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How do I stop my spells backfiring

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:58 am
by Dolphin
Hi there

Someone did ask about spells backfiring in another thread of August 2006, but the situation was somewhat different from mine.

So, my question is how do you stop spells from backfiring? I have tried to do a couple and they backfire totally. For example, I try to stop someone at work from spreading lies about me (she almost got me fired-had to come up with some super-speedy evidence!) and then I am accused of lying about someone (who I don't even know).

That is just one example - everything is going pear-shaped!

Thanks for your answers!


Re: How do I stop my spells backfiring

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:39 pm
by hedge*
Sometimes the real magic lies in accepting that the universe does have a plan for you, and though it may not be obvious, the universe will show you little signs that you can choose to accept or ignore.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:42 am
by [Human]
Wow, sorry to hear, maybe a coincidence?

Re: How do I stop my spells backfiring

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:22 am
by SpiritTalker
When spells backfire
. Know your Craft and yourself - avoid internal conflicts, be clear on intent
. Know your goal - to attract, repel or hold - only 1 per spell
. Focus only on the desired outcome - Nature will take the path of least resistance
. Keep elemental balance between (-)passive and (+)active energies

Build skills
. Greet Sun, Earth & 4-winds NESW β€œHail Solβ˜€οΈ, Gaia🌎, Boreas, Eurus, Notos, Zephyrus
. Use your empathic abilities to sense Nature; leave friendship offerings
. Draw power on the breath from Earth & Sky into the solar plexus; push from the belly & out between your hands πŸ‘πŸ½ for practice; you’ll feel a subtle pushback; shake hands off to clear.

Work space
. Damp-wipe surfaces with πŸ§‚πŸ’¦ to cleanse, bless with incense, anoint with oil, πŸ™ŒπŸ½ charge
. Supplies - (-)🍸H2O cup &πŸ§‚salt ; (+)πŸ•―candles,⚱️oil &πŸ₯’incense represent (-) water,earth, and (+) fire,air
. Ex. Altar - πŸ•― . . πŸ’ . . πŸ•―
πŸΈπŸ§‚. . . πŸ₯’⚱️
🌟 Easy Circle
. Simple Circle - Walk deosil ↩️ thrice - 1st spritzing πŸ’¦ salted-water, 2nd πŸ₯’incensing, 3rd πŸ‘†πŸ½Point-&-Push to cast circle πŸ’«; Air-draw πŸ‘†πŸ½an invoking ↙️⭐️ to begin - do what you planned - & a banishing ↗️⭐️ to end the rite. Ground yourself.

Elemental Correspondence Mini-Reference
☁️ E-Air - wand, incense or aerosol; 🟑, intellect; marjoram, mint, sage; feather, bubbles; tiger eye, citrine; Use chant or sigil spells
πŸ”₯ S-Fire - blade, oil, candle; πŸ”΄; vitality, partnership; bay, basil, rosemary; carnelian, obsidian, red jasper; Use candle spells
πŸ’¦ W-Water - cup, bells; πŸ”΅; emotions, psychic activity; lemon, rose, chamomile, thyme; shells, turquoise; use potions & bottle spells
πŸͺ¨ N-Earth - pentacle or stone; 🟒; home, prosperity; grains, salt; mugwort, patchouli; hematite, aventurine; Use crystals, knots, grids & mandalas
✨ -Ether - measure cord; 🟣; spirituality; angelica, cinnamon, frankincense; fluorite, amethyst; Use prayer, meditation, remote viewing


Re: How do I stop my spells backfiring

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 6:59 am
by NeverMoonAWerewolf
Be very very clear about what you want,and what you do not want.

For example, when you want someone to stop something, specify that you do not want anyone to come to harm, including yourself. Otherwise bad thing may happen to the people you have issues with -or to yourself.

That's not because magic is vindictive, magic has no mind,it just is. It is because the universe goes the way of least resistance with everything. All you are doing is manipulating possibilities, and it is more likely, for example, that someone has an accident than for your boss to decide to fire them when they never had problems. It is more likely you'll get sick if you want to get out of something than seeing the event cancelled etc.