Dream Interpretation

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Dream Interpretation

Post by kurkur »

What is a dream? What are they made from and where do they come from? Dreams are seemingly the most ephemeral of mysteries, but in fact they are no more mysterious than our spirit and soul, our thoughts and imagination. We cannot touch them, yet they can and do touch us ~ deeply.

When we dream, our bodies are in deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and our mind is at the theta or beta level of consciousness. Theta consciousness is what could best be described as a deep lucid meditation state of super awareness, and delta consciousness could best be described as out of body consciousness (the states of consciousness are Alpha - light meditation/daydreaming; Beta - normal conscious wakeful awareness; Theta & Delta as described already). So when we are dreaming we are in a Theta/Delta state, and our consciousness is in an out of body expanded awareness state of being which is typically described as a "soul journey", where the soul leaves the body and returns to it's normal state of harmony, and visits what we might call the home of souls where all thought/understanding/love originates.

In order to understand dreams we need to understand emotions, for it is from the emotional level of consciousness that dreams communicate the urgings and motivations of the soul for the journey of it's bodily consciousness through this life.

Originating from the same deep inner source as emotions means that the messages of the soul ~ dreams ~ are there for us to understand at that same level, so when we experience dreams, we should look well past the material and symbolic, and toward the emotive in order to understand what our soul is trying to tell us in the dream, for there is no more perfect or superior communication than emotion ~ the language of pure love, which is transmitted from soul to soul using the body as an expressive article and vehicle.

All dreams have a context, scenario, and participants, while the underlying driving principle is emotional. When we have any dream, it is best to look at what emotional feelings the dream presents, for it is only through our emotions that psychological well-being and healing in life can be assured. So if a dream is frightening, one should not look at the particulars that make the dream frightful (such as snakes or spiders that are innocent victims of out of control fear), but at the emotion of fright and fear itself and how it is preventing the pure expression of love and it's life-force within us. When the emotional causative factor for any dream is understood, that causative factor loses it's power, for people are naturally afraid of what they do not understand, and naturally loving and accepting of what they do understand. So when we understand the emotion that is driving the dream, the charge that it has over us is neutralised, and we are naturally healed, which is the intent and purpose of our souls journey through this life.

Article Source: here
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Post by hedge* »

That is excellently well put :D
Are you Barry?

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