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Sunstoneleo's blog

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:29 pm
by sunstoneleo
I think I have found my purpose in life. I think it is to help people. Ever since I have been working for customer services at barnes and noble, I feel the need, so to say, to help people. I have helped a lot of people. I mean, i will sit there and talk to someone at the cash register for like 10 minutes, when there is no one there, and I think sometimes I make people's day because I listen to all of their problems and TRY to help them, but sometimes things are not my business so if I feel anger coming from that person, I don't always ask. I enjoy helping people though, so it's not a bad thing. Thanks for listening :)

well today...

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:47 am
by sunstoneleo
My boyfriend left today to go to his mom's house. After he left, I could not find my cell phone. I swear I had searched everywhere for it. I was crying I was so upset. My thoughts were, "well my aunt needs to get a hold of me, and if she can't, I wont get to see my family for thanksgiving" Kind of farfetched I know, but I was crying I was so upset. So I saw a friend outside their apartment and asked to use their phone. Of course, no one answered, because it turns out the phone was on top of my t.v. I never would have put it there , but whatever, at least I found it. And yes, I still celebrate Thanksgiving, to me it is not a religious holiday, but I will go over there for Christmas too. That is when I will tell them I am Pagan. I know it will be hard for them to hear, but it needs to be done. I will just pretend that I am celebrating Yule, and say my own prayer instead of a catholic one. I am still not sure what my complete path is yet, but I do believe in the God and Goddess, but I also believe in other gods and goddesses. Whew! That was long. Thanks for listening! Peace.


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:48 pm
by sunstoneleo
I made couple videos today, only this time, they are not about final fantasy. i got moved, and decided to make a video about world tragedies, and one about hurricane katrina. I started crying during the second video I made. I saw some pictures on the internet that were not so pretty. Let's just say, if you have any questions pm me. My name on youtube is sunstoneleo. My vidoes are not coming up right now when i try to search them, it may take a couple days. Please, feel free to comment on them if you wish. Thanks again :)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:03 pm
by sunstoneleo
I went outside today and got an overwhelming feeling of joy. It was beautiful. But the sad thing is that my boyfriend moves on the 30th. I have like no food left, and like 10 bucks to spend. i just uploaded some new videos on youtube. They are political, but I think my most recent one is great! My account for youtube is sunstoneleo, just like here. So my boyfriend is moving downtown minneapolis so i am not sure how often i will see him. I will have to take the bus down there by myself. Thanks for reading!
Peace out :)


Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:11 am
by sunstoneleo
So my boyfriend just left. I started srying the second I shut the door. I feel like i just made the biggest mistake of my life not letting him move in with me, but in my heart, I know it is the best decision for me. I'm so depressed. Oh well, I'll get over it..... I hope.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:19 am
by webbspinner
I hope you keep posting sunstoneleo, glad more people are doing postings. :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:14 pm
by sunstoneleo
Ok, i know this was a dumb move, but i decided to let my boyfriend move in with me. I know i said i wasn't going to do it, but we are bothe paying over $500 in rent, and if i let him move in, we will both pay $340. Plus I am running out of money to pay my bills, and i hope this will help. But otherwise Ii am doing good. i got to see my mom and my sister (and the rest of the fam) for Christmas/Yule. I did not go to church with my aunt, I am proud of myself. Usually i would go out of respect, but i feel no need for it now, i do not believe in Christ therfore i didn't go. I had my own solitary Yule ritual before i left. I was nice. I also got some money so i got to get a couple books from my work. I was happy about that. Well, peace out. Hope to hear from you guys soon!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:56 pm
by sunstoneleo
Hey peeps! How do you like my new picture? So i have been talking to a few of you on MSN, if anyone wants my MSN, it is I love meeting new people, so feel free to add me! Ok, well, I found out a few days ago that my boyfriend can't move into my apartment, so if I want to live with him, I am going to have to move. I will probably stay in the same city, just a different building. It's because our apartments were so messy that he can't move in with me. Oh well, looks like I am moving.... again.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:19 pm
by sunstoneleo
Ok, so my life officially sucks. Me and my boyfriend almost broke up, but we didn't.... too bad. My Bf is so mean to me. I hate him. But what can you do. Life sucks. Anyways, everything else is going good.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:46 pm
by sunstoneleo
Hi. I am kind of crabby today. It feels like all of my friends are avoiding me, it kind of makes me depressed. Maybe i am just paranoid and they are all busy. I dunno. I don't have to many friends, it seem like whenever I get one, i just lose them. I don't know what my problem is. I did have friends where i live, but they all have jobs now and i haven't talked to them for a very long time. I have also moved WAY too many times, mainly because i have been in foster care my whole life. Well, enough of that subject. So I did a tarot and a rune reading today. They basically said that I am going through a rough time right now, which is true but it also said it will get better. My boyfriend has been so mean to me ever since we had that fight. I feel trapped in this relationship, like I can't get out. I don't know what to do. I want to break up with him, but I just feel like I can't. Well, maybe it will happen eventually. I hope so. Because I am buying him stuff left and right and he never pays me back. He eats my food, basically lives at my apartment (which i could get evicted for having him stay over too long), and doesn't clean up after himself. Oh, did I mention he does not have a job? Well, I can give you my MSN if you want to talk more (oh wait, it is already on here) Thanks for all of your support.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:03 pm
by Rob899
Dont stop posting :]

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:03 pm
by sunstoneleo
Ok, so i'm back. I had a meeting with my social worker at caribou coffe this morning. My boyfriends friends just happened to be there at the time (using their wi-fi). I hope they didn't hear anything, cause i started to cry. Oh, my old foster mom was there too. So I am having a meeting with my boyfriend and both of our social workers on tuesday.I hope he decides to come with. He doesn't have to, but his stupid social worker doesn't want to bring him. She migh have to though if he is to go. I don't know what is going to happen at this meeting, but I hope it goes well. Wish me luck!

An Evil Plan??

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:07 am
by sunstoneleo
Ok, so I am sorry I haven't been on here for so long. Let's just say I have a plan, and that is all the more I will say till next week. Then I will tell you more. Anyway, same old, same old. BF is still a jerk, in fact more than ever. I got it all figured out though. Well, Peace out!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:43 pm
by sunstoneleo
Ok, so I did it! I finally broke up with my boyfriend, but the problem now is that his friend is being very hostile towards me, and is threatening to kick my ass and break my stuff. I am asking whoever reads this to please help me out. I need your prayers and whatever you can do magically to help me out. Thank you.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:19 am
by webbspinner
I'm sorry you've had a bit of a hard time. :shock: I hope the "friend" doesn't do anything. I guess you'll be more careful after this life lesson. :twisted: I'll send some energy your way...->o<-