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Need help.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:42 am
by Tria13
I recently went to a psychic and she told me that the guy that just broke up with me is my meant to be, but there is something or someone trying to prevent him and I being together. Everything she told me was true and it shocked me. She told me that a spiritual cleasing will help me get him to realize we are meant to be because whatever is blocking is preventing him from doing that and the spiritual cleansing would clean it and prevent it from happening it again. She said that it is normally one hundred dollars for the supplies and she doesnt charge for her work. She said though since she knows that I dont have money right now she would charge me fifty dollars. Does that seem right to you? I really believe that this guy is my meant to be. Is there anything that I can do on my own? Should I believe her when she says he is my meant to be? Thanks.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:14 pm
by idnami
The old you-are-under-a-curse-and-I-can-remove-it-for-money trick. Very profitable... for the charlatan about to take advantage of your emotional vulnerability.
Think about it... what or who is actually standing in the way of this relationship? An old lover, a jealous friend, a disapproving family member, an angry ghost? On your side or his? Does this make sense in the context of the situation? What events actually led to the breakup and how long have you been together? What reason did he give for leaving?
I am about to bluntly level with you here. The only thing that can affect this relationship is your desires or his. If there is an ex in the picture then he must desire to explore that more than he desires to be with you. If he is your "meant to be" then he will tire of that and return. There are plenty of ways two people can mess up their union without involving other people or supernatural forces, but even if there are outside factors, these factors have been consented to in some way by one or both of you.
No other person can free you from the consequences of your own actions. We all make mistakes, we all fail to be as good to one another as we could be.
It may be that you have issues of jealousy or insecurity that could erode trust and desire in any relationship you involve yourself in if they are not examined and dealt with. In this way a spiritual cleansing could assist, but would still not be a magical instant cure. A cleansing may remove some of the complications, such as an inability or reluctance to face your problems, but you would still then have to do the work of sorting yourself out and it would not necessarily inspire him to do the same. Doing a spiritual cleansing on him without his consent would be unethical. All you can really influence in this situation is your own emotional state and level of consciousness, but you would be surprised at the power such actions have in your life and you will probably see major improvements on all levels if you do.
However this does NOT mean you need to pay anyone else to do this for you. $100??? Do me a favor and ask this lady for a supplies list, because I am very curious to know what could POSSIBLY cost that much. Even $50. I mean good grief, magical and pagan traditions have been largely practiced by POOR people. Magick does not have to be expensive. So here's what you do:
Go to your local grocery store and spend $4 on a box of sea salt. Go to a dollar store and buy some incense sticks, preferably frankincense or myrrh, but sniff around until you find something that strikes you as cleansing. Get an incense holder as well if you dont have one. While you are at it get some white candles and blue food coloring. You will have spent 10-12 dollars by now. If you want to be REALLY fancy go to a rock shop or new age store and get three crystals (optional) one clear quartz point, one citrine, one amethyst. These will run you a buck or two each.
Now go home and wait until you can be sure of being undisturbed for about an hour. Run a nice warm bath. Set two candles on the edge of the bathtub so that you will have to pass between them to enter. Place the incense holder in the middle so you have to step over it to get in the bath. Light the candles and incense.
Take 3 generous handfulls of the salt and cast them into the bathwater and visualize the salt driving all impurities out of the water, which it will physically because salt does that, but go further and imagine the salt crystals as little sparks of light that cause the water to become spiritually pure as well. Drip blue food coloring into the bath until it is a shade of blue that seems calming and pleasing to you.
Now you have a little ocean in your tub! Before undressing and climbing in, face yourself in the mirror. Speak honestly to yourself about what you need to change and let go of inside yourself. Speak to your reflection as you would to a beloved friend and confess that you have not been as good a friend to yourself as you could be. Make a pact with yourself that you will now begin to love the person in the mirror the way they deserve to be loved. If you feel any resistance to the idea of self love then that may also be a clue to why this relationship didn't work out, and why future ones may not. If you cannot love yourself how can you know how to love another? If you do not love yourself how can you expect someone else to love you?
This is crucial. Say all the things to your reflection that you would like to hear from a lover. Say three times, looking deeply into your own eyes, "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Then undress and step into the bath. Imagine the incense smoke swirling into your aura and cleansing it. Imagine the two flames burning away the unwanted energies as you pass between them. As you lower your body into the water imagine the you are returning to the great Womb of the world. Take a deep breath and submerge all the way and just rest with eyes closed in the water for a minute. Imagine that when you break the surface again your mind and senses will be clearer that they were. Rise and breathe and just relax in the water and meditate on healing. If you have crystals hold the citrine in your right hand, the amethyst in your left and rest the clear quartz on your sternum. When you get out and dry off imagine the bathwater draining away all the ickies you have released, never to return. If you can, let the candles and incense burn until whey burn out.
Write down any impressions or messages you receive, preferably curled up with the hot beverage of your choice and a warm fuzzy robe. Be good to yourself. Repeat this once a week if necessary and every day look in the mirror and say "I love you"
This is one way, but not the only way. If a bath is impractical for whatever reason then there are alternatives to full submersion, such as sprinkling saltwater on your head. Magick is largely about the power of the imagination at work so it isn't necessary to be literal. You can also do a very effective cleansing by standing in a strong wind and picturing it blowing all the junk away. Or lie on the ground and let the sun burn it off or sink it into the earth. These methods have the added advantage of being cost free. The point is only that the power is in your intentions, not the props and rituals. Let me know how it works out for you.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:26 pm
by NoNameUser
I love how you say spell casting does not have to be expensive. My kind of spell.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:06 pm
by idnami
I love how you say spell casting does not have to be expensive. My kind of spell.
It really doesn't! I am glad you like it. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:57 am
by [Silver Dove]
I really like this spell as well. I am going to try it too with some slight adjustments....

Tria 13, it is true that in order to give love you must love yourself first. If you don`t love yourself (faults and all) than you can`t love another truly either and neither can they. True Love is about loving unconditionally, accepting who you are and who the other person is without expectations.
Loving yourself (your true self) opens you upto true energy of love which will guide you towards the love and romance that will be good and beneficial to your body, soul & mind. You won`t need anyone to cast a spell for you or do any other cleansing ritual for will attract the love you need, and if you guys are meant to be than all the cosmos will get together to make sure you end up together and nothing can stop it. You just have to love yourself, keep an open mind and have faith.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:17 am
by boo
If your love is meant to be, no scam will break it apart.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:06 pm
by Starwitch
Please do a Google search for "psychic scam" to read about the kinds of scams that psychic use on their victims. The one that you mentioned is extremely common. They make a LOT of money off these scams. She may say that she is giving you a "discount" in the beginning, but she will soon give you a reason why you have to pay her more money. Don't be played for a fool and PLEASE don't keep these people in business.

Here are some links to get you started:

Is This Psychic Real or Is She Scamming Me?

The above link goes to a page on my site where I have written about this topic.

Another link you can look at is: ... _scams.htm

Bright Blessings,