A false scry?

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A false scry?

Post by [Dragonmaiden] »

OK here goes - I went scrying about a week ago and saw some things that confirmed what I already knew in my heart - that my now ex-boyfriend had someone else in a different part of my state - and I ended the relationship. However, he swears that he has no one, that my scrying was "muddled" and that my crystal lied to me. Now, I have never had any issues with my crystal ball when it came to scrying and I can't imagine that it would show me things that weren't true. He says that if you believe something it will be reflected in what scrying shows you and that because I obviously beleive that he has someone else, that's why I saw it even though (again, according to him) it's not true.

So my question is, has anyone else ever gotten a false scry?

Posts: 572
Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:31 pm
Gender: Female
Location: North Carolina

Post by Wolf* »

well, if you have never had any scrying problems before....

Well, in regards to what he said, thats what I like to call, "covering your ass".

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by [Chaz] »

For me scrying is not a "movie" type of scene, more of a suggestion of things... images, ect... So, I can't say that I have had a "false" experience. I may have interpreted something wrong. But here is the thing for me in your post, you said that it confirmed "what you knew in your heart" 9 times out of 10 when you feel strongly that something is wrong in a relationship, it is. If there is another woman in his life he has been lying to you about it, why would he NOT lie now? (I am not saying that is the case, by the way... I don't know him or you and can't begin to guess what is going on in your relationship.) You must do what you feel in your heart. Best wishes to you.

Post by [Dragonmaiden] »

Thank you all - I really believed that we were meant to be together and I guess somewhere down deep I still do but IMO he has a lot of growing up to do and I'm not patient enough to wait for him to get over his "sowing wild oats" phase...I agree Wolf with the CYA theory...I've seen him do it with other people but I thought I was different..just goes to show how love can blind ALL the senses.

On a positive note, being a big believer in the Rule of Three, I know this will all come back to bite him in the posterior eventually...and one would think he would know better as he's Pagan also! :lol:


Post by threshhold21 »

Just to be safe, if i were you, I would perform a 'revealing spell' or something to show you the truth. Just because i have been cheeted in many time and one year this guy was such a good liar he had be believing him for one year. i just dont want anything like that happening to you. good luck to you guys. ::coolglasses::

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