This is frightening me - can anyone help?

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This is frightening me - can anyone help?

Post by BlackenedRose* »

I'm scared. Quite regularly now, whenever there's a lot of noise or light, i get unusually agitated and frightened, and lash out a lot. It started waaaay back I don't know when, with the 'boy calls girl ginger/girl has panic attack type thing' I posted about, but that was when I got angry. Now, it's whenever my brother flashes that stupid broken camera in my face, or when my stepdad and brother shout, or near a main road...

Singing makes me feel better, or making any noise at all. This is frightening, because I have heard about things like this....and it's not in a positive light. Any ideas?
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Post by [scifichick] »

Rose, sweetie, can it be just teenage hormones? I remember back when I was a teenager (15-16 years old), I had bouts of rage. I am a peaceful person actually, and that used to scare me a lot as well. I would feel extremely agitated and get that feeling that I want to strangle someone. I could feel it in my hands, strandling, choking, beating down. It felt very overwhelming and I was afraid I'll hurt someone. Does that sound similar to you? It essentially went away. I didn't even think about it until some point when I realized I no longer get like that. The situations that you describe are definitely stressful, so I am thinking that it's your reaction to stress intensified by hormones. Usually when you realize that that's what happening, you can control it somewhat better. Try taking few deep breaths, waiting for it to pass, trying to think about a pleasant situation. It will pass!
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Post by Wolf* »

I get the same way. I can't be in an area with a lot of comotion or I spaz out. There is a possibility that it is "social anxiety disorder"....but don't take my word for it, I'm just giving possibilities....

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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

I don't think it would be Social Anxiety Disorder. With that you are afraid of the people, not angry or anything. You just get really scared to be around anyone and your heart will start racing or you wont be able to breathe. It doesn't really cause anger or anything, at least in my cas. It's more of a phobia, like being afraid of spiders, except its people.
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Post by lek »

I agree with scifichick [tables turned :wink: ]

I'm so glad I'm out of my teenage was just one long nightmare. It's a very rough patch of life, your body is going at warp speed constantly, everything bothers you, even little things. Yeah, I think what you describe is perfectly normal.

Ride it through....few more years and you'll be sailing smooth seas...more or less :roll:
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I honestly thought I was out of puberty...I was an early and regular 'starter' and i'm 5'9"....thought I was all grown up. Maybe it is but I'm not normally like that and it freaks me out. Thanks guys...
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Post by [scifichick] »

Yea, I was not normally like that either. I don't think you are through with puberty yet. But it will certainly pass, just try not to react on that rage. I think when I understand that I'm pissed off just because I'm PMSing for example, I tend to not say hurtful things. Basically, I keep my mouth shut :)
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Yeah, I suppose. Thanks for calming me down....

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Post by [scifichick] »

Just know that this is normal and part of growing up. As much as you might think you are an adult, you are not there yet :) I'm sure you'll come up with something that will help you deal with this. Unfortunately, I don't remember what I did, besides grinding my teeth and clenching my fists... Maybe something physically active you can do? Just know you are not alone, and you'll overcome this!
Only in silence the word,/ only in dark the light,/ only in dying life:/ bright the hawk's flight/ on the empty sky. --Le Guin
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

Thanks. I just have a baaaaaaaad temper all the time (I get it from my dad) and I never can just keep my mouth shut.


I need to invest in a punchbag.
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Post by [scifichick] »

BlackenedRose wrote:I need to invest in a punchbag.
You don't need to, you can use a pillow. You can just grab it and throw around, or hit your bed with it. And hit it, and hit it, and hit it! I am getting all worked up now, time to work out :lol:
Only in silence the word,/ only in dark the light,/ only in dying life:/ bright the hawk's flight/ on the empty sky. --Le Guin
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I started off with a pillow, worked up to shoes (footprints on the wall) and ended up on a big plastic box.

Thanks anyway!

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