I need positive energy

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I need positive energy

Post by Lost_Demise »

I'm an elemental sensitive, basically someone sensitive to the elements and can feel them through touch, smell, taste, seeing them, and other ways of feeling them. They are extreme and many variations and branches of each element and branch of the branch and things are just so spread out.

I just finished reading a conversation a friend sent to me that she had with someone and the other person smelled of burning embers, and the further it went down the worse it smelled like a horrid stench of cinders burning and busting apart with foul smell and burning. Though I'm done reading it I feel horridly foul and sick, the smell their fury and anger(the person my friend was talking to is childish and so has a temper like one.) even if I shower I know it wont go away, because its clinging at parts where other peoples energy hangs. It can't be washed off or brushed off, so I wanted to get rid on it through just asking for some good vibrations from others and having others energies brush it off. If it stays on me I wont be able to eat or drink, its making me feel so horridly sick.

Not like this is the only time I felt sick because of the person my friend spoke with. One site that person opened was called magi university and was basically a spiritual site designed to be competitive and making people believe that certain things you can only be born with you can learn and don't need to, and that those that didn't take the 'classes' they had at the site where insuperior - even if you where already a well learned person that knew a lot in your own right you where still treated like a novice for not taking those classes. Then they had people list everything they could do. There was just a number of things wrong with that site and it caused so much competitiveness that for many people including me and my friend we couldn't go to the forum without being in pain. Still me and my friend tried to get that same person to change how that forum was set up, to get rid of the competitiveness or at least get it to some healthier levels. I nearly fainted from all the pain I ended up getting trying to argue on that forum. In the end me and my friend where banned but not long after we where the site was closed down, like a month or so after.

On a different site that person currently runs my friend was trying to have a rational kind talk to them about the problems on that forum which is basically the members are leaving the site because the mods of that forum are acting more and more like they are gods over the members and the members are feeling disconnected to the mods and threatened. I only said all this to try to show the kind of person my friend was talking to and try to give an idea of the smell stuck that I want off and why I might want it off so badly.. the smell, the feel, urg.. get it off!

I wasn't sure where to put this topic, if there's a better area for it then I'm sorry my mistake x.x

Just.. I really need some positive energy my way!

Re: I need positive energy

Post by Iriel »

^_^ I try to send positive energy to you whenever possible! You're always welcome to come to me for some positive energy!
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