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Moon Thinking

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:07 pm
by SpiritTalker
Lunar power can be absorbed into the aura to enhance psychism and strengthen the inner thought-voice that guides us. On any moon lit night sit where the full light of the moon embraces you and wraps it’s soft beams around you. Imagine a white shawl or hoodie draped around your head and shoulders. As the light fills your aura you will feel it expanding. Breathe with the sea-breath through the open mouth, tongue drawn back towards the roof of the mouth & hiss to make the sound of the surf against the shore. The moon phases & sea cycles are related.

Lunar power can be captured into a quartz crystal to magnetize it and enhance crystal gazing. We can catch the moon by it’s reflection in water to make lustral, lunar elixirs. Use the moon enhanced water for potion making, with a bit of salt as holy water and for anointing spell petitions and dressing candles. We can lasso the moon into cord spells (like the nine-knots) by gazing at the moon through the knot’s loop before pulling the knot closed;

9-Knots - incantation
By knot 1 the spell’s begun; By knot 2 it comes true; by knot 3 so shall it be.
By knot 4 the power is stored; by knot 5 the spell’s alive; by knot 6 the power’s fixed.
By knot 7 it is given; by knot 8 it is fate, by knot 9 it is mine.

Lunar light is Lunar power & it’s reflection in a round mirror will empower the mirror as a tool for enhancing spells. Anoint the mirror with lunar elixir and place spell materials on the mirror to be super-moon charged with intent, similar to using a pentacle to charge spells with Earth energies. A lunar empowered mirror can be used for scrying in place of a crystal, and for access to ethereal realms.

Invocation - On a full moon stand within the light. Cast a circle with your chosen method, ground yourself. Visualize merging with divine lunar light and say,

I invoke and call upon thee Mighty Lady of the Night,
Bringer of tides, bringer of winds & bringer of the Sight.
Blessed Maiden, Holy Mother and Wise Crone
by perfect love & perfect trust I do intone
To invoke thee and I call upon thee
to descend upon me,
Thy servant.

Meditate as long as you like, then ground the energy to dissipate the circle.

Re: Moon Thinking

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 7:32 am
by SapphireRoad
Very pleasant and strong.
What are the lunar animals by your perception? To me it's rabbits and cats I associate with Moon and I forgot to look into broader scope of animal kingdom related to the Moon.

Re: Moon Thinking

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 12:36 pm
by SpiritTalker
Oh - It has to be hares and rabbits 🐇 because there’s a picture of a hare on the full moon’s face that we can see in plain sight. And who hasn’t seen the photo of the tabby cat and astronaut on the moon? And how about whales 🐋🐬 and dolphins, and oysters in the sea? Might not all sea creatures be associated with the moon? And the unicorn of course. I like the moon garden idea with white, night blooming blossoms.

Re: Moon Thinking

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 3:17 pm
by SapphireRoad
Sounds accurate.
I didn't spot any hare on Moon, you might have a better angle in the US.
To my imaginative eye dolphin is visible as image up there sometimes. Quite often what I see in its shape when looking up at the sky is actually a Yin-Yang symbol. I find it very... you know, apart from so surreal, of stressed importance perhaps? The symbolism of that principle...

Re: Moon Thinking

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:14 pm
by SapphireRoad
SpiritTalker wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 12:36 pm Oh - It has to be hares and rabbits 🐇 because there’s a picture of a hare on the full moon’s face
Yes I saw finally saw it in rising Moon when it was bigger and yellower.

Oddly enough day before this happened I thought about converting pretty much fully from Christianity to Wiccan, because I felt the idea of martyrdom unnatural to human essence, while the joy of life from the Goddess open and welcoming like nature came to me way more fitting.