Opinions on Herbalism?

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Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Attilacutie »

Hello! I'm a solitary practitioner, who has recently begun studying herbalism. I was wondering if I could get some opinions on these questions I have.

Where do you get your knowledge about herbalism (online, books, etc)?
How do you judge the accuracy of the information you find?
Where do you get the herbs for your practice? Do you grow them? And if you grow them, are they any special ways that you harvest them?
Do you believe a herbs works for its magical properties or chemical ones? Do your beliefs incorporate a little bit of both?

Any other opinions would be useful too.


Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by MissCandlelight »

I'm a bit of an avid herbalist, as I find it quite fascinating.
I find most of my information from my grandmother and great-grandmother's own collections of journals, but one book that I have always found very helpful is Culpeper's Color Herbal, which is an updated version of an original text, if you do not already have it :). I base most of my judgement on trust and feeling, as this particular book has always seemed to work for me and ispresented in a very good manner.
I grow some herbs of my own, or get them from my grandmother's house. I try to let them grow as freely as I can, so only harvest them when I really need them. I also try to do this on the full moon and with a knife rather than scissors/shears of pulling, as it shocks the stem less.
I think there is a good cross between magickal and chemical properties. For example, I might use aconite in a protection ritual, but I certainly wouldn't ingest it for it's chemical uses. But then I would use mint leaves for a refreshing summer drink to sooth my hay fever :) So it all depends on the herb and personal preference.
Hope this helped a bit!
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Ula »

Attilacutie wrote:Where do you get your knowledge about herbalism (online, books, etc)?
How do you judge the accuracy of the information you find?
Where do you get the herbs for your practice? Do you grow them? And if you grow them, are they any special ways that you harvest them?
Do you believe a herbs works for its magical properties or chemical ones? Do your beliefs incorporate a little bit of both?
I have no family in the craft so most of my info is gathered online. As far as accuracy I look at many sites and find what is usually listed in common is pretty true to form. I buy my herbs right now but I am planting some that will grow in this area but they will only make it through the summer. I am going wild crafting this summer as well. I will talk to the plants and be gentle about taking leaves. I believe some herbs work chemically, like seasoning and medicine and some are magical like white sage for smudging. Just make sure it's ok to ingest something before you do. Most sites are pretty good about listing toxic herbs.

Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by greenvixen »

to the magick that herb brings... i believe in that... always remember your brain is very powerful if you once believe that it will work... it surely will... so never doubt your craft never doubt ur materials never doubt ur spell... always believe and you will achieve...
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Firebird »

Go to school. I took a plant ID class. Very important that you know the botanical name for plants, too many have the same common name. You will get a whole new appreciation for the plant world if you understand how to ID them.
good luck! Firebirdflys
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by wolfgirl96 »

i use the book Encyclopedia of magical herbs by scott cunningham
your will is a powerful tool, if you belive it will do something, that alone should produce an effect
i grow most of mine, and i harvest them with a knife i consecrated for that purpose. i also buy them at the supermarket if i can.

Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Gossamyr »

Hi , I am from the Philippines and most of the plants that I read about on threads such as this arent available for me. I know it may sound silly, but , I just have to ask , most (dried) herbs (mostly used in cooking)are readily available in packs that can be bought at the supermarket, does that affect the effiency of the spell?
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Holdasown »

I go online and I have two herb books. The Northern Shamanic Herbal by Raven Kaldera and Herbs: Medicinal, Magical, Marvelous! by Deborah J. Martin. I choose both books based on the people being experience herbalist and practioners. Both came recommended. I have used dried, store bought herbs and they have worked fine.
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?

Post by Lillady »

wolfgirl96 wrote:i use the book Encyclopedia of magical herbs by scott cunningham
I highly recommend that book, other than that I dont use a whole lot of herbs on a regular basis. I do agree though that through research must be done due to so many similar names etc. There are also many adverse effects so unless you are througholy educated I would not try anything too intense just to be on the safe side.
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Re: Opinions on Herbalism?


Buying herbs from the store is fine, if you don't have a place to grow them yourself. Just do your best to try and get fresh herbs in the produce section, or when buying in the spice isle, look at the "best sold by" date... ..
It's a shame that we all don't have a plot of land to grow , in a hurry ourselves, or we all don't live in a home where we are in the broom closet and are trying not to draw too much attention to ourselves...
Whatever the reason, whether you can't grow them, or you find it necessary that you need them NOW, or what have you,what's important, is what wolfgirl wrote. You need to believe it will work.
Get an reliable book, any have given you good advice on them here, and study. Decide ax acutely what you need. And go from there.
M~ Dragons
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