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What are blood gods?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:00 am
by Morbid_Rogue
My boyfriend worships the underworld and something called Blood Gods?

What are blood gods?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:44 am
by Addicus
well, just a quick google search turned up a lot of WoW stuff... maybe he is in a guild..... is he a gamer by chance?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:52 am
by Morbid_Rogue
No.... Unless you count on war games that is it.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:14 pm
by Addicus
have you tried asking him what a blood god is?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:25 pm
by Morbid_Rogue
Well this weekend that just pass I asked about what he practices and worships..
His answer was Necromancy and the underworld though he has not found his god to follow...
Which I quote"I feel it is with the blood gods"

I just asked him that and I beilieve he didn't even knew that I knew what a Pentagram was....
So I am shying out...
I do not know how to ask

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:13 pm
by juliaki
*sigh* He's a poser. It may be because he simply hasn't taken the time to try and learn about anything, or it may be because he has no grip on reality and prefers living a fantasy life.

A lot of people go through those kind of phases in the early days, and most grow beyond that....the ones that don't really have no future in the Craft, however.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:17 pm
by Fallen.
lmao he plays too much WoW because in necromancy there is no such thing as a "blood god".

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:41 pm
by Spell_of_The_Isle
Sounds like someone I used to know. If he isn't lying, he should tell you his definition of necromancy. If it's making a skeleton pop out of a hole that mysteriously forms in the ground, I propose you ask him to get real with you. There's no shame in hearing voices, but when you claim you can making glowing skeletons appear out of thin air, I think we all know what you need to tell that person. Especially when they call themselves witches - "Oh, I can make a gigantic ball of flame fly right into that building. You want me to do it right now? Oh no, I'd strain myself."

And sometimes they are actually serious in thinking they can do it. The person I encountered thought he was a dragon that would soon call upon flames to destroy the galaxy. He absorbed his brothers soul, who was a shadow master and decided to try and assassinate him. He also informed me he was highly intelligent, knew all the spells (As if there was a D&D set of witchcraft spells.) in existence, and had telekinesis, pyrokinesis, could astral project on a "physical level", and much, "much" more.

It's nice of you to see where the person is coming from, it never hurts, and wow, if they're right, you may just end up with a skeleton-summoning boyfriend, or a homicidal dragon buddy. But if you knew in your heart of hearts that they're pulling your chain, and aren't into their beliefs the way you are into yours, they're either lying, or they could use a talking to. Living in a fantasy world is fun, but not helpful.

And, there's always the possibility that he's hearing voices that are identifying themselves as "blood gods". If that's the case, maybe an exorcism is in order?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:28 pm
by Makbawehuh
Or meds. Hearing voices that tell you to do strange things can be a sign of major mental problems.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:46 pm
by Tymar
I wouldn’t worry about asking him... Not many people will fess up to making up stuff or being in a dream land.
So i feel that isnt going to be a productive path to take.

I feel if you keep pushing him for answers, you will be feed with more uncooperative lines of dribble and lies. just to baffle and confuse you even more.

I recon you already know the answer...
So the next part comes down to asking yourself, if this bothers you or if your totally confortable with hanging out with a guy like this.
If your confortable, then go with the flow.

BB. Tymar.