My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

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My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Hello! And happy holidays to those celebrating holidays today! I want to share with you my most recent reading.. If that is okay. It was just a 3 card spread, past, present, future. I was focusing on my own spirituality. This time of year I start thinking about my spirit guide the most because I spend the holidays with her siblings. Also, I'm in Louisiana where she died, possibly murdered. No one really knows. It's this time of year I want to talk with her the most and I cannot at will. If she talks to me and I'm listening do we communicate. And I still know nothing about this Jonathan who I beleive protects me, but wants to remain hidden. If he wants to remain hidden, fine, I don't want to bug him. But, I'm so so so curious what/ who he is and WHY he is with ME? So I've been praying constantly that god will lead me on a spiritual path that will answer my questions while strengthening my abilities with the tarot/ clairvoyance/ & mediumship because I feel that is a part of me, if it wasn't I don't think I would have had the experiences I have has in my life. I also think my abilities were much stronger as a child and that I have literally shut that part of my mind down because people were harsh and cruel to me as a child because I was "weird". And I was desperate to fit into my small town. Okay okay, all that said, I did my reading and here it is!


This is how I interpreted it on a basic level. The first card to me represents charity and often Christianity. The type of Christianity I was born into was charity based and philanthropy is my middle name, due to this upbringing.

The next card, the moon, I interpreted as where I am know, moving away from Christianity and studying other ways to be spiritual and to understand myself, the world, and the universe. The moon will light my path to understanding divination, intuition, creativity and magic.

The last car I got was the princess (page) of cups. To me the princess of cups has always been someone I was jealous of. She has high psychic abilities, she is creative and musical. She is a lover of people and animals and they love her back. I until rented this card to mean that if I will follow my intuition I will become like the princess cups. The princess is a child and I believe she also telling me I will regain the abilities I had as a child with help from all. (God, spirits, angels, and well meaning humans).

This whole reading was just reassurance for me that I am on the right oath. That I am right to ask questions and seek answers. And that if I continue to seek answers I will find them. And I will be happy to be the person I was meant to be and not this person I have boxed myself into becoming because of my insecurities as a child. What do you all think?
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Re: My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by Queen of the Dead »

First of all, you have a really nice deck! The art is beautiful. Second of all, I like this reading as well, as it's kind of guiding you, but at the same time, telling you what you already know. As you can tell, I like when the cards agree with me haha.
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My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Thank you Queen of the Dead! It's the spiral deck by Kay Stevenson. And I agree with you, they are very beautiful! I picked them out at a local shop, they are my first and only deck. I also like when the cards agree with and tell me what I want to hear. I hate when I'm doing a reading and I want the next card to be one thing, but u get the opposite, that's when I know things won't go exactly as I want. It's not that it won't be good or the way it's suppose to be. Just not what I wanted. For example, I had a boyfriend tat was cheating on me. I did a reading over our relationship to see how it would end, and I drew the Queen of pentacles. That is not me.. So I assumed it was the other woman and I was right, he continued to cheat on me with a very superficial woman.
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Re: My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by Queen of the Dead »

Ahh, although I'm sorry to hear that he was cheating on you, I have to say that's an interesting way of figuring it out.
Happiness is hiding so you can appreciate it more when you find it. Keep looking.

Lana || Pansexual || Witch of Persephone and Hades || Eclectic Pantheist

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My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by RosieMoonflower »

No no, let me rephrase. I caught him cheating red handed. I wanted to work it out but I knew there was a chance he would cheat again so I did a reading to see how our relationship would end. The last card of the reading was the outcome card and it was the queen of pentacles. I assumed theta was the other woman and so I thought the cards were saying he would cheat on me again with her. And he did. I caught him again. That when I ended the relationship. Should have listened to the cards in the first place and I wouldn't have gotten cheated on by the same man with the same woman twice!
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Re: My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by Queen of the Dead »

Ohhhh well darn. That's how it usually is, though. And unfortunately, he'll probably cheat on her too.
Happiness is hiding so you can appreciate it more when you find it. Keep looking.

Lana || Pansexual || Witch of Persephone and Hades || Eclectic Pantheist

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Re: My most recent reading regarding my own spirituality.

Post by RosieMoonflower »

Looking back at this spread for myself, I could not have drawn more accurate cards to explain my spiritual growth over the last two months. Just wow.

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