A dream that seemed Very real to me.

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
Avildar Ratlav

A dream that seemed Very real to me.

Post by Avildar Ratlav »

This was a really weird dream, but it seemed really real as I was experiancing it. I will try and explain it, but it was really Odd.

It started with me going into a doctors office or atleast thats what it seemed like. I feel like I had been there before, but when I got there this time, it looked as if it was being closed down, and people where leaving. I stayed tho, I wanted to talk to the head guy. Shortly, I got to see him, then he told me they were shuting down the project. Then I found myself asking him to continue his project on me, he then brought me to the back room. He told me to lift my shirt, he then gave me a shot in my stomch. As soon as I got the shot I went into a intence high.

I was then picked up and taken to a new room, where I was put into a chair, it was a chair with handles and pedals. It was like my hands and feet were bound to the handles and pedals and I had no control over my body. I found myself moving the handles and pedals at a very high rate of speed but the rest of my body was flopping around as if it was dead, but I was fully aware of everthing around me. This is when I noticed my younger brother brother sitting there watching me like I wasn't doing anything unusual.

Next my hands let go if the handles, and my body feel to the floor. The man in charged and a woman entered the room. The woman stated this on looks like he is burned, the guy in charge said no this one is my friend. He then opend my mouth and gave me a shot in my tounge, I started to regain control of my body again, but I still felt high/drunk. They then left the room but my brother was still there. I then demanded a Dr. Pepper, a man I hadn't seen before gave me one and a glass, I pored it in my glass and looked at my brother, then turned back to the guy and said to him why didn't you bring him a glass.

The man then walked away. I then got up and started wondering around the rooms in the place I was at. I found a box of candy, for some reason I started filling my pockets up with the candy. Then I went back to room where my brother was, and I gave him some. I started eating all the candy I had, it was like getting a major rush from it, and couldn't get enough. I found myself going back to the box to get more, stuffing my pockets again. The guy in charge then came in and told me, he was going to move me to a differant place. As I left with him, I woke up.

Anyone have any Ideas of what this dream could mean? or why I would dream something of this nature. It's didn't scare me but my heart was racing when I woke.
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Post by Tigerlily* »


I feel it could have something to do with your brother and you,since he seemed to be in the dream with you.Let me do some searching in my books and see what I come up with for ya!!!!

Blessed Be!!!

Avildar Ratlav

Post by Avildar Ratlav »

Thank you, Tigerlily that would really help... It was one of the most deatailed and Odd dreams I have ever had.
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Post by Starwitch »

I would have to know you personally to try to interpret a dream that complex. Sorry.

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Post by Tigerlily* »

Ok,this dream has me stumped,lol,but Im still looking!Ill let ya know if I find anything!!!


Avildar Ratlav

Post by Avildar Ratlav »

heh, Thanks for trying... If It hadn't been so weird and so real, like I was experiencing it at the time. I probably wouldn't of posted it. Also it happened to one of the only dreams I have had that I remembered it in so much detail.
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Post by 5moons »

i am sorry we could not be of more help . Dreams can be confusing at times like yours I had one two but I can't remeber it all
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Post by hedge* »

I've pondered this dream for a while now, here's what I came up with.

Someone you look up to and respect is abusing their authority in a situation. You know this is going on but choose not to voice your opinion. You don't agree with what they're doing but by not saying anything you are adding to the problem.
You need to stand firm in your beliefs and opinions.

Hope this makes some sort of sense to you.

Avildar Ratlav

Post by Avildar Ratlav »

hedgewitch wrote:Hmmmmmm....
I've pondered this dream for a while now, here's what I came up with.

Someone you look up to and respect is abusing their authority in a situation. You know this is going on but choose not to voice your opinion. You don't agree with what they're doing but by not saying anything you are adding to the problem.
You need to stand firm in your beliefs and opinions.

Hope this makes some sort of sense to you.

OMG! hedge I think you got it. Recently I did finally go threw something like you was saying. And yes I had something to say and I just did about a week ago.

Thanks Hedge

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