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Post by Kassandra »


Some general thoughts on safety and dosage inspired by a post I read this morning ( ... 25808.html ):

Safety Note:

The first thing that pops into my mind about elixirs is safety. A lot of inexperienced people read this message board, so I first wanted to mention this for safety's sake:

It's not advisable to put random crystals into water and drink it as an "elixir." Different stones have toxic properties that are released in the water, and could make a person sick. Examples are sulphur, arsenic, copper, zinc, barium, lead, rust, don't want to drink this stuff. The best thing is to consult a minerologist when making an elixir. I have seen inaccurate information get copied from one website to another on the internet, so I don't advise trusting any of it for very important things, like your health. But just to get an example of stones known to be toxic, at minimum do a Google search:

Also, here is an informative post by EUTM member, Isis3Anubis, on this topic: ... 26569.html

crystal elixirs.jpg
Homemade crystal elixirs. Stones have toxic properties, so work with
a minerologist, or someone who is experienced with making elixirs.
While the thought of making them is a wonderfully romantic idea, be
smart about it.

crystal elixir on Flower of Life grid.jpg
crystal elixir on Flower of Life grid.jpg (10.45 KiB) Viewed 2750 times
Elixir combined with a grid of healing stones,
on a Flower of Life grid design, both intended
to amplify the elixir's efficacy.

Options to Elixirs:

Herbs and crystals do not need to be ingested to have an energetic effect on us. Just their presence on or near us is enough to affect us energetically. Rather than drinking elixirs/potions, a safer way to experience the beneficial effects of crystals is to just wear them somehow: as jewelry, or in stone holder pendants, tucked in a pocket or bra --the possibilities are endless. Also, a common practice with medicine bags (Native American) and mojo bags (hoodoo) are to include herbs and petition papers with the stones. There are many options.

Another safer option is to combine the stones and herbs into a "carrier," such as almond oil, to make a magical oil (it's probably good to add a drop or two of vitamin E as a natural preservative, otherwise the oil may turn rancid). Since the principle here is that these things don't need to be ingested to be energetically effective, the magical oil could be used in a number of ways. For example, it could be used to anoint a protective amulet (like a bindrune pendant, for example) to amplify your intention and its magical quality. It could be used to anoint the doors and windows of a room or house for a protective working, and so on.

Determining Dosage:

In regard to determining the dosage of an elixir, each person's energetic "chemistry" (and here, I'm referring to both subtle and physical energies) is different. It would be difficult for someone to tell you to take it 3 times a day versus 1 time a day, because what works for their chemistry may not work for yours. Different stones have very different energetic effects on different people. For instance, while I find being around black tourmaline, obsidian or onyx stones soothing and grounding, an acquaintance of mine finds both of them too "negative" for her energy field, and prefers the energetically "lighter" hematite stone for grounding needs (and hematite does nothing for me, lol). So it might be safest for you to just determine a dosage on your own, starting small, then building up or decreasing, as needed.

I have discovered that body-testing (kinesiology) things before using them is helpful. This might be good to do with any stones before making elixirs out of them. I have had things sound really good in my head (to buy, to do, etc.), only to have my body say “no way, we’re not havin’ that,” for whatever reason. lol If I buy or do the thing anyway, it fails. And the opposite has happened, something that in my head I wasn't really crazy about, my body has said, "that's what would work," and when I try it, it increases my health. So, I have learned the hard way to respect and take into consideration what my body says when making decisions.

Anyway, after selecting stones for an elixir, clearing that they are safe to use, I would then carefully observe my own energy after drinking the elixir to determine my dosage. When I feel grounded, yet with an uplifted, balanced energy, then I would think I found the correct dosage. If I feel totally spacey and disoriented, then I would adjust down, or just quit drinking it altogether and start again with a very small dose, or just change recipes altogether. Again, I’d let my body do the talking.

I would especially watch the body's energy just prior to its moon time. Our (female) bodies go through major hormonal shifts then, and a crystal elixir may or may not be too overwhelming at that time --again, it depends on one's body chemistry, as well as one's environment, frame of mind, etc.

Enjoy. :wink:

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