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Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:56 pm
by rjmamula14
Again open question because there is no definitive answer. If you believe in reincarnation, do you believe personality caries into the nex life? Do you believe what determines personality is spiritual, biological/genetic, social/experience based, or a combination of any or all of the above.

Re: Personality

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:13 pm
by SpiritTalker
Nope, I don’t believe the personality traits transfer incarnations with the soul. IMO personality is the result of the lifetime’s circumstances, time-period and lifestyle of an individual incarnation. Just from what little I think I might know of a few other incarnations, the we-of-me don’t even seem related. ... both genders, different life-ops & tasks, some spiritual some not, & quite different personalities. It seems like I’ve been on this dear & darned planet forEVer.

How ‘bout you?

Re: Personality

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:54 pm
by Lord_of_Nightmares
Everything is interdependent. So I think it is a combination of things.

Re: Personality

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:53 pm
by Firebird
I think it's a matter of DNA mostly. Who ever you are born through in your next life, you are likely inheriting many of the traits that go with those genes, in order to learn the lessons of that particular incarnation. Not to mention the many circumstances that form a young child's mind.
The ego is lost when physical death occurs, but energy imprinted on the strands of our electric body may be the morsel that remains when we come into the next life. That's the faint memory or maybe the de ja vu we were talking about. Many of us consider there is a cosmic "switch board" (if you will) which can be contacted (connected into) through meditation/astral travel that would align with the all that was, is or ever will be.
So I think beyond DNA the is some nurture/social roles at play, and that spark of divine essence carries on so one would think the spirit of a person would continue too.
bb, Firebird

Re: Personality

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:23 pm
by SapphireRoad
rjmamula14 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:56 pm Again open question because there is no definitive answer. If you believe in reincarnation, do you believe personality caries into the nex life? Do you believe what determines personality is spiritual, biological/genetic, social/experience based, or a combination of any or all of the above.
Yes I do believe personality remains.
Think of your soul code as a project.
What can you build in 80 years of life? Is it enough for a project?
For example, some say you need to read motivational books to become successful, reality being, some live with a determined will from the start and those are the ones who naturally strive for such. Might be a will built gradually through lives, or a recurring drive natural for soul's own frequency?

I guess there are more layers of personality
influences of life are also wild thence it is not a thing to be measured with laser-point accuracy?

Re: Personality

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:13 pm
by stormofwind
For me (who) I am in this present is fading. I (am) more in tune (with who) I was in another life.

Re: Personality

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:08 pm
by Eleanora
rjmamula14 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:56 pm Again open question because there is no definitive answer. If you believe in reincarnation, do you believe personality caries into the nex life? Do you believe what determines personality is spiritual, biological/genetic, social/experience based, or a combination of any or all of the above.
I'm not sure if I even believe in reincarnation...I'd like to...but I'm really really smart, so it's hard. For example, I know there are many testimonies of people recalling their past lives in great detail with alarming accuracy with no physical way of possibly knowing about those people or their lives; particularly when it comes to little children recalling past lives.

This alone would be enough to make most people believe in reincarnation, but not me. I'm overly-analytical and logical and have already discovered a possible scientific explanation for reincarnation; it's called Genetic Memory. The memories of distant ancestors is encoded into our DNA from the moment we're born. The subconscious mind can relay information from these memories through dreams, and Deja-Vu; they can even be accessed via hypnotherapy. What one may just assume is a past life memory of their own, could in fact more likely be the memories of their ancestors and relatives; or the ancestors and relatives of their ancestors and relatives; it could be so far removed from their bloodline that they aren't even classified as family anymore.

Oh, but ghosts are real, I hear people tell me, so there MUST be an afterlife of some kind. Wrong. That's another assumption, and I don't like to assume anything. I've seen ghosts, and I understand that technology exists today that can actually record audio and video of ghosts in action. This alone would be enough "proof" to make most people think that they'll go on living after they die. Not me though. It's super annoying lol. I wished I could just hear something like that and believe, but I can't, I have to keep questioning it and researching it. Many sightings of ghosts depict them going about their everyday routines, almost as if they don't realize they're dead. It's possible that the exuberant amount of energy that bursts forth from the brain upon death creates an echo of sorts in an alternate dimension, and that's what we're actually seeing; recordings of people from the past, going about a day that they've already lived before. And that's not even takinginto account all of the fake ghosts sightings which were actually hallucinations of a diseased mind, the wild imaginations of children, or the hoaxsters hoping to make a buck off of tourists.

At the end of the day, I don't believe in reincarnation or an afterlife because as it stands currently, there simply doesn't seem to be any way to KNOW for absolute certain one way or the other; we can only make assumptions, then run experiments to confirm if our assumptions were correct. Unfortunately the only way to find out if there's an afterlife is for me to die, and wait for all post-death activity in the brain to cease completely. (Even after you die your brain is still "active" for lack of a better term for about two hours or so.) Theoretically it's possible to bring someone back from the dead within that time frame, we just don't have the technology for it yet.

Anyhoo....all that being said, no, I don't believe Personality carries over from one life to the next; I believe it's based on environmental factors. Fairly positive that the frequencies, vibrations, and energies emitted by constantly moving celestial bodies in space can play a part on personality traits as well, ala, astrology.

I don't know enough about numerology yet to know if that's a factor as well, but I wouldn't be surprised; I've seen some freaky shizzit in regards to the field of numerology lol. The Oracle of Human Destiny actually told me in not so many words EXACTLY where my mother had hidden the marijuana stash, and it was RIGHT. Blew my mind. Every single time I've used the Oracle of Human Destiny to seek one of the 900 answers (or whatever) to the 30 life questions of Pythagoras, it's been correct. There's a lot of mathematics involved in order to reach that answer though, but so far it's been worth it. Truly mind-boggling. That Pythagoras dude was quite something lol. Definitely intrigued to learn more about numerology in the future. :flyingwitch:

Re: Personality

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:38 pm
by stormofwind
Deja Vu is first part to reincarnation. there are various videos on youtube on subject..
And look think with heart and soul.. sure there people that lie about this..
I could never ever write song till 2014 something started to change in me..
Now I have written 20 plus songs.. if you want ask me question about this you could message me..
I will answer the best I can.

Re: Personality

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:30 am
by Eleanora
stormofwind wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:38 pm Deja Vu is first part to reincarnation. there are various videos on youtube on subject..
There's various videos YouTube about genetic memory as well; it's like Wikipedia in that sense lol. Anyone can argue anything with some selective research. I prefer looking at multiple points of view though and then crossreferencing data to determine what's most plausible. Deja-Vu is essentially a glitch in the brain, most often occurring between the ages of 15 and 25. Experiencing excessive amounts of deja vu can be symptomatic of severe brain trauma. ...Think they had a House MD episode about that too. It seems plausible to me though that a glitching bring could very well bring up genetic memories of ancestors as well, making it feel like it's our memories when it's more likely they're the memories of someone else.
stormofwind wrote: Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:38 pm And look think with heart and soul.. sure there people that lie about this..
That sounds like faith; I can't do faith. Faith is a belief based on the absence of data; it invites disaster.

So far I have yet to see any concrete evidence that I can die and go on living. That doesn't necessarily mean reincarnation isn't real; it just means there isn't enough data and thus can't be relied upon yet. That's why I'm a little obsessed with discovering the secrets of immortality lol. I don't actually plan on dying; pretty sure I'm going to live forever lol. My goal in life is to basically outlive the solar system. XD

Re: Personality

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:38 pm
by stormofwind
Okay our souls never die just our bodies..
Are you watching highlander the tv series. hmmm..
As long as my soul been eons. it seems..
Why do want to live forever .. I forever is a lonely term.

Re: Personality

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:29 pm
by Eleanora
stormofwind wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:38 pm Why do want to live forever .. I forever is a lonely term.
Nonsense! The Universe is a really big place; possibly an INFINITELY huge place, with perhaps an infinite amount of intelligent lifeforms. Once I finished watching my front row seat to the end of our solar system via our sun going supernova and sucking everything into it, I'd start teleporting throughout the rest of the cosmos until I came across something interesting. Then I might linger there a while, until it inevitably gets destroyed, and then I'd move onto the next thing on my tour of the Universe. Kinda like a living goddess. XD

Re: Personality

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:29 pm
by Eleanora
The female Doctor Manhattan lol. XD