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fear of...

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:40 pm
by stormer89
so i have this unreasoned fear of learning to drive.
i've always just kinda perfered walking everywhere. but i cant walk everywhere for the rest of my life or bum rides. its just not practicle.
i postponed taking the written test till my 18th birthday.
well its comming up on my 19th birthday in april. and i still feel as if im not ready. i tried to take the written test but i think my fear is holding me back from passing it. i suck at test-taking and espically if i eithier dont think the "subject" is intresting... or if there is some other reason i dont want to pass it. i was wondering if anyone had anything that could help me oversome this. cuz i really dont want to have to dish out money for all this crap again later. weird thing is i have a car i'd be able to drive. i just dont know whats holding me back. should i try meditaiting or scrying? what do i do to get this done? i want to be able to drive so i can go to collage, get a good job, and move out and all kinds of reasons. none of them seem to be strong enough to do it.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:43 pm
by JacklynSnyder1o1
Maybe you should try to think of why you're afraid.
Then think of the chances of it happening.
If it seems likely think of how you can prevent it.
That's what I do, it may not work for you.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:06 pm
by stormer89
i have no idea why, that's the problem. unless i was in a really bad car crash in a past life or something. ive got no idea. *sighs*

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:00 pm
by Kolohe
Meditation might be a good idea.

I think just the fact that you are afraid of it is a good reason to do it. You control your fear, don't let it control you.


Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:19 am
by The Judge
Just relax, it is often apprehension and nervousness that causes the fear, meditation can help but you will have to face your fears eventually.:) Good Luck.:)

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:01 pm
by Blazewind
have you ever tried sitting in the driver seat of a parked car before? I'm thinking that maybe if you sat behind the whell of a car, while it is running, but safely in park, and with park break on, or even with the motor not running at all, if you feel that is even safer, then there is a chance any driving related tragady hidden in your mind, if there is one, will be trggered. This should seem even more likely if you have been meditating about it, and your subcounsious mind knows that you are trying to access that memory.

Edit: I went over this post and redid it after I realized that it made almost no sence. LOL, that's what I get for trying to type wiht a cat tryoing to step on my keyboard, and another jumping on my lap. Sorry about that horrid post.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:39 am
im in the same position as you but the only difference is that im almost ....
20 :oops:
and im so afraid of driving, im afriad that im going to crash and then die. im afraid of everything and plus i get easy distracted i can be learning how to drive and then oh my goshhh what a pretty puppy and then there i go almost hitting the curb and my boyfriend screaming "what the hell is worng with you " and then i will be like ok you drive then :D :D
but i have to learn also because i already have a job as a secretary and my mom usually drives me . but hopefully in two week im going to get a car ( amazing im going to get a car and i don't know how to drive) and hopefully i will learn

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:06 pm
by stormer89
well if you find something to help you get over your fear please post it here. i know i have a car i could drive im just so worried i'll get in a reck with my friends or something. and i couldnt bear it if i accidently killed one or more of them. :(

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:08 pm
i wonder how many people are in the same boat that we are old enough to drive but scared enough to not want to drive
yeahhhh im not alone

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:43 pm
by stormer89
nope ur not alone. we should start a club. lol.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:47 pm
well i don't know about you all people but lets start one how should we call it dvirus