soulmates? or:letting go

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soulmates? or:letting go

Post by Helvetica »

Hey guys!
I've been contemplating this post for a long while since I usually don't like to share stuff from my private life, but I really need advice (or maybe just a solid bonk on the head? Not sure about that...)
First some background:
Two years ago I spent an exchange year in the US. There I met a guy who became one of my best friends and after about half a year my boyfriend. We broke up when I had go go back to Switzerland and he enlisted in the Air Force because we didn't think a long-distance relationship would go over well. We remained friends and chtted sporadically and both of us dated other people since.

For almost a year now I can't stop thinking about him, even while I was still in another happy relationship. Not like mooning about hin 24/7 , more like certain days where I could not help missing him, wanting to be with him. This has incrrased over the past half year and he seeks contact more often as well, we talk a lot or chat and sometimes it gets flirty.
In about two months he'll be stationned in Germany, which is not so far from where I live and we've been planning on meeting and I honestly can't wait, but I'm also scared. Idk if he feels the same way as I do.
Now I keep wondering if I actually love him or the idea of him, since he's kind of in my mind as a perfect addition to that comes what was our issue in the first place: the distance. When I say close I mean 3 hours, and that is only while he is in Germany. After that, who knows?

So now: what is your opinion on it? Should I keep fighting/ignoring my feeelings because it's easier? Just wait and see how it sorts itself out? Could we be soulmates (a topic I have until now never cared for, but I have also never felt this need to be near a person, talk to him and so on) or are these just teen antics coming late? Oh, and my favprite one: how do I manage to get my act together and let go, because I'm scared thst if something goes wrong with our relationshipthis tine, the friendzone would be impossibleso it would be safer to stay platonic,wouldn't it?
Thanks for reading this, i hope it doesn't sound too stupid.

Re: soulmates? or:letting go

Post by Eric1283 »

In all honesty I would say meet and see if he shares your feelings, if so then go for it. Some things are worth the risk but you also have to be sure that if things work out that one of you would he willing to move to he with the other. Love is to good to play it safe especially true love.
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