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Power of 9 Spell to overcome obstacles

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:04 pm
by SpiritTalker
Power of Nine Spell to Overcome Obstacles

Materials -
. Plain writing paper
. Red & blue or black pens
. Red string
. Burning bowl or cauldron (outdoors) & matches
. Plain envelope to carry the ashes

Red is a power color.
. In a few words write the issue to be overcome, or the name of a person to be overcome 9 times in blue or black
. Over-write the nine lines with your own name in red & stating “I overcome you.”
. Anoint with vervain or patchouli oil with 9 dots in 3 columns of 3 dots or sprinkle with vervain or patchouli loose herbs. Vervain is a multi purpose “sorcerer’s herb” & patchouli is a strong earthy scented, protective herb.
. Fold the paper 9 times - & with the writing & herbs inside - folding thrice away from you, turn the packet & fold thrice more, then repeat once more.
. Tie it with red string, making nine knots & as you make each knot say:

By knot 1 the spell’s begun, by knot 2 it comes true, by knot 3 so shall it be.
By knot 4 the power is stored, by knot 5 the spell’s alive, by knot 6 the power is fixed.
By knot 7 it is given, by knot 8 it is fate, by knot 9 it is mine.

. Dispose of the packet by burning it and scatter the ash at a cross road. The cross road carries the intention through the four directions.