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Poll: Is it OK to Cast a Love Spell?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:03 pm
by Makbawehuh
I -did- cast a love spell once, and I got exactly what I wanted.... For twenty years from then. >.<

The person I ended up with and I have a causal arrangement now with a "Wait and see what happens over the next two decades or so" approach.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:17 pm
by [cherokeewind]
Love has consequences, whether a spell is used or not...many relationships have failed for people who don't believe in magic.

On the other hand, when you advise someone to not use a spell for often they fall for a Christian or dump their pagan stuff in the trash.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:42 pm
by Shaman of Bliss
Put yourself in the other persons shoes, would you like to be bewitched? Swindled into what you believe to be love, and one snap out of it to see the real person behind the spell? I wouldn't I also consider the dating game like a hunt, its no fun if you drug all the animal before beginning to hunt.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:08 am
by Eretik
It depends on what you mean by 'open up?' the best way to do that,if it's a declaration of feelings you want, is to be open with the person you want to open up to you.This way,you risk rejection,but it's honest.Falcon's eye [hawk eye/blue tiger eye] or brown tiger and maybe also banded agate[like Botswana],are good stones to carry when you need honesty to come out.Look at colour associations,if you want friendly interaction dress in bright cheerful colours,you'd be surprised how this affects other people - I wear grey/silver/leaf greens and I get a sense of 'receptivity' from those around me.Psychological magick.Boost your own sense of self,not just by colour, work on projecting your good qualities more and it attracts others to you.Wearing lavendar [discreetly on your person] is said to attract also,to encourage open,friendly interaction.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:09 pm
by Makbawehuh
S'called "Standards" Cherokee Wind. >.<

If you don't have 'em it doesn't matter what religion you are- you're likely end up with scum.

And I have nothing against love spells as a generality... I have a great deal of a problem with them the more specific towards an individual they get.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:15 pm
by amunptah777
I don't believe in "Love". I believe in Desire.

Love is a christian word.

I don't want anyone to "love" me.

Desire is something else, more inclusive. Do I want to be desired?
Sure...but the Nature of Desire makes it quasi-chaotic...

Like this, you may have a problem with someone at work...if one does craft for the desire of that can go in many different directions...if one does craft so the person does not desire you in any can also cause problems.

Desire is tricky that way. She moves where she wants, and how, but you can ask Her politely for a favor.

I would suggest being your spell, pretend you are dealing with a Djinn...and if you leave something out, you'll most likely get what you want, but not how you wanted it.

The Djinn said, " I once had a master who asked me for the greatest beauty ever. So I turned her into the most beautiful centenarian in the world"

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:58 am
by Tymar
The only time i have asked for help was, one night ( a few years ago) sitting alone thinking about the realationships i have had, finally realising i had no idea what i was looking for.. As in every choice i seemed to make was wrong. I kept finding Mr, wrong, and falling head over heals, and just getting more and more messed up.

So i asked the lord and lady very simply, let me find someone that will love me for me and in turn someone i will love back for them just being them. I left myself open to what came my way, instead of closing doors.

I felt if i just put it out there it wasnt directing it to anyone, and hoping that i wouldnt turn away mister Right.

It worked for me.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:51 am
by Pav
amunptah777 how is love a Christian word? I'm sure people were falling in love well before Christianity decided to turn up

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:34 am
by amunptah777

It is not that people were not expressing desire before christianity. Not that people did not have stronger desire for some than for others, wanted to be together with that person..etc..but that the use of the word is from the churches translations of the ancient greek philosophers.
Their so called "kinds of love"; "agape" and the like. (pisses in the direction of it)

The word "love" then became something of a double entendre. The church did this for several reasons, one of which was to control peoples desire, by labeling it, the other, most important; was that they wished to instill the concept (and did a damn good job of it too) that "love" which was truly "love" could only be the "love" that "god" showed the world by sacrificing his "son" and the "love" that "his son" showed by sacrificing himself.

In other the western mind, the word "love" is almost inseparable from "sacrifice"...bloody, horrible sacrifice.

And thereby perpetuates this word as the only true expression of human desire as well as tying it's believers into a dichotomy of "first love is sweet and "good"" and then comes the awful part.

Mind you, I'm not talking in supposition.
Western/christian/greek educated society had almost no contact with the rest of the world for about 500 years. And during this time, the church had complete control of education. They made damn sure that very few people studied anything more than the bible (this was displayed as recently and quite adequately in the old American West, wherein the only book the children ever read in school, or at home was the bible) (and that's what...the 17-1800's? follow that trail back to when Constantine converted Rome to christianity...after which...Rome was sacked and sacked again, until the only remaining power was the church.) And the only literature permitted by the church between those two points in history was the bible...and we all learned "luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv"

I say the word "love" is a christian word. I say the use of it has become one of the great sicknesses of our society as it hinders peoples ability to relate to each other as adults or human beings. I can say with certainty I will never say "I love you" to another human being. Unconsciously it tells them, "I want to sacrifice myself to you" and I could go on and on.


Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:41 am
by Pav
ahh so long! and i haven't even had any sugar to wake up yet :P but I think I can kind of see where you're coming from, thanks for explaining

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:10 am
by [Moondaughter]
Well, I see energy, in a sense, just emotions. So if you wanted to get this person to open up, you need to be willing to listen to everything that this person says, mentally and physically. In a sense, if you put your emotions out, they will return to you in a form of magick. Oi its late, and I'm starting to sound rather "fluffy." Anyways I hope I helped. Best of luck in your descisions.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:13 pm
by LaFiamma
amunptah777 wrote:Pav,

It is not that people were not expressing desire before christianity. Not that people did not have stronger desire for some than for others, wanted to be together with that person..etc..but that the use of the word is from the churches translations of the ancient greek philosophers.
Their so called "kinds of love"; "agape" and the like. (pisses in the direction of it)

The word "love" then became something of a double entendre. The church did this for several reasons, one of which was to control peoples desire, by labeling it, the other, most important; was that they wished to instill the concept (and did a damn good job of it too) that "love" which was truly "love" could only be the "love" that "god" showed the world by sacrificing his "son" and the "love" that "his son" showed by sacrificing himself.

In other the western mind, the word "love" is almost inseparable from "sacrifice"...bloody, horrible sacrifice.

And thereby perpetuates this word as the only true expression of human desire as well as tying it's believers into a dichotomy of "first love is sweet and "good"" and then comes the awful part.

Mind you, I'm not talking in supposition.
Western/christian/greek educated society had almost no contact with the rest of the world for about 500 years. And during this time, the church had complete control of education. They made damn sure that very few people studied anything more than the bible (this was displayed as recently and quite adequately in the old American West, wherein the only book the children ever read in school, or at home was the bible) (and that's what...the 17-1800's? follow that trail back to when Constantine converted Rome to christianity...after which...Rome was sacked and sacked again, until the only remaining power was the church.) And the only literature permitted by the church between those two points in history was the bible...and we all learned "luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv"

I say the word "love" is a christian word. I say the use of it has become one of the great sicknesses of our society as it hinders peoples ability to relate to each other as adults or human beings. I can say with certainty I will never say "I love you" to another human being. Unconsciously it tells them, "I want to sacrifice myself to you" and I could go on and on.


You know, that's one really messed up idea. Where on earth did you ever get the idea that "I love you" is a subliminal "I want to sacrifice myself to you"????

Oh, and here's the etymology of the word: ... hmode=none

Love generally involves making sacrifices...which is NOT the same thing as sacrificing oneself to someone else. There's not a whole lot in life that's worth anything that DOESN'T involve sacrifice.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:24 am
by kuotetsu
Well it's up to the person. But always remember that we have no right to control anyone. He/She and We will always be different. It's up to you but I really don't support casting love spells on someone. It will hurt you someday (spells In my opinion are gone after a couple of times).

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:55 am
by amunptah777
Well, I certainly don't want to cause anyone distress or offend.

This is simply what I've been taught through divination. In fact, I had no problem with the use of the word "love" (other than I never seemed to have "experienced" it) until the Spirits taught me thus and so.

After I was taught this, I realized why I hadn't,...the word is a false representation of human desire. There are other false words. Words that have common usage but no basis in reality...salvation, for example..:)

I am aware of the etymology. Etymology though, does not tell the whole history of words, in this case; "Love" didn't just start in Old English, and didn't have the same progression as other, less emotive words. name is Thet, and I'll be playing the part of the mad genius tonight "they all laughed at me...but I tell's true!!!"

I'll warn you, there's no point in debating this issue with me, the teachings I receive through divination are rock encased in titanium...if you get me.

(Incidentally, it's also why I normally stay out of political debate )

Anyway, sorry again...didn't want to cause a ruckus....have your Desire Spell...just be careful. :)


Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:04 am
by Pav
The problem with using the word "desire" is I for one normally associate it with something sexual, lust or whatever