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Tabi's BoS

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:02 pm
by TabiBookaholic
To anyone who may stop by, this is going to be a combination of journaling and tracking information I've learned as well as spells I try or just like and want to try. I'll try to organize it later to have a content table of sorts here then connect where I list info and spells in further posts to seperate them from my journaling.

Basically a big work in progress that will start out as mostly a journal.


Table of Contents
  • Random Facts
  • Spells and Rituals
  • Invocations
  • First Journal Entry
Current List of Tarot Collection:
I have a few more in storage, as I find them I will add them in.

Tabi's BoS Random Facts

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:33 pm
by TabiBookaholic
Random Facts

Sabbat is derived from the Hebrew word Shabat, meaning "to cease, rest," which itself is derived from Shabbatai, meaning Saturn. Also referring to Saturday as the seventh day of creation.

The Greater Sabbats:

Samhain (All Hallows) - October 31st
Imbolc (Bride) - February 1st
Beltane (Roodmas) - May 1st
Lughnasadh (Lammas) - August 1st

The Lesser Sabbats:

Winter Solstice (Yule) - Approx. December 21st
Spring Equinox (Ostara) - Approx. March 22nd
Summer Solstice (Litha) - Approx. June 21st
Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - Approx. September 21st

Esbats may be held at each full moon or on an "as needed" basis. It is thought to derive from the French word S'esbattre meaning "to frolic."

Chakra refers to the subtle energy centers in the body. The word Charka means "wheel" or "disk", a reference to their perceived notion of spinning.

Base Chakra - Base of the spine, Red, RA, Four lotus petals
Sacral Chakra - Just below the belly button, Orange, MA, Six lotus petals
Solar Plexus - Middle of the waist, Yellow, DA, Ten lotus petals
Heart Chakra - Over the heart area (chest), Green, SA, Twelve lotus petals
Throat Chakra - Base of the throat, Blue, SE (Pronounced SAY), Sixteen lotus petals
Third-Eye Chakra - Forehead, Indigo, SO, Two lotus petals
Crown Chakra - Very top of the head, Violet, HUNG, Fifty lotus petals is acceptable but its true number is one thousand

Tabi's BoS Spells

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:34 pm
by TabiBookaholic

Banished to the deep freeze
  • A piece of black ribbon or thin length of black fabric
  • A photograph of the person harming you
  • A plastic container
  • Water
This is a powerful banishing spell, so do not use it unless you have tried every other option to keep the person from harming you first. And only use it if you are being harmed in a serious way, not simply to keep someone from gossiping about you. Begin by taking the photo of the person and cutting away anything else from the background so that you have a silhouette of only them. Take the ribbon or fabric and wrap it around the photo, beginning at the head. Be sure to cover the person's eyes and mouth in the photo. Wrap it around the figure at least three times but leave enough length to be able to tie it off. When you are finished wrapping, tie the two ends together with three knots. As you tie each knot say, "Let no harm come from thee to me. By the laws of three by three, let it be!" Then place the photo in the plastic bowl and fill the rest of it with water. Place the bowl of water in the very back of your freezer and let it turn to ice. This should prevent the person from doing further harm to you. Leave the bowl there as long as you feel threatened and like you are in harm's way. When you feel like the person is no longer a threat to you and can no longer harm you, take the bowl out of the freezer at the new moon and let it thaw out. Then burn the photo, still covered with the ribbon or fabric.
(Source: Wicca, 2nd Edition, by Harmony Magick)

Edits I made to this spell:
  • Instead of any old ribbon I used ribbon that was previously used by the person, more of a personal connection to them.
  • Instead of a bowl I used a ziploc bag, it just saves me space in the freezer and gave me more peace of mind about containing everything.
  • Instead of regular tap water I used distilled water with two drops of Frankincense oil for protection.

Spell to Stop Someone from Stealing
  • Black candle
  • Pin
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Candle holder
Carve the person's name on the candle using the pin - or if you don't know their name, carve 'thief'.

Mix a good handful of salt with a cup of olive oil and allow the candle to soak in it for three hours.

Take the candle, wipe it down and carve out the bottom so the wick is exposed.

Stand the candle on its head and light the bottom wick - gaze at the flame, concentrate and say:

"Thief your deeds are no longer tolerated
It's time for you to stop this behavior.
By my will, you shall cease
and restore in me a sense of peace."

Let the candle burn out and, if you can, bury the stub near where the person lives or where they most commonly commit their crime - otherwise bury under a tree.
(Source: ... ealing.htm)

Edits I made to this spell:
  • None were needed.

Tabi's BoS Invocations

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:04 pm
by TabiBookaholic

These were found in random google searches and were just what I felt most comfortable with. I do not know who wrote them but will try to research them later and update them to reflect the original authors if that is even possible.

Invocation of the Four Guardians:
O spirit of the North stone,
ancient one of Earth,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by Your powers, Old ones!

O spirit of the East stone,
ancient one of Air,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by Your powers, Old ones!

O spirit of the South stone,
ancient one of Fire,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by Your powers, Old ones!

O spirit of the West stone,
ancient one of Water,
I call you to attend this circle.
Charge this by Your powers, Old ones!

Invocation of the Goddess:
Hail, Great Mother who shines above,
Grant me and mine strength, peace, and love,
Hear my words upon this hour,
Sacred Mother, send to this circle your lunar power.
So mote it be.

Invocation of the God:
Hail, Great Sun Father, who rules the day,
Guide me and mine on our life's way,
Hear my words upon this hour,
Sacred Father, send to this circle your solar power.
So mote it be.

Tabi's BoS Journal

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:26 pm
by TabiBookaholic
Only twice have I ever done any sort of rituals. Saturday before last, March 14th, and years and years ago. But my first was one guided by the words of my Granny and a potential teacher of medicine ways. It was a combination of a cleansing of my being and a process to cut ties with an energy vampire of sorts. There was no altar or Gods involved. Just me and a lot of visualization, sea salt, and a few herbs. Well and a white buffalo. A symbolic one. It was weak but effective.

I had decided to do another combination this last time. A banishing ritual and one to stop a thief, both to be done on the same person. I went a little overboard in my preparation. I bought an altar cloth along with new candles and tons of herbs both for the rituals and for later use. The banishing one was simple and from an e-book. The other is actually on this website. I'll make note of them in full with the citations below in another post. I also threw together my own concoction of herbs and melted two small tealight candles to put the herbs in. Mostly for protection but also for healing, love, and raising energy. I don't hate the person at all, I just needed to be able to not worry able them continuing with their behavior.

It was interesting. I purified my space and myself using a combination of oils and sage. I don't have anything representing the Goddess and God that I am strongly attached to just yet so I used two tall white tapered candles, scratching their symbols into them and imbuing them through visualization and oil. I used four small tealight candles for the four guardians, carving their symbols into each one just as before. The moment I actually lit them and began calling upon each I could feel the energy rushing in. I cast my circle using visualization only. I have a very active inner eye, so it's easier for me.

It was like my soul and mind were racing. I felt my heart racing and my hair everywhere standing on end but yet also a deep peace wash over me. I sat and just focused on that for a while. Thanking each guardian as well as the Goddess and God for letting me know they were there.

So I didn't really combine them just worked them both at the same time. I began the one to stop a thief, it calls for the candle to soak and while it was soaking I worked the banishment spell. When it was complete and the candle was ready I finished the thief one. I started the spells and completed them. Had a small cake and some lovely wine while playing some music. Then I thanked them yet again for the assistance they offered. I opened my little circle only after the spell candle had burned out.

For at least two hours afterward I kept feeling that rush of energy. It is so hard to explain. Like I was stuck in fast-forward, but when I tried to count my heartbeats it was level and normal. Not racing at all as it felt.

Anyway, since then I have not had any trouble with the thief. Not sure if it's because it worked really well or because they just haven't tried anything yet. It's hard to tell.

While working with some tarot cards a few days later that rush came back and that same night I dreamt of Pan.

Re: Tabi's BoS

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:18 pm
by TabiBookaholic
Spent some time in the backyard today, it was nice to be outside and enjoying our good weather. I got a little muddy while setting up a little corner area for meditation again. I have to do so every year when the weather gets better. I take in too many strays and hold them in the back until either the owners are found or a new home is found for them for any sort of permanent altar back there. It looks like I run some sort of rescue on my own lol. Three big chain-link kennels and tons of water and food bowls all around. One random empty rabbit cage. Leashes and collars hang on the wall on my back porch. I just like to be prepared. Our laundry room is a weird mix of stockpiled dog-cat-rabbit-chicken feed, tools, and laundry soaps all wedged in with my big washer and tiny dryer.

For now, we just have our usual furry kids. With the Spring I expect it won't be long before I'm overrun with kittens and pups all looking for new homes. Not to mention the random fawns, ducklings, and little bunnies.

We went to the store to get a few essentials. My son went with me which always helps to lighten my mood. He has a weird grounding effect on me but he likes to joke and play in a way that doesn't let me get into my own head too much. He stayed in the car while I ran in while joking that he was going to call the police about a baby left in my car... He's 14. My daughter stayed home with my Mother. She helps her in a way that no one else can. Mom's memory has been slipping a lot more lately, but she still won't agree to go to the doctor. She's been upset ever since the early on-set Alzheimer's diagnosis and says they are just in a conspiracy to keep her from working.

I plan to do a little research later on a protective jar spell. Might not do a whole lot with what's happening in the world but I would feel better. Crimes are on the rise in our town. People have posted in local fb groups that they have caught people trying to steal parts off their cars while they were thought to be sleeping.

The first time in a long time I went to bed at a 'normal' time last night and woke up early in the morning. I figure tonight I'll probably be up all night because of it. That's how it usually goes so I am trying to make time for a nap to help. Being in the midst of a flare-up of some sort makes it hard. My stomach and back have been hurting a lot more than normal and I wasn't able to keep much down so that's fun. Also for months now I've been dealing with random muscle twitches? It's not painful in any way, just super annoying. Mostly my legs and back. I've stopped taking all my meds so I know it isn't the Ritalin they had me on or anything.

I don't remember any dreams I had, but apparently I talked in my sleep about I.D.s which is pretty common. My son said he tried to ask me something about an hour before I actually woke and I just repeatedly asked him for his I.D. lol. This happens a lot. We haven't really figured out a way around it. No one can wake me up as of right now without physically shaking me a lot which puts me in a weird angry state that doesn't really feel like me until I sleep again.

Maybe tonight I can finally clear all the old furniture from my room and set up my new bed. It's been sitting in boxes by my front door for a few weeks now. I just haven't had the energy to deal with it.

Re: Tabi's BoS

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:15 pm
by TabiBookaholic
The chaos of yesterday was so surreal. I thought I had entered the twilight zone.

My 14 yr old son mostly likes hardcore first-person shooting games. Right now his favorite is Rainbow Six Siege. His first obsession over a game though was with Minecraft. He used to play for hours building the most amazing things. He is an absolute expert with redstone, a resource that makes a lot of machinery and such work in the game.

So yesterday evening he came into the living room and was standing next to the couch while I was sitting on it and was trying to talk me into playing Minecraft with him on a public server. For some reason, this has been a goal of his for a while even though I truly suck at the game lol. So I tell him, yes I will finally play the game. He turned around to go get his laptop and looked down before turning back to me and asking (in a super calm voice) for a towel. I told him there was no drink or anything over there and asked why he needed one.

Again in a super chill voice, he said it was for the blood.

The what?!

I look over the couch arm and there is a growing puddle of blood and it is quite obviously seeping out of his sock. He said, "I'm okay, it's just my toe. It doesn't hurt."

I rush him to the bathroom and had to wrangle his sock off of him, he didn't want to show me. His big toe looked like it had exploded. There was a bubble of nail and toe clinging to the side and it was literally just a massive open wound gushing blood.

I rushed him out to the ER after carefully wrapping his whole foot in a towel. We get there and I ran for a wheelchair. The admitting nurse acted like I was overreacting until she opened the towel enough to see it. All at once, we were rushed back. An IV was put in, they took blood, took a UA, ran him over to get an Xray. I'm crying the whole time. They continuously ask if we have running water (we do) and how I could possibly not have known (I swear I didn't). My son is confused by all of our behavior. He says, "It really doesn't hurt," with a laugh every time we ask.

We were all thinking about diabetes. They asked a few times. But he could feel when they touched it, he just swore it wasn't in any pain.

Pictures were taken and sent to the on-staff foot doctor who told us to come up to her clinic on the third floor. We get there and spent about four hours being bullied while she hacked away at his foot. She removed all of the nail on his right big toe and then glanced at his left foot. She asked if it had any issues and he said no. She asked to check and we ended up having to physically hold him while we removed the shoe and sock. Turns out there was another ingrown toenail but fortunately it was not nearly as bad. She took half of that nail as well.

It was only after that, that she started to be a little kinder to me. She had gotten a glimpse of what I would have faced trying to do this at home. See months ago I seen a bit of an ingrown toenail on his right foot. He refused to let me touch it, he hasn't let me see it since. He is always in socks 100% of the day. Only removing them to shower and immediately put on another pair.

Strong antibiotics are prescribed and a game plan set for the next few days as well as an appointment for next week.

We get home and myself, my mother (a type 2 diabetic), my sister (volunteer fireman), and her husband (an EMT) all try to explain to my son that this is completely not okay. We talk about bone infections, blood infections, skin cancer, etc. All the while my son acts like he still doesn't get it. In his head, it didn't hurt so it wasn't a big deal.

After they leave I make him stay in bed to keep pressure off his toe for the moment and make him clip his other nails while I'm there.

That night I worked a spell for healing (Easy Candle Healing Spell)

I didn't fall asleep until about 5am and then woke up at about 9am in a panic from a reoccurring bad dream I've had for years. So far I have spent the day on and off crying while I clean up the blood trail that was all over the house and trying to figure out what in the world to do with my thickheaded son.

He has slowly become more reclusive over the last year and only really talks to myself and a handful of online friends. We had a big issue with bullying in public schools that they refused to take care of so we have been doing online learning. He doesn't do well with expressing emotions or dealing with them. I have tried several times to get him to go to counseling. Not because I think he's crazy, but because I really feel like it would help him to have someone more qualified to talk to. The problem is he doesn't understand the double-edged questions. You have to be blunt and I have yet to find a counselor with the right combo of care and straightforwardness.

If you ask, "So how have you been lately?" He takes it literally in the physical sense thus his answer would be something like, "Good I haven't felt sick in a long time." He needs someone to say, "Have you been feeling angry/sad/alone?" Being direct and insistent is the only way to get him to open up. Otherwise, you will only get some long small talk about all his favorite video games just like all the other therapists. I guess I need to try again. I can't imagine the level of disregard for himself that it took for his feet to reach that level of neglect and pain. Even though he claims it doesn't hurt.

I'll add the spells to my list and make note of the changes I made later. I have to go and try to manhandle him into the shower somehow and ensure that he really scrubs clean. Wouldn't it be great if magick worked like in movies and I could just wiggle my nose and make it happen. :evilwitch:

Re: Tabi's BoS

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:22 am
by TabiBookaholic
Last night my son let me clip his nails, no fight at all. It's something I haven't done since he was a toddler. Back then he had decided his Nannie (Grandma) was the only one allowed to do it. Since then it's only been her or himself to touch his feet. After the nails were short enough we unwrapped his big toes and he took a long shower. It was painful. He tried to say is wasn't at first but the gauze they used had gotten a little stuck. I bought him new slip-on sandals that wouldn't hurt his toes, but still let me keep an eye on them.

We soaked each foot for several minutes in a red antibacterial liquid and loosely put bandaids on. By the time we were done he was drained and went to sleep right away.

He hasn't even fought me over his antibiotic pills that are massive. Even setting an alarm on his phone to know when to take them. I'm hopeful it means he's matured a bit in the midst of this, at least so far as his self-care goes.

Today we finally got to play Minecraft together. Most of it was me running around like an idiot and him trying to explain the controls lol, but it was good. After a bit, my daughter even joined us. Plans have been made to create a big fancy house I guess. The kids keep calling it 'our base'.

I slept late and took two naps so most of my day feels wasted. My back is killing me and my stomach has been so upset that I haven't eaten much the last few days. Even without major stress that is my normal though so maybe tomorrow I'll have more of an appetite. Also tomorrow I've got to convince him to let me bandage his toes after soaking them again. His right big toe is still oozing tons and has a very distinct smell. Luckily I don't have to wait long to find out what the doctor thinks of his progress. They had set his appointment for Thursday but due to a new policy, all 'nonessential' clinics are now required to only be in the office one day a week. His podiatrist's day is Tuesday so that is when we are going in.

All that sleeping and I feel drained still. Back to bed for me. Maybe another healing spell tomorrow? I mean... It couldn't hurt, right?

Re: Tabi's BoS

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:02 pm
by TabiBookaholic
So many days have passed. Where do I start? Well first, we went to see the doctor today. She said he looked great but we need to change bandages more often. Now we have drops to put on three times a day along with the twice a day pills and the foot soak stuff for once a day.

Once his feet heal I feel like neither of us will want to even look at our feet for weeks lol.

He made a comment while we were there about my toenails being so thick, so she insisted on looking them over. They aren't infected or 'bad' in any way. They are just super freaking thick, my fingernails are too. They break regular nail clippers so I have to buy the big guns with plier like handles. She was shocked they were so thick and asked for my secret. I have none. I barely eat and never really do anything other than clipping when I have to. It was awkward lol.

The last few days have mostly been a blur of sleeping a lot. I have a bad feeling I am coming down with something but I have no fever and no cough so I am hopeful that it's nothing bad.

For some odd random reason, I have taken up cross-stitch. Someone gave me a little kit years ago and when I finished it I picked up a bigger one from Walmart. I guess it's good though, keeps my hands busy when I am trying to stay awake.

I haven't done any other spells yet. Though I need to update the healing one I did and add some more random things I learned. I'll try to do that in just a bit. Dishes and laundry need to be done first.

I'll admit I panicked a bit when I had seen the post about the forum closing and I am so so glad it isn't yet. This is basically my only place of sanity right now.