Self cleansing stones?

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Self cleansing stones?

Post by Blue »

Hey there, me again.

I want to know if there are any stones out there that cleanse the stones around them as well as themselves?

Lemme explain.

One of my friends recently said they thought dandelions were magical and I had the idea to send her a dandelion necklace, but make it myself. And then I thought about putting some small stones in the bottom for protection/creativity/clarity etc, but she doesn't believe that stones posses such properties, which is fine. The stones will still look pretty in the bottom of the vial I'm putting them in, but if there is a stone that will cleanse itself plus the stones around it, I would like to add it into the jar.

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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Becks »

:flyingwitch: Hi Blue, the website had the following to say about cleansing with crystals, and I liked this source because it mentions in a paragraph some of the most common "cleansing" and "clearing stones".

It says:

"Keep a bowl of crystals on your kitchen table that include those that are helpful for dissipating/removing negative energies. Snowflake Obsidian, Apache Tears and Amethyst would be a wonderful combination.

You may want to put a couple of chunks of Black Obsidian or Mahogany Obsidian outside and on either side of your front door to keep these energies from entering your space.

In the room where your front door (or side door—which ever folks enter through) is located, set a piece of Black Tourmaline in each corner. Black Tourmaline is a wonderful resource when you want to diffuse negativity and transmute the energy into loving kindness.

To clear unwanted/negative energy from a room or space, Smokey Quartz is one of the best! It will remove the dense energy and replace it with a clear, clean, uplifting energy. For me, it is the "Roto Rooter" for clearing a space.

"Carry a piece of Hematite in your pocket to keep your energy field grounded and balanced during this challenging circumstance. One of my favorite pocket combos is a combination of Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz. As the Black Tourmaline surrounds you with an invisible barrier of energy that will not allow these negative energies to penetrate your energy field, the Rose Quartz will fill you and your energy field with love, compassion and understanding."

Now I personally find some stones go longer between charging and cleansing. In the end-I find each time I cleanse and dedicate the crystals the energy seems to enliven and be clear and strong once again. I think about it in terms of some kinds of car being better built than others and lasting longer.....(think of comparing that to the the crystal's "charge"....) but all vehicles run better and longer with regular maintenance. The good thing is that a crystal, unlike a car, can work forever...even if it's not properly maintained...but why wouldn't you take care of it and get more out of it?

So Blue I think you just need to think of what energy you want to have in with the dandelion, and then go from there. I'm sure it will be a treasured gift. What kind of energy were you specifically looking for?

If you look deeper into the properties of dandelion you will get a sense of what kind of energy it uses. There are many! It is a powerful cleanser in itself...everything from diuretics, to organ cleansing to lowering blood sugar and aiding in digestion. I'm sure there's more but that's off the top of my head. The intense yellow also has some power correspondences to an important chakra as well...there's a theme here if you look for it.

Anyways, this sounds like a lovely project and I say go with your gut, work from the heart is never a bad thing. Let us know how it goes. smiley_dance
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by secretisis »

Carnelian is a stone that never requires energy clearing and clears other stones as well
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Becks »

I had another look at Carnelian and it does look pretty great. Awesome you mentioned it.

Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Blue »

Thank you both for the reply. I'll look into getting some Carnelian. I've also been told that Citrine and Kyanite never need to be cleansed, and will cleanse the stones around it, so I'll look into getting some of that too.
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Becks »

Cleansing and intent always offers a boost.

Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by TashaTeaLeaf »

I've had a lot of success with black jasper. It's really solid and protective and absorbs negative energy around it.
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Silversong »

Blue wrote:Hey there, me again.

I want to know if there are any stones out there that cleanse the stones around them as well as themselves?

Lemme explain.

One of my friends recently said they thought dandelions were magical and I had the idea to send her a dandelion necklace, but make it myself. And then I thought about putting some small stones in the bottom for protection/creativity/clarity etc, but she doesn't believe that stones posses such properties, which is fine. The stones will still look pretty in the bottom of the vial I'm putting them in, but if there is a stone that will cleanse itself plus the stones around it, I would like to add it into the jar.

I've found selenite is fabulous for cleansing itself, along with any stones in contact with/in close proximity to it. (Careful where you put it if you have any specially charged crystals, though ;3)
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Both selenite (white) and shungite (black) are natural cleansers because they don't pick up or acquire other energies and will neutralize harmful vibes. I use them together, placing the stone to be cleansed along side for a few hours to a week,then put the recovered stone in sunlight for 15-30 minutes to charge it. Black obsidian is another cleanser but seems to absorb stinky energy and transform it to a neutral state.

Never put selenite in water because it erodes. Shungite is actually used as a water purifier. Obsidian is natural glass and safe in h2o.

Amber is a natural source to transform bad to good energy and relieves pain. It would pair well with obsidian. Amber gives off a soft and gentle, smooth wave; and if rubbed with silk will make sparks or static electricity, I've read. Never tried it though.
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by SnowCat »

Obsidian is a volcanic glass, which by composition, incorporates Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. According to some cultures, it would also incorporate Spirit, as in the Spirit of the volcano.

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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Good point, Snow. What could be more natural than a volcano? (eyebrow wiggle). I was just now looking on line at some black obsidian with the gold sheen; very deep stuff. I could get lost in it.I was thinking about the solid black glassy kind, not like the Apache Tears which are dark smokey, but so black and opaque you can't see thru it. I've seen obsidian arrowheads that must be very sharp. It is an interesting mineral.
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by SnowCat »

I used to do private duty nursing for a retired miner. He had a plethora of mineral specimens, many of which, he passed along to my grandkids. That led to my daughter squawking, "Donovan! You got uranium all over the bathroom!" He did his science fair project on fluorescent minerals.

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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by Katrinkah »

Citrine always has positive energy and never has to be cleansed.
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Re: Self cleansing stones?

Post by PistashioQueen »

I always use Carnelian for this =)
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