Most amazing magick

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Most amazing magick

Post by p3nathan »

I was wondering what people would say was there most impressive act of magick. Has there ever been a spell you've cast that turned out even more impressive than you expected? Perhaps you surprised yourself with what you could do with witchcraft.

I think for me the top 3 in no particular order thus far would be:
1) Freezing out one of the worst bullies I ever faced in high school... it was like I was completely invisible to him.
2) Healing people is always amazing; even if it has taken it's toll on me in the past.
3) Weather witchery tends to have the wow factor and is something I particularly enjoy, within reason of course :P

Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Ch4rmed »

Weather spells sound like fun but...its too advanced for me..:) Currently i work mostly on telepathy, mind messaging, psychics, astral projection, and beauty spells (worked in past) :)
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by YanaKhan »

Most amazing (and most sad) for me was when I found I could feel the real emotions of people. A friend died of cancer in August 2012. At the funeral I felt every emotion and besides his friends, his widow and his mother and sister, nobody was feeling really sad. Some people were crying and were worried if they look sad enough. Some girls were thinking about how they look in their black dresses and some old ladies were feeling bored. It was actually awful. I did a finding peace spell that very same day and I think it kinda backfired. The feeling was like I had to bear a burden on my shoulders and resulted in instead feeling sad, feeling absurdly overwhelmed. I hated it, but still, this is the most amazing experience I had with magick ever.
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

I like weather magick. To me, it's the closest I've come to seeing almost instantaneous results from spells. I have a storm chant that I've used from time to time over the last 5 years and it still amazes me how well it works. :D
I did a spell back in the spring that was somewhat of a failure, but it was still kind of cool. I had seen a couple pairs of rainbow colored shoes that I really wanted to have. I did a spell to get them because they were a bit more money than I usually pay for shoes. When I finally got a new pair of shoes, I ended up with black ones. :P
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Jonjonsalinas_ »

I think my most memorable/amazing experience with magick has been 2 times when I was raising energy in a circle casting. The first time was a normal circle, nothing extraordinary. But when I closed the circle and invoked spirit, I felt this tidal wave of energy come to me - like I was hyper sensitive to everything and I was apart of everything. :) I used the energy that night to create a ward around the boundaries of my room.

The second experience was this past August on my birthday! I casted a circle, invoked the elements, meditated and centered myself. As I was becoming aware of the energy around me, I felt like this beam of energy came down from my ceiling and directly hit me! Needless to say, it felt the same way as the first time. I suddenly had this feeling that I just knew what to say and I opened my mouth, saying a whole blessing and prayer to the Goddess for my next year in life! :)
Bright blessings,
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Firebird »

Yeah, for me it seems to weather too. On more than one occasion we have been able to stave off rain by forming a dome of protection over us... Then as soon as we are done ...swoosh, the rain starts.
One time we were invoking the Goddess into the cup, the Hps swirled her wand over the cup and as she did this a mist started forming just above the liquid, I think I blinked many times to make sure I wasn't seeing things, ...but wow! the phenomenon carried on for a long while. After circle I asked if anyone else saw anything weird, sure enough the other 3 people in circle were equally amazed and didn't want to say anything as it was happening.
My favorite one is when we were up on a hill in one of my favorite parks, of the members is elderly and has to bring his aluminum lawn chair because he can't stand for long periods of time. So, we were all standing for the casting, the circle had just been drawn and I went to call East, raised up my arms and said "power of air I call to you" and >whoosh< a huge gust of wind came from the West and picked up the lawn chair and blew it about 20 feet to the East in front of us. Kinda thought it would come from the East but the effect was freaking great!
that's all I can think of at the moment.
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Tornadofire-Sylva »

Most amazing for me is honestly, my first spell. I know, I know, a finding spell isn't very impressive, but it was the first spell I ever cast. My first spell was successful, and this made me very proud. It gave my velma-esque brain a piece of logical evidence that magic is real.
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by MsMollimizz »

Wow, this might take a moment to type up !
August 2004 (as I live and breathe this is the truth)
We were living in a single story apartment building, only about 7 apts on each side.
It was 2 days after my birthday and I poked my head out of the door to see what all
the noise is about..smoke coming from the side vents; fire !
Got both cats out, one in carrier other on dept was only a few blocks
away so the firemen were there johnny-on-the-spot. I had a park bench outside our
apt which the firemen moved to other side and used when they took shifts-their
faces were sooo red from the heat; the fire started in the attic ! Somebody was ...?
Anyway, we are out in parking lot hoping our stuff survives !
I went out away from the people and built some energy up and put a "bubble" around
our apt, but I then stretched to the closer end of building and asking we won't loose
our stuff.
I put sooo much energy into it I actually saw the transparent blue bubble ! After a bit
I was able to go in and get our Rxs; while I was gone my cat Charlie pulled out of
his collar and charged after me and I didn't know...
I had to go back in to get more Rxs and a fireman picked the tower off the floor
for me when I got pills. One of the firemen noticed Scott Cunningham's Earth Air
Fire and Water book on bookshelf. He saw "Fire" and asked whose it is; mine.
After they went out I called for Charlie, I figured he'd split; 5 fire trucks 2 ambu
and a couple fire marshal's truck. But he came right inside to me, phew !
Come to find out the next day the fire was stopped at our apt and the other apt
towards the parking lot were saved, AND no one lost anything(except packaged
foods from water damage) what a relief !
We wound up moving into apt right across the sidewalk....
I've been pagan since I was 12 when their god didn't help me, but my Goddess
did ! I had just recently started reading Scott's books; realizing I had already
known this stuff it was like reading my journal or diary !
I had no idea I was that powerful to be able to do that when I had been reading
about building an energy ball and able to put it to use ! Red Cross gave us 3 nights
in motel and had to leave my 4-legged kids with Sis-in-laws for a few day while
we got stuff moved over the sidewalk. Hubby and I are both disabled so his
Brother (also disabled) and his wife got it moved over in 2 days. I took Charlie
back in the old apt and let him see what happened, when I took him out on
the leash he kept wanting to back in old apt. until he got use to the new one.
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Re: Most amazing magick

Post by Isis3Anubis »

I applied a protection bubble around my house. Knowing it would be hurricane season I warded the old trees from falling on my house if the winds should blow them down. It was a blizzard three months later and the old oak tree came down five feet from my window. It could have hit the house and room I was sleeping in at the time it came down.
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