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Release.the.bats blog

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:09 pm
by Release.the.bats
So, I have two blogs. One for my writing and one for everyday stuff, with some mentioning of supernatural or magickal hubuh.
So, I figured I could make a blog here and you guys could tell me if you have any advice or you think I should check out something or what have you. I'll go ahead and type supernatural occurrences i've had throughout my life thus far. And daily occurrences.
I have my first supernatural encounter ... php?t=9478
Beyond that most of my encounters are not in chronological order. Sometimes i'll remember one thing and then it triggers me to remember something that happened before.

Okay, so.
When the house burned down and I started school. I was afraid of the dark. But not for exactly the same reasons as most kids. I was afraid of the dark because I saw people staring at me, sometimes the things I saw weren't people. Some were animals, some were harmful creatures and some were curious. I remember I woke up once and looked up at the ceiling and saw all these eyes of different shapes. Since then i've been afraid of the dark. It also didn't help that I had nightmares a lot. People dying, things exploding, people being burned, people being raped etc. and I was only about 7-8 at the time. I saw shadow creatures while I was at school, everyday. I told my mom about it once and she told me my eyes were playing tricks on me. So I tried to pretend they weren't there. Sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't. I had a tendency to just 'know' things, things normal kids don't. I knew things about people, that I didn't know they hadn't told me. I knew things about my past lives, and I always knew who my teacher would be the year before I had them. I also did a lot of energy manipulation. without knowing consciously that's what I was doing. I'd make energy boats to sail in the wind, i'd make energy balls etc. I knew a lot about energy manipulation when I was younger. When I got older I realized that a lot of what I did was magick. Which is one reason why I don't usually have ceremonial stuff. I can do magick on the spot without trouble. I don't remember anything distinctly between then and being around 10. I had a slight dream about 9/11 but it was more so just feelings I got. I remember lots of fire and people screaming and dying. But it wasn't until it happened that I figured out where it came from. When I was eleven I was walking home from the grocery store with my mother and all the sudden, everything 'froze' visually and my sight became bright white, I heard a voice(I don't remember how it sounded or anything, it was simply a voice) it showed me walking to the house with my mom and our dog getting out between the doorway and our feet. All I had to do was put my foot there, and prevent it from happening. Well I came back and my mom was almost to the door, I got there, didn't follow what it said. She got out, nearly got hit by a car and I ran out into the street after her. I finally got her and brought her back inside. I wasn't sure what it was that warned me, I thought maybe it was 'God' since I was brought up to believe in the teachings of the Christian God. Even though I never did. So I looked online for information about premonitions and clairvoyance(y). I found Wicca and such, but I waited before trying it out. Since I was brought up to believe that magick and such was either non-existent or done by "bad" people. I did start magick at around 11.5 or 12. I started with candle magick. I continued to have nightmares, only they didn't scare me quite as bad anymore. I had gotten used to them. I was in 7th grade looking through a paper in my English class, she always had us read the paper one day a week and then discuss it. I flipped through the obituaries once, and I saw my great grandma's photo on the page, only it wasn't actually there. She died that same month the year after I saw it, and I saw a black dog a week beforehand. Since then i've had conscious encounters with ghosts and so on. I've seen black energy dragons (scared the crap out of me. The energy was suffocating). A friend of mine is a medium of sorts, she can see ghosts and sometimes they can possess her. She hated it for the longest time. When I was 13 a bat got trapped in this house I was living in with my mom, her friend, and her two sons. It kept flying over my head and screeching. It finally went up stairs and before I could protest, her oldest son killed it. I was very angry. I moved at the same age with my mother into a trailer. I had encounters with a little boy(deceased) who drowned in a lake somewhere, he was completely wet and always "said" he was cold(when I hear them it's not like hearing the living. It's a subconscious thing, kind of like I just 'know' that's what their trying to say or what they want etc.). I was at my step father's mom's house a few years back and her husband died sometime ago, and he comes around at about 12am every night. He startled me the first time, because I was distracted trying to find food, and then I turn around and see someone standing there. The day before Christmas when I was 15 I was at her house again, on her computer talking to my best friend(at the time) and she was telling me that she's been surrounded by cloaked white figured since I left. A few minutes after telling her my advice on what to do, I felt something awful in the house. It wasn't the same feeling of the 'casual' dead. I glanced out the door and saw a red eyed shadow creature(completely black in the shadow) it looked like a person but very different than a person. It was hunched over and such. And I slam the door shut and turn on the light, the energy was suffocating and like nothing I had ever encountered before. I heard a scream come from my step-dad's mother's room and a few minutes later I got the courage to ask my mom if she had heard anything. They hadn't heard anything. The next day(I didn't sleep till 6am on the couch by a lamp) the told me they sensed something faintly. I had various encounters with these shadow dog creatures(not Anubis sent) they looked like smaller versions of what I saw at the house previously. They weren't very smart and I knew they were spying on me, but I didn't know why(still don't). They eventually left. I've noticed ever since I was a child, that they cannot hurt me. And i'm not completely sure why. If i'm in a place, creatures bent on harm cannot harm those near me. They weren't aloud in my room either. Many tried to get in, but my room was a safe haven. My cats would run into my room if they saw anything and stay till it left. It got to the point that it was a struggled for certain physical people to come inside my old room. My ex best friend described a suffocating feeling whenever she tried to cross into my room or when inside my room. I started to wonder what she could be or what her true nature was if my room knew something was up. I had other people tell me they disliked my room too, a few people didn't even know I did magick or anything of the sort. I remember one shadow creature was a man in a business suit and a hat that carried a briefcase, but there was something really ominous about him. He followed me and a friend once when we took a walk and he stood in front of the door way to my room a lot. More often when my ex best friend was around, and he scared her too.

So that's all for now.
I have more, but i'll post it later.
Tell me if you have any advice, ideas, comments etc.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:09 pm
by Release.the.bats
Okay so, today I was mulling over the fact that Kali ma and Anubis are my primary high powers.
I was trying to understand how they fit into my practicing path which lies between Shamanism and a variation of Necromancy. I mean a Hindu Goddess and an Egyptian God don't seem to truly fit into that mold.
But when I really thought about it, it made sense.
Kali ma is the goddess of destruction of the ego and rebirth.
Anubis is the God of embalming, and a carrier for the dead.
My path deals with ,among other things, putting the dead to rest or helping them cross over/find peace. Well i'd need Anubis to bring me the recently departed, then Kali ma to help destroy the remains of the living ego(which almost all dead still possess in some way), and then both to help guide the soul to it's resting place/rebirth.
I found it to be rather interesting.
I've also come to understand that the dead aren't really that much different than the living. At least, none that i've come across. I mean sure you have your scary soul eating dead, but they still retain aspects of being human previously. I mean they gain power in a superficial effort to become noticed and to remain. Which most humans strive for, to be noticed and or observed and to never really leave.
If this is the case, then it should be easier for me to develop people socialization skills, with the living.
But maybe part of my path dosen't allow me too.
Who knows.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:31 pm
by Release.the.bats
Over the summer, I believe on my birthday, I went to a local Olde English Faire, otherwise known as a Renaissance faire.
I go to this fair every year since a few days shy of my 15th birthday.
I always receive a tarot reading from the same woman. She is always accurate in her readings for me.
I am wonderful at tarot, but when it comes to personal readings(of myself) I can rarely do them.
Her reading mentioned me being in the Hermit state presently or in my near future, and that the high priestess was my subconscious.
Afterwards, sometime in July.
I have empathy, sometimes it gets incredibly bad. But it's almost always turned on. This is because I absorb the energy around me, and thus, the emotional energy of the people around me. Sometimes, of people really far away.
Anyhow, my boyfriend was on a mission trip to New Orleans(he's an episcopalian) to help clean up after hurricane Katrina.
I have always been really nice to spiders, they can be very helpful in energy work. I kept finding them all over the place, but only in places I went too the most (i.e. the computer, my bedroom, my bathroom etc.) not anywhere else in the house. I'd always move them into my room, so then they'd be safe from my step-dad, who likes to kill them. Well, I was walking out of my bathroom and I noticed about 10 or so spiders above me, watching me. As I moved, they too moved. There was a rather large Yellow sac spider that looked like it was giving me the stink eye(no really it did) and I knew that this couldn't be normal. I mean that many different types of spiders in one place, wouldn't happen under normal conditions (i.e. they'd kill and eat one another). So I began to become fearful of what they were trying to do, they all seemed to look at me in a "If-you-don't-listen-to-us-we'll-bite-you" kind of way. The next day, I accidentally drowned a spider in my bathtub, and felt awful about it.
All of the sudden, I got a horrible energy surge.
I ended up on my bedroom floor, on my knees with my hands over my ears, crying. And I didn't know why I was crying, none of the thoughts in my head were clear and it seemed like I was being "invaded" by hundreds of people at once. And I didn't know what to do or anything, I just sat there and cried. Once it was over I consulted a Medicine Witch I know, through myspace(haha), and she told me that the surge was meaning my powers were becoming stronger and that i'd need "better" or more advance ways to keep them under control. When my boyfriend came back, a couple days afterward my grandfather died.
I had been having dreams about his death in various ways since that earlier May.
I then had a giant wake up call and had to tell my boyfriend some pretty crappy things about my past.
I then realized that my owl totem, brought in the spiders.
They were brought in because I wasn't listening to the owl's messages in my dreams to "open up" and "tell him" and so on.
The spiders were there because most people don't disobey spiders, if they want your attention. You'd better listen to them.
So now if I see many spiders I know I haven't been listening properly.

A few weeks back, I was visited by a big black dog(which I later found out to be Anubis). I know someone familiar to me will die soon, when I see him. I woke up from sleep early in the morning and saw him. I then closed my eyes and felt that the person dying was a woman, old but not incredibly old, and that she was dying of cancer. A couple days later, my mom's friends mother died. She died of cancer, in her 60s.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:22 pm
by Release.the.bats
After reading quite a few posts regarding what your religion was prior to becoming Pagan. I was considering mine.
I was raised as a Christian, however loosely that may have been, my mother was one of those Christians that was only such when convenient for her, or when she wants or needs something. My father is an atheist. So I didn't have a "firm" Christian background, just the basics: God=good, Satan=bad, Demons=possession, Angels=Divine beings, Sin=hell. That was it really. So I only went to church when asked too by my friends till I was ten and stopped going completely. When I was younger I was asked to go to various churches, I never understood the difference between the churches and what the priest said, despite the fact that I went to Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist etc. churches. I never understood the difference, and to an extent I still don't. Christianity isn't my forte really. There was a couple times when I was younger that I had strange encounters that people told me were from God or unexplainable(i've got many of those).

Once I was about four or five and I was playing hide and seek with my mother in our front "yard"(we lived in an apartment building). I closed my eyes and she hid behind a tree, when I opened my eyes my vision went blurry and began to sway, the way it does when you run in a circle. My body went rigid and began to shake(the way my father's does when he has an epileptic seizure. But I don't have them), tears were falling and many crows flew into the surrounding trees, cawing(I believe) and I fell in what seemed like slow motion. I'm still unsure what it was exactly that happened or should I say why it happened.

Another time I was around eight or so, and I was at a church service on Wednesday. It was night time, the priest was passing out pamphlets that I don't remember what they said. I only remember it was the passage of the day, sort of thing. Not many people were there and I remember looking at the cross in the front and at the stained glass windows. And I asked God a question, mentally, and I felt a surge of energy flow through me, with an answer to my question. I believed it was God at that point, because I wasn't aware of any other explanation. But Christianity always felt hollow to me, which is why when I was ten I stopped going to church. I later realized that the voice was either my spirit guide, my soul, or a deity.

I was about eleven when I began a religious search. I found Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca, Islam etc. and I read information on each one. I then decided I was an atheist, simply being that I didn't care anymore. But that too felt hollow for me. I couldn't deny all these experiences I have had over the years and all the things I know about people and the future as well as the dead. So I decided I was agnostic. Which worked till around the age of twelve, when I started reading about Wicca. I tried it, it was fine for a bit. But just as all the other religions, it was hollow for me. So I decided I wouldn't have a religion, i'd just have a spirituality(which is similar to what I am now). I continued to do magick(I realized magick was the one thing in my life that is always consistent, it follows me, either I do it consciously or unconsciously), but worship was never something that felt right for me. Around the age of 13-14 was when I found Eclectic Paganism, which was amazing for me. It allowed me to create my own beliefs within a very broad spectrum. I've been here since and it's the only thing that feels right to me.
I've never been okay with worship or following something to the letter, that you don't 100% agree with. It's just my personal feeling. I don't really worship the deities of mine, Kali & Anubis. But I guess that also depends on your version of worship. I consult them, and see them as teachers and guides. But more powerful than we can grasp in human form. I respect deities but i'm not sure how I feel about 'worship', but that also depends on how I feel in the future. I was told that I will become a High priestess or a Priestess(either or really), so I imagine at some point my view will change. Just riding it out till it happens I guess.
So that's where I started.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:21 pm
by Release.the.bats
So, i've been followed by cats for a while.
These cats are not alive, but they aren't "astral" either, their energy is like that of a living cat and they are not bound anywhere.
I believe it's Bast.

I talked to a friend of mine about Christianity. She recently became a pantheist and I don't think I was ever truly Christian. I was raised in a loosely Christian home, but when I was around seven I realized I didn't feel the Christian God. I thought this meant that their God had abandoned me, and began wondering what I had done wrong.
I've always 'operated' on a different wave than the average person. Not in a "better" way or a "worse" way, but a different way.
I'm on my own in a way, I know why and i'm comfortable with it.
At times it's harder ( for example: I don't receive help from other beings when certain things happen [i.e. extreme fear or sometimes survival situations]), but at times it's easier because I tend to have a more developed connection to these creatures than the average person.
I realized that my totem animal revealed itself to me almost a year ago, and my spirit guide(for I only know one) this passing summer.
I was explaining to her that before they showed up, I operated on a larger level of solitary than the usual person.
I was then telling her about how as a child I never understood the concept of Guardian Angels. I don't believe Angels & Demons have much contact with man, I believe it is very limited. I also think that most concepts or visual beliefs regarding angels and demons began because of Spirit guides & Shadows. I was then saying that Angels have a larger job than being assigned all individuals from all man kind, some people, but it's not wide spread. I believe spirit guides are parts of you.
Imagine an overflowing glass. I think that the soul is too "large" to fit into the human body comfortably and thus the excess energy becomes our spirit guides. So then they are you, technically, but they aren't at the same time. But their goal is to protect you. Which makes more sense *to me* as to why everyone has them, and why they are always accurate and "right there" when things happen.
That's just what I think.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:35 pm
by Release.the.bats
Okay well.
I've been making most of my altar tools in ceramics at school.
I made my mortar and pestle:
An Ankh:
That's it for right now. Since I do have to make actual projects too.
Sorry their all so massive.
They didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, but their not bad.
I've been thinking more about Anubis lately and the possibility of him being the deity that chooses me as his representing High Priestess.
I saw a spider for the first time in months today, she was on my keyboard.
I'm pretty sure she was carrying an egg sac, I hope she finds a safe place before my step-dad finds her.
I've been going through a very dramatic internal change for almost a year now, I know when it is 'finished' that I will find an Owl feather.
I've just been wondering when/how close I am, lately.
The Owl is my totem animal, not my spirit guide.
I'm often visited by owls in both my dream state and on the physical plane. Not just one type of Owl either, all breeds.
I've had seqences of dreams where screech owls have visited me and told me something important. When I woke up complaining of not understanding what it meant, i'd later sleep, have an identical dream, only the Owl would tell me the translation.
I tend to be stalked by birds of prey, I find that I resonate with them a lot.
I've been thinking about going to Batworld over the summer in the future and obtaining a license to rehabilitate bats.
I've also been thinking about getting a second degree after I receive my BFA in Creative Writing. Maybe something in the field of Science, like Microbiology or Genetics.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:59 am
by Release.the.bats
So I forgot previously to show you all a couple other items on my in-the-process altar.
Here are a few photos of those items.
Deer Mandible.
Taxidermy Alligator head from New Orleans.
I figured that these items would go increasingly well with my altar. I'm not too sure how I feel about the mortar, it looks better in person than in the photo. I have a really bad camera, I have a professional one, but it has no lenses. I saw a bird of prey a few days ago, it was too high up for me to tell what type of bird it was. But by it's size, coloring and flapping patterns. I could tell it was a bird of prey.
I'm going to become a hobbiest bee keeper in the future, I was thinking about taking up taxidermied dolls as a hobby too. Their almost like marionettes.
Isn't it eerily beautiful.
I'm going to be making my altar cloth soon, probably going to be black and silver, green,purple or red. I'd also like a statue of Anubis, or two and one of Kali.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:44 am
by Pixie 89
Omg that is the most coolest looking doll, I've ever