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Casting a Circle

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:44 am
by SpiritTalker
The act of casting a circle connects us to the Earth. A circle symbolizes the Cosmos & the Earth with multiple uses: As a devotion to create sacred space set apart from mundane concerns; As a mean to alter consciousness through the 3-realms of cosmic-above, mundane-here/now & unseen-below; As a magical aid by symbolizing the functional Universe‘s fulfillment of a goal. The basic idea is load, aim & shoot energy to form a circular foundation & then build a symbolic temple upon it. Within the Temple we are in touch with invisiable forces.

Any time you need to raise energy you can swing your arms forward & back and clap to pump up the juice, then breathe deeply thrice. To project energy summon your power on the breath to your belly, think it & push from the gut and out your hand holding your Athame, Wand or through your pointing fingers 👉🏼 .

First lay a foundation:
Walk three times deosil ↩️
. Purify space by sprinkling combined salt & water which also introduces passive (-) Earth & Water in the 1st pass, say:
’round, around and ‘round about, all good in and all bad out. (Ref. Doreen Valiente)
. Bless with smoldering incense which also introduces active (+) Air & Fire in the 2nd pass, repeating line 1.
. Raise energy, point & project power to form a circle as you walk around the 3rd time.
Say: As I walk the circle is cast, guarding all & holding fast.

You can 🛑 stop there & do meditation, personal devotions, divination or spell crafting; & when you’re done simply ground yourself to end your rite. A simple circle dissipates when walked through. Or you can continue adding layers as given below.

The 4 elements as forms of matter are called in sequence by density - moving from least to most dense: Air-Fire-Water-Earth to shift the temple from the thought-plane & into the physical realm. Calling Quarters holds the circle in place. After laying the foundation ...

Construct the Temple:
. Set the temple's corners by calling the 4 powers. ↩️ Face each direction, Say:
East - I call Air for power to know,; South - I call fire for power to go; West - I call water for power to flow; North - I call earth for power to grow.
. Technically you’d place a candle at each direction or simply show a light at each quarter as an invitation.
. Infill the temple with sacred presence by inviting the Triple Goddess & Horned God of nature with your preferred form of address or say: Lady and Lord of Nature, you are welcome here. Come if you will. Stay if you can..

Do what you came for:
. As needed, work in partnership with these (or other invited spirits) to spell craft by raising power for your intentions and feeding it to the Cone of Power; then release the Cone - ”Around & around the power flows, upward the spiral The Power goes, to aid friends and vanquish foes, I command you now to go.”

Bless & Share the Meal
. Honor Nature’s partnership with a simple food 🍞🍓& drink 🍷 thanks offering.
. A formal rite includes the sacred blessing commemorating the divine union of Goddess and God. Say:
“[i]As the chalice is to the Goddess so the athame is to the God, let them be joined for the joy of both.”[/i]
. Lower the tip of the blade 🗡into the chalice 🍷 & then draw a pentagram ↙️⭐️ above cup & plate with the athame. Eat & drink 1/2 & give the remainder to Mother Nature after the ritual is ended. Lay or pour them on the ground.

Wrap-up & finish:
. Farewell the deities & release the 4 powers in reverse order to dissolve the links. Use your own words or say:
Lady and Lord our rite is at an end, may we always part as friends, and Powers of the North, West, South and East, I give you thanks, depart in peace.”
. Dissipate or ground residual energy.

As with all things Pagan, there’s never just one way to do something. Broom sweep in a ↪️ widdershins direction to purify, followed by walking deosil ↩️ to project the circle. (Ref. Scott Cunningham).

Other methods mentioned in various posts elsewhere are laying an energy charged rope circle, laying a circle of salt, drawing the circle with chalk, tracing the circle on the ground with the staff or blade, laying a circle of mixed salt, herbs & flowers or of pine branches, on and on.
. Don’t summon what you can’t banish.
. Always dismiss or farewell what you have called or invoked.
. Don’t work if you’re seriously sick or in a foul temper - we get back what we send out.
. Do as you will but harm none.
