Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

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Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by Clairsentient_Wolf »

Is it common for Empaths or Clairsentients to not have interest in love or a love affair?

I have had my fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends but none of them really connected with me on a deep spiritual level. I'm not ready to commit to marriage and I believe that I am most certainly not mature enough to handle that type of relationship at this point in my life. I'm in my mid-twenties and I know that a lot of people my age have not settled down yet, unless you count my entire high school graduating class.

People tell me constantly that my standards are far too high and that lowering them will help me find love...I doubt this. While I enjoy the company of my friends and family, I do not enjoy being held down by one single person. My parents have been together for 26(?) years this coming September but neither of them believe in Wicca or recognize my ability. They have always just referred to it as "a great BS detector". I know in my soul that it is more than that and I understand that this belief system simply cannot have heads wrapped around it completely unless they, too, have some sort of connection with it.

I do not seek out boyfriends or girlfriends or even platonic relationships most of the time because people tend to feel smothered by me. This, I feel, is to no fault of my own. I cannot help that I know them better than they do. I also do not want the "white picket fence", the American Dream, or a job that pays so well that I can sit on my behind all day and watch the cash flow into my wallet. I prefer to think of myself as someone who cannot understand those that cannot understand me.

My longest relationship lasted probably 4 months and that was with me wishing every second I could find a way out. The majority of my relationships have come as quickly as they disappeared because within a week, I had lost interest in these persons. I feel that I can be overwhelming for some people and to others, just too cold or flighty. I am not embarrassed or ashamed by this.

I truly just enjoy the company of my pets who are my best friends and my own company, not to sound like an ego maniac. Ever since I could talk, I've been on a journey of self-discovery. I just happen to know where everyone else is at in their life too's almost like I will never figure myself out and honestly, there isn't a single person on this earth that can do that for me. Does anyone else feel this way?
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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by TwilightDancer »

I don't think it had anything to do with being an empath. More like your personal preference.

I myself am an empath. I met my husband eight years ago and at the time we were both going through a rough time. I certainly felt drawn to him, we were both suffering but we worked through it together, helped each other grow up and we've been together ever since. I enjoy being in a relationship. Having one person to tell all to. It's freedom.

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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by SnowCat »

Henry David Thoreau wrote, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." There's nothing wrong with being yourself. I can remember thinking how odd it was that people chose to format family units. Then I found someone worth being with. We aren't together anymore, but I found a new somebody 17 years ago, who is my knight in flannel armor.

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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by Becks »

I live that quote SnowCat-it's one of my favourites. I agree whole heartedly with what you said.

I think it's entirely possible that you just haven't met the right person. Love isn't always straight forward in my humble experience, but something based on true respect and great partnership is worth working towards. Good luck on your journey and remember to love and respect you first! Be well!

Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by gittejohnsen11 »

Clairsentient_Wolf wrote:Is it common for Empaths or Clairsentients to not have interest in love or a love affair?

I have had my fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends but none of them really connected with me on a deep spiritual level. I'm not ready to commit to marriage and I believe that I am most certainly not mature enough to handle that type of relationship at this point in my life. I'm in my mid-twenties and I know that a lot of people my age have not settled down yet, unless you count my entire high school graduating class.

People tell me constantly that my standards are far too high and that lowering them will help me find love...I doubt this. While I enjoy the company of my friends and family, I do not enjoy being held down by one single person. My parents have been together for 26(?) years this coming September but neither of them believe in Wicca or recognize my ability. They have always just referred to it as "a great BS detector". I know in my soul that it is more than that and I understand that this belief system simply cannot have heads wrapped around it completely unless they, too, have some sort of connection with it.

I do not seek out boyfriends or girlfriends or even platonic relationships most of the time because people tend to feel smothered by me. This, I feel, is to no fault of my own. I cannot help that I know them better than they do. I also do not want the "white picket fence", the American Dream, or a job that pays so well that I can sit on my behind all day and watch the cash flow into my wallet. I prefer to think of myself as someone who cannot understand those that cannot understand me.

My longest relationship lasted probably 4 months and that was with me wishing every second I could find a way out. The majority of my relationships have come as quickly as they disappeared because within a week, I had lost interest in these persons. I feel that I can be overwhelming for some people and to others, just too cold or flighty. I am not embarrassed or ashamed by this.

I truly just enjoy the company of my pets who are my best friends and my own company, not to sound like an ego maniac. Ever since I could talk, I've been on a journey of self-discovery. I just happen to know where everyone else is at in their life too's almost like I will never figure myself out and honestly, there isn't a single person on this earth that can do that for me. Does anyone else feel this way?
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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by Chalice »

We're witches here.

Manifest that other half if you want, or don't. The choice is yours.

Good luck either way! :fairy:
Witchcraft & OBOD Druidry.

Re: Love & love them.

Post by gittejohnsen11 »

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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by Red Ember »

Its such a difficult subject, everyone of us longs to connect with someone else and most of us have at times felt like this may never happen. I often think its why love stories can be so poplar, they show us the love we all wish we could have.

I hope you find that someone your looking for.
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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by YanaKhan »

When you have a moment, please go to the top section and introduce yourself. Thank you.
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Re: Is it common for Empaths/Clairsentients to...

Post by Deejean »

I agree I don't believe it's because you're an empath. I am as well and I'm able to connect to people and have found love. I more find the problem in connecting with too many people because of my empathy lol
But there's nothing wrong with not wanting to be with anyone else, lots of people find comfort on their own :)
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