He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

For discussion and questions about Gods and Goddesses.
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He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by black dove »

This is not to stir up an argument, but rather, bring to light something that has gripped me with stern conviction, especially recently. It seems that EVERYONE on here (including the men) are Dianic Wiccan. I mean really. All I see on here is references to the Goddess. Prime examples: "Goddess Bless", "Thank the Goddess", "Oh my Goddess", "Goddess be with you", or even just talk and appreciation shown toward the goddess.

I can't even recall the last time I've read a post on here about the God. Now I understand, about 90% of the active members on this site (not even, the vast majority of the religion) are female, but the religion emphasizes that the Goddess is the equal to her consort. I noticed the same issue arising in myself months back, so I started making a conscious effort to acknowledge the God, and now I have equality in my life. I connected surprisingly well with Cernunnos, and he has helped my more masculine needs, such as exercising, charisma, vigor, etc. As for the goddess, I connected with Cerridwen, and call on her help in times that I need wisdom, understanding, creativity, and maybe some emotional help.

Now, am I trying to rise up conflict? No, but rather awareness. Not once can I recall active mention of the God in any Wiccan community even. Heck! Even that chick on True Blood doesn't even mention him :roll: Why is this? I don't, probably because Christianity has a God, and its a bit of shock value and a bit unique--something that sets us apart--but that doesn't mean that we should lose site of a key piece of the religion.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Symandinome »

You are absolutely right. There is duality in all things and the god is equally important as the goddess. For many i think the reason they put her before the god is because most people come from a christian background where feminity and womanhood and the sacred feminine are neglected, ignored, and refuted. For others perhaps it is because they connect with the goddess more so than the god because they are a woman. In my tradition specifically everything started out with The Great Mother and The Great Father. The Great Father is busy in the cosmos and The Great Mother made her home here on Earth and from her all the other gods and everything else came. This includes the God in all his aspects. I know that it isnt the greatest thing to do to put one of greater importance or emphasis over the other but we are all humans and we all have faults. I am not a Dianic Wiccan or any other kind of Wiccan. Celtic Traditions stem from a belief in Danu the Mother of All Living. It was from her all gods came and everything else. So naturally people of this belief system would revere the Goddess higher that the god atleast in namesake. The God is equally revered in sabbat rituals. Perhaps there are even people that do not recognize a male deity at all but instead see the Goddess as fullfilling both roles?

I cant answer for other people as to their reasons I can only speculate but for me when I use the word Goddess I am not refering to any of the every day goddessses but instead am refering to The Great Mother. If I mean to speak of any other goddess but her I will use their name.

I do agree people tend to put the God on the backburner so to speak almost to his complete exclusion but thats their perogative. My love for them is equal but I have a closer connection to the goddess because I am a woman just as I would expect a man to be closer to a God. Lets not forget there were plenty of "Cults" that served only a Goddess or Only a God. Peoples beliefs and practices are something personal to them and who are any of us to say what is right or what is wrong about how someone view something or acts to something in regards to religion.

If you dont like how people word things thats on you. You cant please everyone.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Tylluan »

I can see what you mean. I don't generally refer to a god or goddess though I've looked through my posts and the only time I have mentioned anyone it is Demeter.

I love this time of year because where I live we are about to celebrate Lughnasadh. I love the way the years is building now towards Yule and the fight between the Holly King and the Oak King. I don't generally genderise (not sure if that is even a word). I guess I just don't talk about it enough.

I think rather than starting an argument, you've raised a good point.

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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Zili »

he doesn't die every winter due to a lack of appreciation he dies because its time for the goddess to take over Spring and summer are the time of the Goddess fall and winter is the time of the God. while its true that several wiccans/pagans do not worship him as though he should be worshiped.
It seems that EVERYONE on here (including the men) are Dianic Wiccan.
I know you don't mean to offend anyone by saying this but I do feel a bit offended because you are lumping all of us under the same category just as paganism is very diverse, so are these forums I am not a Dianic wiccan, I'm not even wiccan I'm eclectic pagan with a greek God (dionysus) and a native american Goddess (hanwi) I hate it when people call me a wiccan in real life because I am not I do not follow their practices and I do not perform wiccan rituals.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by JBRaven »

I agree Zili that statement offended me as well for I am not Wiccan. While I know you did not mean to offend it still does because I find it very important to respect both the God and Goddess. To lack one makes the other incomplete.

I bring the point that I do not believe the God "dies" at all. That is just the simple way that people who now very little about Wicca put it. The symbolism of the Horned God is played out the theme of the Holly King and Oak King. The Horned God is the Holly King and the Oak King, two twin gods seen as one complete entity. Each of the twin gods rule for half of a year, fights for the favor of the Goddess, and dies. But the defeated twin is not truly dead, he merely withdraws for six months. This is the idea that is seen in Slavic myth with Belobog and Chernobog. My gods (perun, dazbog,veles) don't die.

The truth about the site is that it is ran by a feminist. StarWitch often celebrates womanhood. I use to make thread about male appreciation. They were never used. I often tell others not to forget about God. Don't lump me into a category unless you have read every post I ever written.

Witchcraft often focuses on the Goddess because God is a concept pushed from childhood on most children. This site is directed to YOUNG witches; so they are relishing in the divine female. There is nothing wrong with this. No new witch have discovered the mysteries that the craft holds. One of those mysteries is taking back the divine male. Given time they will find him just as beautiful as the Goddess.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by black dove »

Zili, you're over analyzing me or missing something. I didn't mean it "He dies every winter from lack of appreciation" literally, but rather analytically. I wrote the title that way to draw attention. It also fits my point by giving the story of the God and Goddess a twist, because all the wiccans on here I've met only mention the goddess. It wasn't meant to be taken literally, like a Clash of the Titans scenario. You should reread my post.

Secondly, I wasn't lumping you all together under the same category. A key word was "seems." Why do most of the wiccans on here SEEM to be Dianic? Because Dianic Wicca is a feminist branch of Wicca, where the male deity is almost unpresent in ritual work or even acknowledged. I'm not saying that you're all Dianic, but I'm saying that this Dianic trait is a consistent trend among many Wiccans (or people with Wiccan influence) even though it should not be that way.

And I'm not Wiccan either. I'm also eclectic pagan. Heck, I often make that clear in my posts. I draw my influences from Druidry, Asatru, and a little Wicca. I don't even do Wiccan ritual work. I've tried, but I need to move around. I can't be confined to an indoor altar while I'm at work. Okay, maybe I'll be able to deal with outdoor rituals better, but I'll have to walk around in the circle a lot. So you really shouldn't feel offended, because I wasn't generalizing you or anyone else. I was revealing a common trend that almost ALL Wiccans share.

Symani: You got what I was saying DEAD ON :D

Also, let me establish this--My view on "The All": A nongendered supreme being exhibiting masculine and feminine traits. He (which is literally correct when the gender is unknown or lacking) has revealed himself to us through many faces.
His masculine traits, Thor, Odin, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Ra, Yahweh, etc.
The feminine traits, Aphrodite, Gaia, Brigit, The All Mother, Isis, Cerridwen, Hecate, etc.

I worship this being. I worship all gods. But when I need something specific, I pull a Catholic move and pray to a specific face of his. I mean, I'm not going to pray to Cupid for physical strength and vigor. No! Thats when I go to Thor or something else. If my love life is lacking some spice, I'm not going to pray to Jehovah! I'm going to pray to Druantia!

My point is, I don't get why WICCANS typically focus on JUST the goddess. Even most male wiccans do the same thing.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Symandinome »

I did get what you were saying Black and I would have been offended by your post too if I didnt know you. Since I know you fairly well from here I know what kind of person you are and what your intentions were. I knew you werent trying to attack anyone and though your choice of wording as far as the Dianic thing, though clear if you really read it carefully, can easilly be misunderstood by reading too quickly.

I know you werent intending on sounding attacking at all you were just starting a conversation about your observation which I myself can say Ive notice the pattern as well. It just doesnt bother me like i guess it bothers you LOL. I agree that the GOD is equally important in relation to the life cycle on the earth but spiritually my fullfillment comes from the Goddess specifically and its for that and the other reasons I have listed that she is placed above him. Id imagine its that way for many people also.

You can blame it on people coming from Christianity where she is completely out of the picture and people are just making up for lost time with her and giving her the recognition she should have been getting all along.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Zili »

i know you werent trying to attack anyone specifically but you do need to know when you are offending someone or a group of people by adding the word "seems" doesn't lesson the blow any, just please be a bit more mindful of how you state things by saying you've meet or feel that a "greater part" of wiccans you know are dianic makes it less of an offensive statement and more of an obesrvation.

as for your title, titles play into how people read your posts why do you need a fancy way of putting it to get a reader's attention? forums are different than books you know. I only stated what I did because we are starting up the witch school here and its a topic i'm teaching on I don't want anyone to get the wrong ideas.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by black dove »

Well ok, I suppose I'll just be a bit more careful on how I say things on here. And I'll be more aware of the school thing... I didn't know that y'all were actually going through with that. But just to be 100% sure, everyone understands the point I'm making, right? This post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but was more aimed at the general public (though not everyone in it).
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by JBRaven »

Just because you don't mean to offend, does not mean you don't. When you say "seems like everyone" you are adding EVERYONE into the umbrella. SO I did read it carefully, I thought it through. Yes, I know it was an observation not meant to offend; but you can't think that your intentions will lesson my emotional reaction.

But like I said, originally this site was geared towards Goddess worshiping. In the beginning I was a minority here because I praised both. There is still a lot of that vibe still here. It has come a long way since then but it still has a long way to go.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by FireQueen »

I get what you are saying Black and have been aware of an "apparent" lack of recognition of the God in posts..... however, I do not believe that it is in fact the case that most are Dianic nor that the God is being ignored.

Many here DO in fact acknowledge the God..... wasn't offended, but take a closer look at my profile pic. :)

Be careful though when making such sweeping and generalised statements ~ as the PP's have already said, the written word is easily misinterpreted and some less enlightened and troubled souls will even take things out of context deliberately just to pick a fight.

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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Symandinome »

Well i certainly hope this conversation is finished now and today will be a much happier day on the forum. We all can learn a lesson from this post and that is for all of to be mindful of our words despite how benign are intentions are.

Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by hawthorn »

i'm wiccan and i acknowledge both.
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Firebird »

I recently posted a bit on Lugh at Solstice...
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Re: He dies every winter from lack of appreciation

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

I truly understand the original post, but to be honest, I feel closer to the Goddess even though I'm a guy, but you gave me something to thing, I try to lose my extra pounds, and I was trying to find out why spells didn't work, not spells to magickally remove my fat, but spells to help me keep focus! ALL my spells are reffering to the Goddess, but now I'm thinking it, since I'm a guy, I should talk to the God? about this?
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