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Re: Polyamory

Post by Asch »

You betcha, it's done in Tibet to conserve land so what little arable land isn't divided between multiple sons. They'll marry the same woman and keep the land in the family. It helps that one brother is usually away with the herds while the other is at home (assuming there are only two). If there's a way to have a family or a social group people've done it or are doing it :D
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Re: Polyamory

Post by Purewitch22 »

I'm young, but to me it is NOT cool! MY mother watches a show about it!! NOPE! It is wrong!!!
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Re: Polyamory

Post by Traumwandlerin »

A show? On TV? Those normally don't show the reality but rather drama. You know, people don't want to see loving and working relationship on TV but rather drama and unethical things they can talk negatively about ;)

So why it's wrong?
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Re: Polyamory

Post by Robert L »

I know of a couple TV shows, one a reality show and the other a drama. Both cases are members of an offshoot of the LDS church. (Warren Jeffs is an example of this breakaway sect)
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Re: Polyamory

Post by )O( Krystal Raven )O( »

I am poly with my husband in the sense that we are both able to have partners of the same sex with or without each other around, as long as we keep each other acquainted with everyone and stay safe. I am more interested in him playing with me and my girlfriends than being involved in his trysts, and that works out because I'm always on the prowl and he's a wallflower..... and, by the way, I have never been jealous of the people that become a sexual part of our life together because rule number one is to respect each person and their role in our life individually.
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Re: Polyamory

Post by ShinobiGizmo »

I've always wanted to try it. But had no one to try with. I've done "friends with benefits" in the past, but thats as far as i got to that. I always thought it'd be neat to see how I'd behave. Lol, but als, I am unable to try right now since I live commitedly monogasmously(i cant spell) with my girlfriend :)
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Post by scaravich »

shadowx wrote:However, consider that a partner may pretend to be happy with the situation just so they can be in your company. This would cause a lot of pain for that person and you should immediately reconsider.
I know I'm responding like 3-4 years later, but...

This happens in monoamorous/monogamous relationships, too. People who are 100% committed to a one-on-one relationship and don't 'cheat' can still do this. People stay in monogamous relationships that they are unhappy with all the time, just to please the other person or for other reasons.

In fact, almost all problems people have with polyamory are ALSO problems with monoamory! And often the problems are more easily solved in polyamory X_X;

For example, mono people get jealous, too. Poly people, however, are open to the idea of loving other people and are more likely to communicate and discuss these feelings instead of hiding them, thus helping their partners with their jealousy issues and making sure the relationship is working. Mono people are more likely to hide feelings about others (even though it's natural to have them) and let them fester, leading to miscommunication and cheating.
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Re: Polyamory

Post by Vervain »

I am polyamorous, and it has been working very well for me. I was in a monogamous relationship for two years and that was fine too, but I have always been polyamorous, and when he was no longer interested in me I decided to pursue polyamory as a practice and not just the way that I am. It's been wonderful. I currently am in committed relationships with two men and one woman, one of the men is dating the same woman as well as another, and the woman is also dating another man. Two of these relationships are long distance. I am also dating several other people on and off. Everyone is happy and fulfilled, and it's worked really well for me.

Yes, there has been jealousy, but jealousy is something that can be talked through and washed away, and through the work to do so I think I have become a much better, stronger, more honest, and more caring person. Polyamory has made be a better, stronger person at least as much as Paganism has.

I suppose this is because the thing I value most is love, and the thing I value second most (a very close second) is expression. I can't see anything wrong with putting more love out into the world. No, it's not always reciprocated, and not everyone I've ever loved has, even if they were interested in me, been interested in a polyamorous relationship with me, but that's something I've learned to accept is going to happen, and I've never pushed anyone into doing anything they're not comfortable with.

One of my boyfriends (the not long-distance one, although for the next month he is LD b/c I'm visiting the others!) is basically monogamous, but he knew I was polyamorous from the first day we met and he decided that he was okay with that and wanted a relationship with me anyway, and I love him, so it all works out. He has met my other partners--he gets along with my other boyfriend and adores my girlfriend. :) Everyone has moments of jealousy, and I've had some of the worst... but I know from experience that it's very much possible to love multiple people differently in equal amounts, and I've always dated very loving, caring people, so I've always been able to work through it--and haven't had any serious jealousy for almost a year now.

Funny enough, the person I've been most jealous of was my girlfriend when my boyfriend started dating her. I was always able to see that she was a really cool person which made it easier to treat her like a human being despite being extremely jealous, but we eventually talked through it... and now we're dating, too. So!

Anyhow, just my $0.02,
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Post by Vervain »

Godsmack wrote:Polyamorous relationships can be tough, as more communication is needed in order for it to keep afloat.
I don't believe that it is disgusting at all. In fact, I believe that it is beautiful. The reason that most people go for monogamy is because they cannot handle more than one person and because the society we live in thinks that it is 'wrong'. If one can break through the barriers of jealousy, then they have gone above and beyond what most people are capable of. It truly is a wonderful thing. :) I don't think I'd ever be able to handle one, though, lol. However, I am open to the idea.

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Re: Polyamory

Post by )O( Krystal Raven )O( »

It's nice to see this thread come back alive in a positive light. Well wishes to all of Love as their Law and Love under Will. <3 <3
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Re: Polyamory

Post by SnowCat »

Monogamy s my personal preference. I don't want to juggle more than one relationship at a time. I also don't want to learn how to juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle.

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Re: Polyamory

Post by scaravich »

SnowCat wrote:Monogamy s my personal preference. I don't want to juggle more than one relationship at a time. I also don't want to learn how to juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle.

Hahaha. I definitely understand the feeling of not wanting to deal with more than one at a time, and I think it works for most people and that's great. I believe in polyamory but I am fine being in a monogamous relationship if my partner wants it (my husband believes in monogamy, and we've been together for years now happily monogamous, and it hasn't bothered me one bit!)

Though I think juggling chainsaws and riding a unicycle is a bit of a harsh analogy! Monogamy, then, could be compared to tossing around a single chainsaw while stanidng on two feet. Doesn't sound very romantic to me, hahaha.
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Re: Polyamory

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Lol snowcat. I'm hearin ya....

Juggling chainsaws on a unicycle may be safer? ;)
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Re: Polyamory

Post by SnowCat »

I've probably seen way too many commercials for Progressive Insurance. That's where the chaunsaw juggling idea came from.

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