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AP tips

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:55 pm
by JacklynSnyder1o1
Hello everyone,
I know this may be a common topic but I need help APing.
I have searched through a couple of threads and found some techniques to get out of body and none worked for me. I tried combining some things and getting rid of things but I still can't AP. Hopefully you all have technique or tip you would like to share so I can finally get OOB.
Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:24 pm
by sunstoneleo
I have been having the same problems. I also tried the amethyst under my pillow to have psychic dreams, and now I can't even remember my dreams, although I have been having that deja vu feeling a lot more lately.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:39 pm
by hedge*
You need to spend a lot of regular time meditating and just generally practising the technique to perfect it. I would say take half an hour at least, if not more, every day to practice.
A good method I have found is to lay down somewhere where you're not going to be disturbed and starting from your feet moving upwards relax every part of your body and steady your breathing, low, deep, calm breathes. I have also found that it's good to listen to the noise in your head - if you don't know what I mean then I'll try to explain but it's not easy to comprehend unless you have heard it. Behind all the noise our ears absorb there is a noise in your head which is allways there it's just that we seldom hear it due to all the sounds that go on around us. It's kind of like an electrical sound - not a buzzing or a hum but somewhere between the two. It took me a long time to listen to this noise but once you've done it once it's easy to listen to again. What this does is it helps you to shut out the sounds of the world and eases you in to a highly advanced meditative state which is a stage closer to AP'ing.
Your conscience finds it very hard to separate from your physical body - the two are meant to be together, which is why so much effort and dedication is needed to achieve the separation.
I have been practising AP'ing since I was 16 but because I don't have the time to dedicate myself properly I have only had minor AP experiences - my body has separated but my head hasn't and I've experienced the rushy wind noise. I fully intend to keep on practising at the same level and if it happes then it happens.
Which I think is another important point I'd like to make. I don't think we would achieve AP unless our bodies and minds were completely ready for it. Physically, mentally and spiritually.

Two authors on the subject which I HIGHLY recommend are Robert Bruce and Robert Peterson.

I have an ebook of Robert Peterson's Out of Body Experiences - I'd be happy to email it to anyone, it's a PDF file and very informative.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:32 pm
by JacklynSnyder1o1
Thanks for your help hedgewitch. Could you please email it to me?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:33 am
by jcrowfoot
This was great stuff. Thanks, Hedge!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:50 pm
by Revolpathon
how long ago did you started on trying AP-ing and how "good" are you with getting into deep meditation? without losing consciousness? because ussually it take's years to accomplish it

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:01 pm
by JacklynSnyder1o1
I started APing a couple of weeks ago. Due to my ADHD I can only meditate for a couple of minutes.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:15 am
by jcrowfoot
Have you tried meditating to music? My brother is a textbook case of ADHD and he does well when he meditates to music. If it's quiet... forget it.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:20 pm
by Revolpathon
you can use audio guidance.

perhaps you should add me on msn, or send me an e-mail i may have a file that will work for you. (if you e-mail PM me anyway because i hardly check my mail)

it took me 5 years to be able to astral project and i still cannot do it very fast (take's me about an hour to get to it) untill i lose track of time that is :P

my mind is by no means a quiet mind it drifts easily, i mainly use audio guidence because it helps me get back and stay on track.

be prepared for allot of impatient frustration and a long but exciting ride until you manage to astral project.