
Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Ok. So I was out with my fiancé, at a gaming store. Tables set up. (I ave no interest in this, but brought some books, and my BO'S to see if I could catch up on my personal things while my husband, and my 2 obnoxious roommates played.
After a few hours a couple came in, and they were wearing pentacles and pentagrams and I thought.. Maybe I won't be so bored after all.
The point,
I struck up convo with them, and they got immediately offended if I asked them about Wicca, and told me they were Witta witches. I laughed, only for a second, because I never even heard of this group.
The girl informed me it was more a darker, bloodier Druid form of paganism, and it was ancient, gave me a go to hell you bitch,look, and walked off.

So. Off to google I went. .. And here's what it stated. (granted, wiki kinda sucks, but omg.)


It basically says its Wicca. With Druid influence.

Do anyone here practice that? Has anyone heard of it? I'm stumped. I want to learn, but not too any things written about most of our ways.

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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by loona wynd »

There is a book by Edain McCoy which covers this topic, and to my knowledge it is the only text on the topic.

Witta:An Irish Pagan Tradition

Edit: That wiki link even says:
wikipedia wrote:Witta (Wicca), a witchcraft tradition created by author Edain McCoy
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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by BabyBear »

This is what i found:


Witta, itself infact is a bastardisation of Wicca and the meaning
Gardner put to the word Wica (not Wicca, that came later).

Witta is not Irish in the least!!! Infact Buckland or maybe it was
Cunningham in the Book Witta took many Wiccan rituals. and hey presto
came up with yet ANOTHER tradition! Much like he did with Seax Wicca,
which he made up sitting at a table with Gavin Frost from the Frost's
School of Wicca. (no comments on that one please!)

The Word Witta actually comes from the Word Wittengamot - meeting of the
wise ones.
Wita - indeed is Saxon and means wise
witangamot - meeting or council of wise/elders
Wice - male witch
Wica - alegedley is female witch
Now it is the last but one that causes the arguments. Strictly
speaking the Word Wicca/wicce is a misnomeanor. The extra "c" was
added by Gardner - according to his right hand woman of that time a Mrs
Doreen Valiente. If we were all purists we would cut out the extra c
and spell it wice <pronounced Witch-eh>
but.. over the years the other pronunciations and spelling have entered
the craft and so have many new traditions, farie/fairy, Lothlorian,
Starhawk, 101, to name a few.

Getting back to Witta tho.. at least a little while ago, there were no
Witta covens in Ireland.. in fact the oldest "out" Irish Pagans are the
"Fellowship of Isis", The Farrars, and the Irish Pagan Soc. All of
which I believe have web pages.


Bendegaid Beddot

Beth T. Grove member D.O. U.K.

http://www.groups.google.com/forum/#!to ... slMh7-WkSQ
the link is the full chat and arguments over the valitity of witta and how druidism pertains to it
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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by Firebird »

My tradition is actually based in the Witan, it is not any darker or bloodier than most of the Wiccan groups out there, so I would say these girls are just out to shock a few people, they will get bored soon and be on to the next thing.

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Re: Witta?????????????


Then I will put this to rest. The girl was crass to me, and it was.. Such a strange conversation, with only a couple of minutes of her explanation.
I got the feeling it may be hype and trying to look cool .. Or.. "bad ass" if you will. I just wanted to get some intel before I jumped to conclusions.
Thank you all for helping. I will go back to my ... Pagan eclectic wanderings. It's where I feel most at home.

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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by SnowCat »

I've run into "know it all" witches. They strike me as being insecure. My practice is very eclectic. Maybe it's my ADD. Whatever. I'm comfortable with who I am.

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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by PhoenixFlight »

I think the most annoying thing though, is when people try to argue that the word witch and wicca are not the same word.. I mean, for starters, they're even pronounced the same.... (wicca is pronounced witch-ah) I could go on for a while about this, but I digress.. I think just about every majickal culture will try to have some sort of claim that they came first, but when it boils down to it, does it really matter? MoD, if it helps at all, I have never heard of it before either, and probably would have had a similar reaction, but would have followed up her explanation with my own explanation of "oh, so, you in fact are wiccen? Yeah, probably a little instigating, but whatever... I don't play well with people who are rude or unreasonable towards me for no reason :p
~that is an interesting notion, in it's own way~
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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by Firebird »

The Godmothers of the group I speak of had their research founded in the library, long before the internet. :flyingwitch: It was their understanding, the Witenagemot was a Priestly class of advisory wise men who catered to the Kings and Queens of Anglo-Saxon England in the 600's...there abouts. Some would say these prelatures were the Druids, but there is no proof of that. These wise men would be called to counsel when it was time to name the heir apparent, or at coronations and other events. They may consult the stars or other oracle perhaps. These moots were a time for claims and arbitration's, and some jurisprudence, they were the forerunners to Parliament.
I think our Godmothers of my clan had the idea that the coven or "church" would be the wise counsel to the neighborhood and that the group would be a circle of clergy, but as it turns out not everyone wants to be in a clergy position...and that's ok. They named their group after the Witan to reflect the the energy of a specialized group of consultants. In the beginning many of them were midwives and were counsel to the women about t give birth.
As for a religion of the Witta, I have no idea if there is one. and I think the word got elongated some where on the line, like wicca was wica, and witta=wita and witan=witenagemot.
I have seen Edain's book and generally disregard it.
PhoenixFlight wrote: think the most annoying thing though, is when people try to argue that the word witch and wicca are not the same word.. I mean, for starters, they're even pronounced the same.... (wicca is pronounced witch-ah)

Like I said, the girls are probably beginners or maybe they are starting there own trad.
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Re: Witta?????????????


I've studies our religious and magickal aspects of being an eclectic witch for years and years. Over 6,000 hours of nothing but reading , practicing, learning our heritage. Our old wise ways.
I take my ways seriously.
I wish to learn different aspects, see if they are bullshit or actually have insight to what's important to our old pagan ancestry .. I've heard of so many names of what we call ourselves. .. I see so many who just want attention..
That's why when I heard of this, I wanted to seek counsel. These people, a guy and girl, early 20's.. I try to seek the kindred spirits of those who are of like mind.
I saw no wisdom in their eyes.only irritation and ignorance.. I hate to judge on first sight, but when you look at a person.. In their eyes, see ther aura..see their body language..stance, then when they speak.. The tone, a real witch can spot youth of a soul, hate, love, abuse, happiness, knowledge, pride, solace, indifference, .. The list. It goes on and on.

I find it particularly amusing to see people who wish to be wise, but seek it in no place where wisdom is..
Ahhh.. Youth.
We were all there at one point on all of our lives. So to see it in action in the ignorance that it is, you just have to let them learn for themselves. Eventually .. And it may take a very long time, but, eventually.. They find what's true.. What's real. What's worth it..hopefully.

Blessing friends.
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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by loona wynd »

SnowCat wrote:I've run into "know it all" witches. They strike me as being insecure. My practice is very eclectic. Maybe it's my ADD. Whatever. I'm comfortable with who I am.

I've come across that way in the past online but I know its far from the truth. I think part of that comes from my use of academic resources rather than the most popular books on subjects. I also work hard at making people understand the distinct differences between Traditional Wicca (which is practice specific) and the more modern fairly open style of Wicca. I'm working on changing the way I come across though. Its taking time and effort.

I think that every witch is eclectic to an extent. I think all personal spiritual paths are eclectic. In the end we all study many different philosophies and practices. Our own paths and practices end up being a combination of everything we have read that works for us and rings true to us as individuals. While we may have a tradition we have as our base and foundation in the end personal practices will always have other influences.

As for being comfortable with who you are good for you. That I think is the most important thing in any and all magical practices and spiritual development. I am still working at accepting being comfortable with who I am. There are still aspects of myself I am uncomfortable about and work hard to develop and accept and be comfortable with.
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Re: Witta?????????????

Post by loona wynd »

PhoenixFlight wrote:I think the most annoying thing though, is when people try to argue that the word witch and wicca are not the same word.. I mean, for starters, they're even pronounced the same.... (wicca is pronounced witch-ah) I could go on for a while about this, but I digress.. I think just about every majickal culture will try to have some sort of claim that they came first, but when it boils down to it, does it really matter? MoD, if it helps at all, I have never heard of it before either, and probably would have had a similar reaction, but would have followed up her explanation with my own explanation of "oh, so, you in fact are wiccen? Yeah, probably a little instigating, but whatever... I don't play well with people who are rude or unreasonable towards me for no reason :p
I believe Edain McCoy when writing her book on Witta wanted to create her own version of a Wiccan tradition. All of her work seems to be on Irish or Celtic pagan paths. It makes sense that she would flavor her Wiccan religion is such a manner. This tradition is unknown or rather uncommon because there is only one book on the subject and that book has long been out of print.
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