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Black moths and butterflies

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 2:26 pm
by Observantcat
The title about somes it up.

Long story short, this morning, I opened the backdoor, and a black moth flew in.

Then later in the afternoon, I watched a black butterfly flutter right by me while waiting in line.

Long story short, I believe Hecate is trying to say, hi, I'm here for you.

I also know that many cultures and religions haveeny different views.

The last I believe, is evil accosiated with the color. It like calling a mom a "witch" cause she gave her sick kid cough syrup.

I know I have a ton of changes coming up. Been deathly ill for a long time, over a disease that, "doesn't exist", so I'm forced to try and live the best quality possible.

When I was younger, I could always hear, "muttled whispers", couldn't make out the conversation. But in the last few months, things have gotten much more intense. I can make out conversations. Other factors can add in to this. Like the disease.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone experience the same things? Or any other advice?

Re: Black moths and butterflies

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:34 am
by Black Cloud
Strangely enough, yesterday morning before sunrise, I saw a huge black butterfly. It was flying around a tree I was under. Butterflies are cool creatures, they dance on death then flutter away to other lands.

By the way, in Aztec lore dead warriors became butterflies in the after life.