"Time-line" crystal

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"Time-line" crystal

Post by Silversong »

So, I have a piece of tangerine quartz, as you may or may not have heard, which drew me with an almost ridiculous strength to itself. I would have paid whatever I had to to get my hands on it. (Fortunately, it was only $7 XD) I got a book you may be familiar with, The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall (all three volumes!) from my aunt for my birthday. Out of pure curiosity, because I'd never heard of tangerine quartz before, I looked up what it was used for, and was a little unsettled by what I found.
Tangerine Quartz is an excellent stone to use after shock or trauma, especially at the soul level. It can be used for soul retrieval and integration, and to heal after psychic attack. Tangerine quartz can be used in past-life healing and is beneficial where the soul feels like it has made a mistake for which it must pay. The soul learns to find the gift in the experience. Tangerine quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra, stimulating the flow of creative energy. Tangering quartz can take you beyond your limited belief system and into a more positive vibration. It demonstrates that like attracts like.
Basically, my reaction to this: "Should I be worried about some sort of psychic/soul-level trauma I'm not even aware of going on here?"
Then I was looking through the Crystal Shapes section of the book, and found this:
Ancestral Time-Line
An ancestral time-line crystal has a very clear flat ledge going up from the base of the crystal toward the apex. It frequently has a fault line showing exactly where the family pain is located and how far back into the ancestral line it goes. Attuning to this crystal brings the source of the family dis-ease to the surface so that it can be healed and the healing can then be sent back through the generations to a point before the dis-ease manifested. This transforms the whole family line, sending its benefits forward into future generations.
While I'm skeptical about being able to "send healing back" in time, so to speak, it does make me wonder if the trauma (if it exists at all, which it might well not - "It demonstrates that like attracts like" (while being a cryptic statement) makes me wonder if it's basically telling me, "Hey, you're good at this psychological-help thing with other people! Here, have a crystal to help you out with it!") is not mine, per se, but rather my family's.
It's no secret that my family is not the closest or even necessarily the nicest group of people, though I am by no means complaining. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say I know for a fact there's a lot of conflict between generations, and even some between siblings in the same generation. This tangerine quartz is an ancestral time-line crystal, and I wonder if it isn't trying to tell me something about my family and their interrelationships, to try and learn something. Anyway, I was wondering about what you guys think about all this.
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Re: "Time-line" crystal

Post by Becks »

Hey Silversong, I guess for me the question would be-do you feel like there is trauma in your life-or past life? Only you can answer that.

Beyond that, I think that there doesn't have to be deep meaning, and it doesn't necessarily mean it applies to you just because the Quartz has come into your possession.

I sometimes think we are drawn to things because it's good to have, and their time for use hasn't yet come.....maybe it will be of use in the future, and you will draw on it then. Things have come into my possession and they aren't for me. I hang on to them until I find their proper owners.

What I thought was so amazing was the part about soul loss. Where I was born-it is in the belief system. I have experienced it after severe trauma and I have seen it in others.

It sounds like you have found a wonderful tool. :)
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Re: "Time-line" crystal

Post by evil ed »

Greetings Silversong!
First off, Congrats to both of you! Sounds like this attraction was mutual! :D
I would not be concerned. In fact you may want to be a little comforted. It is possible you may find yourself in a situation where you want/need a burst of "creative energy", and this may just be the psychic helper that will get you through.Quoting Richard Bach from "Illusions", "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours". Ask yourself, and your "tangerine" What is the limit, why did I allow it to be put there, and how do I push through!
As for the astral time line, ask yourself " what is my point on this line?" You two may have come together to head off, or stand strong together against a future event. Now to quote James Taylor, "You've got a friend". :D
I agree totally with Becks that this may be an item that will be passed on, when the time and place arises. When that happens, both of you will know. Also, ask yourself "who is your family". There are bonds other than blood, and this could help there too.

Just my 2 cents worth....
Blessings Be!

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Re: "Time-line" crystal

Post by Silversong »

That's a good point, that this may be something for another person, though I feel intuitively that it is for me - at least, it is at this point in my life. Why is a mystery. I don't really have much trauma in my life, on any level - I'm more of the rock for my friends to cling to when they're having problems, the person that helps them through their problems, since I seem to be the only person who doesn't have family problems of some sort in my entire school. Days like today, for instance, I am extremely grateful I was born to my mother XD

Thank you for your opinions, both of you :3
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Re: "Time-line" crystal

Post by Becks »

If you were drawn to it I'm sure there's a reason and you're meant to be together. ;)
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Re: "Time-line" crystal

Post by SnowCat »

Sometimes we pick up trauma just from being there for others. It could be that the tangerine quartz is meant to be your "rock to cling to." Literally. In any case, it sounds gorgeous.

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