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Redoing my Life

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:25 pm
by Learning Everything
Well, what can I say, I appear to be a basket case haha. A lot of fails up till this point in time, a lot of anger, and a lot of legal threats. My introduction is all over the place isn't it? Well, I've had time to get my head on straight. I now know why I was hacked as badly as I was under the Handle name - Obsidian Wizard.

Today I purchased Ai chat, this specific application has a section towards Copyright material. So, for the fun of it I asked about the Independent artist names Obsidian Wizard. It turns out this person resides in the UK, has 2 albums and a bunch of EP's. And ironically caters towards the same type of music I like to create. This piece of information I was not able to find on Google when I chose the name Obsidian Wizard.I now understand why I was likely targeted in such a harsh manner. (I for sure had issues prior... but nothing like I just experienced over this past few months)

My type 2 Diabetes are now back on track with a good level being in the green. I no longer feel as stressed as I expressed in my introduction. I'm taking the medications I need to keep this in good standings.

A-Sexual - Bisexual... I really don't know anymore, I really don't care as much as others, I could see myself with someone someday, but it's just not something I really care to go out of my way to pursue. Feelings will always exist, but I'm not that person to act upon my feelings. Perhaps it's because I'm an Introvert by heart, perhaps it's because it takes me a lot longer over others to feel comfortable? Am I A sexual? Not likely lol. Am I Bisexual? Maybe... but I'd never share, I'd never have a 3some, I'd never allow swinging (Swingers) If I was to be with someone, it's literally them and only them till we part and go our own separate ways. Till that day, I just don't care like people think I should. I'm content being Single.

Education? I've decided I want to go back to school, I have not had to think about education in over 20 years, but now, I desire a job which requires my education. I dropped out at the end of grade 10, never had issues with getting jobs, however, in todays age being 2023 an actual certificate is needed, especially for what I seek and want to do. WHIMIS is needed, and so is 1st Aid. I now pursue my education in order to gain the certificates needed. Likely by the end of 2024 or possibly the beginning of 2025 I will pursue making music again. Only this time - I'm using Ai to help me with a name that no one else has lol. I'm really literally tired with people hacking me, I hate being violent in my thinking. I prefer being friendly.

Alter? I don't have one, but I do have gems and crystals, I don't much pray to the gods, I don't much follow any type of religions. I do believe... I just don't believe all of it you know? Like every religion I've looked into, a small part I believe in, but not everything I believe in.

That's my Update.

Have a Good Day
Have a Good Evening
Blessed Be

Re: Redoing my Life

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:12 pm
by SilverMoon22

Welcome. You are exactly where you need to be in every moment you experience. If you search, you will find...something. As far as learning, it will happen everywhere, but it's all about how you gather your information and take it back to the place you feel most understood -- Your "study" place, whether it be mediation, an actual place, a virtual world (like this forum).

I mean, as far as I have learned, I envision myself being selective about the "rocks" I pick up and bring "home" to examine. I find that it helps to break things down and to understand that while so many things are connected, not having all of the pieces allows for the gaps in which your questions lie, and it's possible to never be able to fill the gap. There's so much we don't know....


I am not big on any set religion either. Not sure if you have already done this, but when you research other religions/practices, read for information, not for a sense of belief or belonging. Don't force anything.

Correct me if I am wrong, I know everyone needs to find their way on their own, but trying to find a place to fit in is more stressful than to collect information and keep what feels the best and true to yourself at that moment. I have learned to allow myself to fall into where I am, and pick myself up when the space I hold no longer feels mine. This true feeling of going with the flow, but in a way where you can appreciate everywhere you are and will ever be, learn what you can, and take it with you to the next place.

Because of this, I haven't been seeking a religion to follow, or a perfect name to identify myself with. I feel like I just am. I don't have an alter either. I have found that I can communicate so well without using any objects. When I do set something up temporarily, it's because I want to offer something to show appreciation.

Try not to worry so much about figuring everything out at one time. It will come to you.

Good luck
