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Night in the forrest

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:37 am
by SapphireRoad
A soul at right place is when there is campfire in the circle made of trees
and people are dancing and it lasts the whole evening and half of a night

and when people dance and sing and attract the forest’s blessing
there is the communion in well-being and release of all that
hindered folk -
turned senseless and silly as if there was nothing else
than the ease and joy and comfort and peace

and that was taking place, oh, so many times
almost as if the easiest thing to have been done and it turns
back all the time
to revive


Sleeping under pines near the seashore is just like that. Best kind of waking up when you feel you really don’t miss having any house. You can contemplate sea as it washes people standing in sand, or lying, half of their bodies in the sand and half washed by the sea…
Then there is this forest of pines which gives visions of folk in brown and dark green, like hunters chasing boars, or fair folk of forests – not far from constructing magical circle for the craft and feast.