Polarity..blocked chakras?

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Polarity..blocked chakras?

Post by icicle10 »

Maybe someone that has been doing this for a while longer than me can help me with the issue I am pondering. I am fairly new to energy work and discovering new things about it everyday.
I have been having been trying to move forward in my life with letting go of my past, etc. I have had muscular pain in my left trapezius and left neck since I was 15 years old. I have been getting massage from a friend who is very in tune with energies and very intuitive. (He just graduated from massage school). Every time he works on my right shoulder goes into spasms (aside my left side pain) and he says there is alot of emotional issues I haven't dismissed yet. I just found out the other day I have a mass on my right ovary. I am wondering if there is a connection between my chakras and or my polarity. I'm not sure what to think about this or how to go about dealing with my past which I feel like I have meditated on and let go. Any feed back would just be great :) thanks
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Re: Polarity..blocked chakras?

Post by presentcharisma »

just be careful of energy practitioners who "diagnose" because it could manifest something that isn't there.

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