Dreams of prophecy

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Dreams of prophecy

Post by *~Charmed~* »

I have dreams of prophecy occassionally. My mother (whom runs everytime I tell her of my experiences, etc...) said I must have inherited this gift through my grandfather. He only spoke of this once, he dreamt of a spaceshuttle taking off and blowing up, later that day it did (in the 80's).
With me, I dreamt twice in one night a few hours later both incidents occured to the exact time, another time I drwamt of siamese twins having a surgery, later that day it was on the news that a set of conjoined twins were schelduled for this surgery. Ever since then I just deal with it, freaky part is when you dream of the exact time that the incident occurs...
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Post by darkestlight* »

Have you ever dreamed a prophecy about something that happened to you personally? Just curious.

A few times

Post by *~Charmed~* »

The last time I did, I had back to back dreams they both came to part to the t except they happened reversed.
The first dream I had was when I called my ex and his mother yelled through the phone that I need to watch what time I call there. The second dream was of my brother's friend dropping cigarettes off at 12:03 a.m. I remember seeing the clock in my dream. I was woke up when my brother's freind called my name I asked him what time it was and he said 12:03 a.m. after he left I called my ex and his mother screamed through the phone.
I seldomly have visions through my dreams but when I do I always remember them...with me I have the most visions when I'm awake that's what freaks me out. I can't control it, it just happens even when I'm just sitting and relaxing.
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Post by darkestlight* »

I was just wondering because I have a friend who has visions and but she only has them about things that happen to her or people close to her. So I was wondering if you started with visions about people close to you then expanded or not because if so then she'd no to be preapared for different kinds of visions later....thankz :D

Visions and dream prophencies

Post by *~Charmed~* »

The very time I was twelve and I had woke up during the night, I met my mother in the hallway and she asked what I was doing up I told her Teresa had died (friend of the family) she asked me how I knew I said don't worry about it. Two years later is when I noticed it growing, I saw my grandfather at the foot of my bed (I was awake) and he said he loved me and told me good-bye I went downstairs and when my dad came down I looked right at him and told him my grandfather had died (he was the only one whom ever knew of my visions-he told me never to be afraid I was given them for a reason) three months later I saw my uncle being covered up with a sheet in the hospital, the call came two hours later that he had died at work. I can tell when I'm pregnant and what the baby's gender is at my second to third week. So this is merely the beginning of my life as for your friend, she will grow with her visions/gift alot of it will be scary I saw my cousin getting into a car accident and couldn't stop her, luckily she is alright now. I yelled out once Cardiac Arrest only to hear a week later my aunt was rushed to the hospital and suffered Cardiac Arrest another aunt was schelduled for surgery and I kept saying she's going to die no one would listen, she was dead for three minutes so yes it will grow and yes it is scary but lately I can admit it is rewarding as well...my kids are finally beginning to do this, too.
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Post by celticwave »

Pretty much everyone has a prophetic dream or two atleast once in their lifetime, but its once you get more intuned you'll have them more often. Sounds like you'ev had a few. In my opinion pretty much all dreams could be prophetic if the dreamer can interpret them.

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Post by darkestlight* »

thanks so much for answering my question.
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Post by Starwitch »

That's really cool Charmed. Most people wish they had a gift like yours. I don't know that I am one of those people. I know that it can be a scary thing, and I'm not sure I would handle it well. It's good that your father was so supportive of you. Most people turn those skills off when they are children due to having non-supportive parents. If you haven't already, you might want to try tarot or some other sort of divination. I bet you'd be good at it. I think you already told us that you do automatic writing, didn't you? That's neat.

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Post by 5moons »

Yah it is nice gift to learn and not let go of. I know a lot of kids don't follow with it.

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