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Arcane Subjects: shamanism and chart reading!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:22 am
by jcrowfoot
I have a friend who has a very complex history, to the point of knowing which chart to read as definitive is kind of difficult.

She's a shaman, and she's had her "rebirth" process already. IE, she came back from the dead. Does this count as her new birth? So how do you figure that into things, especially when considering a spiritual path? OR am I not supposed to read her chart, since she's on the fast track with multiple spiritual beings which sort of muddle divination practices in general?

I've been studying her charts for months, and for some reason I just get confused.. which hasn't happened since I first started out... five years ago.
I keep going back and reading the basics... but somehow that doesn't seem to help.

Oh, and I need a refresher as to how to know when to read when you don't know the exact time of birth.
I know it's midnight... heck, we don't know if it's even during the day or at night!

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:39 am
by Eretik
Hmm. I found this link online to explain, but I'd be looking at Pluto, it's house and sign position/aspects - the full and Neptune, Moon in particular too.Jupiter in the houses would be significant also.Have you done the charts as original birth date /rebirth date? I go for midnight mostly in unknown time charts, but if it dosen't seem 'right' then go on to midday. You can do a composite chart, with both sets of data on it [ write in two colours] or overlay a tracing paper chart on the original, sometimes it helps to see them 'together' for comparison.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:13 am
by jcrowfoot
Thanks, Eretik! Just what the doctor ordered! LOTS to think about.
Bulitens posted as events warrant... I have to think about this before I really try to explain it.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:52 pm
by being-singular-plural
Ya that is neato stuff. Thanks Eretik! For deciding on times, Eretik has sound advice, but I have had many requests for charts without times and I find that simply channelling the time works best for me. It always seems to get that first house just right! Have you tried going "in" and asking for the time?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:52 am
by jcrowfoot
Ooo; Why didn't I think of that? LOL. I'll see what I can do. I'm nigh certian (energetically, at least) that she was born at night, but beyond that, I didn't get much. I'll do a journey on it, and get back to you. Thanks!

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:01 am
by being-singular-plural
I'm getting 4:36 am or 6:34 am or 3:46 am. . . but 4:36 come up first...Bonne Chance,


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:25 am
by jcrowfoot
I still have to figure it out, but I do like 4:36 and 6:34 am. I found some notes I'd made the last time I visited this chart (I've been futzing with it a looong time) and found that my inital guess was 3:36 am!

However, there's something rattling around in the back of my head that *insists* that Chiron *is* in the eighth house... which means that 4:36 (or just about anything after) is very tempting.

However, there's also something about the subject's personality that insists that this individual was born with leo (or other fire sign) is rising. I think with 4:36 Virgo was rising... and that is SO wrong.


I did a search with my astrology program, and there are no times within the target date that fit the requirements. LOL I think I'm over-thinking this.