Discussion of healing and energy work. (We have a new forum for Prayer Requests. It's down in the Member's Nook.)


Post by MoonlitOrchid »

I had been under tremendous stress and prolonged depression for a few years ever since I lost my second child. I thought I had a grip on everything. But, when my defenses were down I cracked and everyone saw me fall apart. My husband took some time and was there for me and we are going to counseling. But, everyone now thinks the ultimate worst of me. I'm not getting understanding or compassion. I wasn't asked the next day if I was ok or needed anything but, that I was disruptive and everyone is not wanting to talk to me.
I would appreciate any prayers or positive energies being sent my way. I need people to see me with compassion and understanding. I need this situation to be smoothed over. I need the people in my life to be there for me. I need what happened to bring us all closer together instead of farther apart. I can't change what happened. The best I can hope for is for good things to come from it. Thank you
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Serenity Willow
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Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:36 am
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Post by Serenity Willow »

Oh, I'm so sorry for your heartache. You have my prayers and positive energy sent your way.

Going the Distance...
~It seems so unsettled. Such chaos looming in your heart, see the light in your heart. The light in your eyes has disappeared. The shine can appear again only when you learn to accept the past. You have changed and live with regrets. Tomorrow you will wake to start a new process of your life. The time will stand still only for a moment, you will see and you will accept the truth for the first time . You will truly accept what you have always known. Life hasn't cheated you, you chose the paths that led you to where you stand today. The choice is yours today as well. You have the choice to carry on and deny yourself the life you can have, or you can choose to do all that is needed for your light to shine again.

Maybe you've been looking too hard for answers when they've always been right in front of you~

This is a writing I did a couple of years ago and it's the one that jumped at me to share with you. It's saying that you choose your happiness and how long you hang onto your pain. Terrible things happen to us all, but maybe what it's saying to you is that it's possibly time for you to forgive yourself and start living life again. Your child wouldn't want you to hang onto such pain and depression and your child certainly wouldn't want you to deny yourself Sunshine and love in your life.
Letting go of the pain and enjoying life again doesn't mean that you don't love your child or miss holding her/him. It only means that you have found strength and love of yourself again. You are a loving Mother, who lost her Baby. I could not imagine the pain that would cause me. BUT, maybe it's time to move forward. You said "your second child", what about the first and what about your husband AND what about YOU? That's 3 people I count that need your love. You may have lost sight of the fact that you do deserve to feel Sunshine on your face and you do deserve to feel your cheeks hurt from laughing so hard that you're gonna pee your pants. Enjoying life again doesn't mean that you don't love your child that you lost. To me, it means that you have found the love inside your heart that gave you this child in the first place and you are ready to share your love again.

Blessings MoonlitOrchid, I sure hope I made sense? <3
Bright Blessings Just for Today <3

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