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White Supremacists in Reconstructionism

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:10 pm
by ThePaganMafia
I have a message for all the white supremacist's who are making Recon religions look bad: Just shut the hell up.
I have seen it in Asatru and Celtic Recon so far. Racist fools who twist the very beliefs and foundations of religion for their own agenda. If your for white supremecy you have no right to call yourself either of these religions because you twist their message and fundamentals. Basically your a skinhead idiot who doesn't know shit about either tradition.
Really your views are outdated and everyone thinks your a god damn joke. They think it with good reason to. That's because you are a god damn joke.
Please do me and all Recons a favor. Go shoot yourself. It's a simple solution and it will make a lot of people very, very happy.
Religion is about spirituality. It is not about white supremacy. It is not about racism. It is not about negativity at all.
I'm tired of seeing it. Shut up and go take a long walk on a short pier.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:34 pm
by Eretik
Well said. An angry but valid rant. It 's happening in all forms of Paganism,Satanism is plagued by it at the moment too, also Chaos Magick and Luciferianism,in particular. [MLO/JoS/IOT being the obvious examples, of the moment] I have links to a couple of these groups' forums,one is really nasty, but I like to keep up on their activities/ideas: know thy enemy and all that.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:55 pm
by ThePaganMafia
Someone needs to start a group fighting the white supremacy movement in Recon religions.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:09 am
by jcrowfoot
I'm unpleasantly surprised to see that they've moved to Celtic traditions.

I am aware that they have been picking rather unfairly on Asatru,
using the supposed justification that Hitler used pagan symbolism... but, truth be told, what Hitler actually used came from Prussian military tradition, not paleopagan tradition! The occult traditions were more on the order of Masonic (hunting :o ) lodges with runic window dressing at best. At worst, sort of the remnants of the aristocracy and their equivalent of the Rotary club. None of these fine institutions I've referred to by name have ANYTHING to do with these clubs in Germany in the teens and twenties. The history itself is kind of interesting. These idiots are NOT. Thank you for voicing this... I'm not big on these people either. For one thing, It's made me a bit more hesitant to wear my crows-foot pattern openly, since I've seen it used by (ack!) some white supremacist groups as a symbol. <sigh> I guess they liked Koch's symbolism book.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:15 am
by ThePaganMafia
Well the the CR white supremacist I met in a chatroom and he is what set me off about all this.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:45 pm
by ThePaganMafia
Wow, well I just got kicked of a chat room I have been going to for years cause I told some White Supremacist Odinists they were bloody idiots. Im so mad that places I used to have friends in have beent aken over by bigoted fools.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:58 pm
by Sobek
ThePaganMafia wrote:Im so mad that places I used to have friends in have beent aken over by bigoted fools.
Get used to that. That's the world we live in.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:19 am
by Eretik
I'm not surprised about bigotry and racism reaching Celtic Recon. I live in the West of Scotland and have grown up with religious bigotry and hate all around me. That is between the Christians [so called] and it goes back hundreds of years, with the rise in Paganism's popularity some of these idiots have crossed over,into Celtic pagan beliefs,here. It's in Ceremonialism also, think Freemasonry/Orange order or Knights of St.Columba_ and it's not a big leap.I have seen some examples of this recently and it makes me cringe. So many people have lost and are still losing thier lives for wearing the 'wrong ' colour of football [soccer] shirt,in a 'sensitive' area of town.The government and police etc. are desperately trying to educate people but it still happens, it's endemic in our culture, sadly. Glasgow is murder capital of Europe and it's mostly because of bigotry. It is a fertile breeding ground for the merchants of hate in paganism, it's like : you can rebel against parents/authorities but still act within the parameters of your racial/cultural 'superiority' complex -it's very attractive to some for all the wrong reasons.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:52 pm
by ThePaganMafia
It's a really sad state of things...
Im making a group called Pagans Against White Supremacy.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:12 pm
by juliaki
Why just against white supremacy? Why not against racism in general? (Or is it just because of the cute puppy-dog acronym? That is pretty cute, I've got to admit.)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:27 pm
by ThePaganMafia
P.A.W.S. looks cool!
Theres no reason it cannot be against racism in general though.