post by Becks »

A great post!
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Re: Some crystal skull info...

Post by Kassandra »


"He finally smiled when I bought him a girlfriend ! Weird ?"


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Re: Some crystal skull info...

Post by SpiritTalker »

That explains the toothy grin. :mrgreen:

I love the skulls, they sing. I have - uhm, a few.
The quartz one is helpful for scrying.
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