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Writing spells?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:19 pm
by goth-kid555
i heard alot about making my own spells,how do i make them?
i wrote some spells and i drew a circle,sat in it,tried to meditate a bit and clear my thoughts ,and i lit three candles ,chanted each spell then extinguiched the candles(didn't blew them)and meditated again and continued the process till the three spells finished,i guess one of them worked but i'm not sure yet,
wut do u guys advise me?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:28 pm
by Sercee
Well, when you're initially planning the spell, write down clearly what you want and why you want it. This will help you set your intent in your mind. The rest I'm not sure of, since I'm new to writing spells.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:39 pm
by goth-kid555
^^ thanks alot

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:55 pm
by Suki1016
About the writing spells, The spell is just a focal point for your energy. If you can come up with a catchy little phrase to keep your mind at work then you've just created the basic spell, but not every spell will work, though its not for lack of words. Each part of a spell should be practised before you get into the circle. Meditation, for example doesn't just happen in a circle. Practise makes perfect and meditation, tho a small part, is important to any spell. You could practise casting circles. Some cast them every day for their jobs. I heard of a man casting a circle evertime he went on a shoot (he was a photographer). Just alittle advice on my part. :wink: I guess I'm just saying to practise alittle before you get into the actual spell. Hope that helped.

Re: Writing spells?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:16 pm
by SpiritTalker
Replying to moldy=oldy post for future readers

You don’t have to use elemental correspondences or auspicious moon phases; just use color & scent to psychologically jog your mind into action.

1. Assemble spell materials - candle, twine or paper&pen each in an appropriate color
. Colors - 🔴🟠activate, 🟡🟢sustain, 🔵🟣relax conditions; white is all purpose
. Oils, Herbs - use sweet scents for love, spicy-protection, forest-prosperity, & citrus-cleanses

2. To charge a spell pull power on the breath to your solar plexus. Think of the desired outcome. Push power from the belly and out your hands 🙌🏽.

Choose a spell method
. 🕯Candle - Use a candle of the desired burn time in an appropriate color; dab & spread oil on the candle to hold a psychic charge; 👏🏽charge it while saying your incantation; stand it🕯in a holder & light wick; gaze on the flame a minute knowing the spell is well-and-truly-done. Let candle burn completely. You can roll an oiled candle in powdered Herbs.
. 🔡Sigil - write the goal in a few words; cross out vowels (a,e,i,o,u) & duplicate consonants; make an artsy hieroglyph of remaining letters & draw a circle around it, ✂️Cut it out. Anoint paper with oil & charge 👏🏽. Burn the sigil paper to release the power.
. 🪢Cord - tie a knot in twine for each phrase of the incantation; anoint & charge👏🏽; undo knots at dawn/beginnings, noon/most power, dusk/endings to free the power.
By knot 1 the spell’s begun, by knot 2 it comes true, by knot 3 so it shall be;
by knot 4 the power is stored, by knot 5 the spell’s alive, by knot 6 the spell is fixed;
by knot 7 it is given, by knot 8 it is fate, by knot 9 it is mine.”

3. To write an incantation, say only what you want, not what you don’t. Rhyme helps to remember. Repetition adds strength.