Saw something crazy last night

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Saw something crazy last night

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

Last night I was standing outside looking at the sky with my guy. He pointed to a bright thing in the sky and said "I think that's a planet" then proceeded to open an app on his phone that helps to identify constellations & planets. Nothing came up when we pointed it at it, but it was working for the rest of the sky.
We kept trying to figure it out when all of a sudden it just disappeared. There was no cloud cover or anything. It was really really bright & kinda lower in the sky. I have never seen anything like it, but he has seen a ufo before and said he thinks that's what it was. It lingered there for a couple minutes and was just gone!
A few minutes later we saw a shooting star, which was gorgeous. we saw one on our first date 4 years ago and they have always been special to us. <3

Meteors don't just pause in place for a few minutes and just vanish out of the blue like that. The feeling is still indescribable. Did anybody else see anything odd in tne sky last night?
I know I'm not crazy (for the most part lol). I was a bit of a skeptic until last night. Now I believe.

The funny part of the story is when he opened the app, he put the phone down by his side and the app voice said "Uranus" when everything was quiet lol. (Insert immature sense of humor here lmao).
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Re: Saw something crazy last night

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Haha! I would have laughed at that last part too, Pink.

I have no idea what that would be, to be honest. That sounds amazing though! I'm really glad you were able to see something like that, it sounds amazing! I didn't see anything, but then again, I wasn't watching the sky lol

Maybe some others on here can help you. (:
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Re: Saw something crazy last night

Post by Siona »

I saw a story similar to this on an astronomy forum this morning. I think the consensus was it's likely a satellite. When they're at a certain angle they can catch and reflect light, and then they shift and are no longer at the right angle and so are no longer reflecting light. Satellites do move, of course, but if it was closer to the horizon and only there for a few minutes, it might just not have been visible long enough to watch move.
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