US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sightings

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US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sightings

Post by dreaming_lucid »

Here's a video in which retired US air force personnel recount stories of ET sightings around nuclear facilities. A few of them suggest that ET's are warning us about nuclear weapons, and the ET's apparently temporarily disable the weapons during these close encounters.
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Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Without watching the video (hate watching videos, rather reading texts), if they only appear near nuclear facilities, I would think up a physical explanation. What kind of nuclear facilites do they have in the US? Maybe they aren't using safty guidlines and something is "leaking" out. There are a lot of nice visual effects that can happen with ionising radiation. Or maybe those weapons are highly guided (hopefully), maybe using high electromagnetical fields. This surely will produce nice visual effects.

Those VE's are surely a warning sign of either too much ionising radiation or dangerously high electromagnetical fields. Well and yeah, nuclear weapons are bad, but I guess we all know this already. Smoking is also bad, everyone knows, despite that there are still many people smoking.

Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by dreaming_lucid »

It's a fairly long video, but I found the accounts extremely interesting. They don't say anything about EMF or leaking radiation (I seriously doubt it was leaking radiation,which would be a huge issue), and I get the impression that if there were a simple explanation, it would have been given. The men worked at these facilities for long enough to know whether or not this was a common occurrence. When they talked to their superiors about the incidents, they were either ignored or told to sign paper work to not disclose what they saw. One of the men claims he actually approached a small ship, along with a few others on his team, that had landed in the forest near the base,before it took off. It sounds hard to believe, but they give convincing accounts.
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Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by shadowx »

Aliens have almost certainly never visited earth. They exist, yes, but they have not come here. We would have noticed by now.

America has a good reason for allowing you to believe in alien visitation. It takes your eyes off of their top secret military research ;) This is the government that knowingly and deliberately infected black "patients" with STDs so they could study them without telling the participant. You think they arent capable of testing hallucinogens and other ways of trickery?...

MUCH more plausible than alien visitation, trust me.
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Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Actually such visual effects are sometimes not easily explainable. There are still quite a few ones, that are a matter of actual research and surely a lot aren't discovered yet or we have no clue why this happens.
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Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by shadowx »

Ah but visual hallucinations, classified image projection tech and lies are all more plausible than the idea of FTL alien travel and communication!

Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by dreaming_lucid »

shadowx wrote:Aliens have almost certainly never visited earth. They exist, yes, but they have not come here. We would have noticed by now.

America has a good reason for allowing you to believe in alien visitation. It takes your eyes off of their top secret military research ;) This is the government that knowingly and deliberately infected black "patients" with STDs so they could study them without telling the participant. You think they arent capable of testing hallucinogens and other ways of trickery?...

MUCH more plausible than alien visitation, trust me.

Yes, I'm familiar with the Tuskegee incident. I almost agreed with you about the possibility of this being a disinfo campaign, but then I realized that doesn't make any sense. Americans don't need a handful of former military officers making wild claims about their close encounter experiences to distract us from top secret military research. We have Hollywood, corrupt politicians,the 9-5 daily grind, and corporate media handling that just fine. No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we're still at war, and that's not even a secret. You can lie right out in the open, get caught, and if you know the right people nothing happens. Most people probably haven't even heard about this ET press conference I linked to, even though it was aired on CNN. Even if they have, they've probably forgotten about it by now.

But maybe this is part of a plot by a secret arm of the gov't wanting to usurp power through a martial law police state under the auspices of a "looming" threat of alien invasion. :shock: Of course, terrorism would make a more plausible choice for threats...and then again, if we are being threatened by aliens, it would have to be a global conspiracy, involving global coordination, so I'm not putting too much weight in this "trickery" theory, though I am quite aware of how secretive and corrupt the gov't is.

Anyway, I realize you don't believe its possible for ET's to be able to travel here over great distances, although I saw you mentioned wormholes as a possibility that would be detectable by SETI. It seems to me, however, that given the size and AGE of the universe and the probability of advanced civilizations (imagine an advanced civilization that's been around for ten million years or more), it is not unreasonable to assume there are beings out there that can do things far beyond our scope of understanding or even beyond what we think is possible.

Another non ET theory I had toyed w/ is that collective human consciousness is affecting some sort of mass energetic phenomenon that manifests these lights. I came to this theory after a period in my life of intense meditation, when I began seeing tiny orbs of light flickering on and off throughout the day. I looked online and saw this was not uncommon, but the skeptics and nonbelievers basically said to people who had similar stories, get your eyes / brain checked. So I came to the conclusion, this might be real, but I have no way to determine if I'm hallucinating or not. Then one day I saw one of these specks of white light manifest out of thin air, move rapidly about eight inches, and collide with a leaf on a branch that I had hung up in my apartment. The leaf dropped from the branch on contact, so at that point I knew it was a subtle, but physical phenomenon. So perhaps these strange lights are not spaceships as we understand them , but energetic organizations of consciousness, our own, or perhaps otherworldly.
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Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Maybe you've seen a ball-lightning, those are rare, but really impressiv. I've only witnessed ball-lightning-models, done in a research lab. It could have freaked me out totally, watching this little ball of light crawling in the air, on the ground, through the wall.. But I knew the physics and how it was done.

But I like the other theory of yours. I'm not a really a fan of the collective unconsciousness, but it would work. There is a fear developing in all of us and some that are sensible will be able to see this fear. By the way, I think hallucinations are quite real, it has nothing to do with being insane, but it's not physically real.

And that's the only way were ET's could enter my image of the worls, through the unconsciousness. Not physically here, only an projected image in our minds.

Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by dreaming_lucid »

Could have been ball lightning, but that doesn't explain the rest of the visual phenomena that looked exactly the same as the moving speck of light, minus the movement/ impact. Yes, I often think if we are ever able to travel great distances through space, it will be through some sort of projection of consciousness.

Re: US Retired Airforce go on record with ET sitings

Post by aussietom »

to be honest i believe aliens have visited earth.. and i believe governments.. especially the power hungry american and british governments, have a reason to cover it up along with organised religion! imagine if the world was told the truth from all governments- 50% wouldnt believe, 40% beliefs and teachings totally cut down to lies... where did all our technology in ancient times appear? if there were no aliens or other beings to teach us or let us mimic their advance understanding of physics, maths, cosmology, technology and what not.. where did this suddenly appear from or where people back then more enlightened and could access forever flowing knowledge? or were our dna crossed with human and alien to create smarter human version with a greater IQ or what not to develop and/or understand such knowledge?
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